Number | Name | Comment |
3001 | Brian Kotos | Please run! |
3002 | Kevin McCashion | |
3003 | Manfred Lehmann | |
3004 | Louis B. McCaslin | |
3005 | Elaine Naclerio | The middle class needs someone to help us and the country needs you to lead us out of this mess. |
3006 | Stanley Toncich | All of the other likely republican candidates are totally acceptable. It’s either Ron Paul or another four years of the latest Marxist to occupy the Oval Office. |
3007 | sandra menkedick | |
3008 | Ralph Meima | If you run, you will win. |
3009 | margo nelsen | We need commen sense |
3010 | Carol Ross | |
3011 | Sheila Danish | |
3012 | Josh Waters | |
3013 | MaryLou Van Houten | |
3014 | Glen Freake | |
3015 | Joseph Buckley | I voted for Dr. Paul in ’88 and in ’08… I’ll vote him everytime! |
3016 | Ronald A. Gustas | |
3017 | Mike Nixon | |
3018 | Billie-Jean Greene | You have my support 100%! |
3019 | Russ Bouse | |
3020 | Mathias JH Stromberg | |
3021 | Tyler Neier | |
3022 | marilyn jones | You are needed. |
3023 | Marc Labelle | End American imperialism and war mongering. |
3024 | Stephen Grande | It would be great to have Ron Paul as President. |
3025 | Cory Turner | You can’t let us down when we need you most. Please run in 2012! |
3026 | Perry Seton | |
3027 | lance | we need honest, intelligent, pull no punches men in the white for our next president. RON PAUL!! 2012 |
3028 | Justin Ziolkowski | Let’s bring liberty back to this country. |
3029 | Joe Sroufe | |
3030 | David Fernandez | Ya have a way of reaching smart people, unfortunately phrases like “”yes we can”" ring well for the rest of them. Ya might win if you employ a similar tactic. In all honesty though, run again for president. You had my vote last time! |
3031 | Tony B | WE need you |
3032 | Michael W. Read | Ron, you’re a better man than pretty everyone! |
3033 | Ernest Paviour | |
3034 | J. Meigs | |
3035 | James Cotton | |
3036 | John F Manning IV | |
3037 | Tyler Morgan | Paul - Kokesh 2012 |
3038 | chris | |
3039 | Keith Toepfer | |
3040 | Thomas Gallagher | America has one last chance to survive. |
3041 | matt scerpella | Ron, you have to do it. I’m a believer, its your duty, and will do mine. Let it rip! |
3042 | Lynn Couck | Only politician I believe in, the rest should be run out of town. |
3043 | Ken Eyring | The country needs you! |
3044 | Wm. Luke Priest | |
3045 | Al Julian | |
3046 | John Hughes | Don’t let the main stream media ignore you this time. |
3047 | James Beeson | We need you to run for the Presidency. |
3048 | Duane F. Horton II | I’ll be turning 18 in April of 2012, and if you do end up running for president in 2012, I will vote for you. So please run for president, America needs, you for the sake of our posterity. Oh and if you do run for president, I’m eager to help your campaign. P.S. I’m also a member of Campaign for Liberty Students for Liberty and Young Americans for Liberty. |
3049 | Jodi Lewis | Ron Paul! I hope you can bring in a force for good. |
3050 | John Miller | We need leadership, we need Ron Paul. |
3051 | Joshua Mains | I personally do not believe there is a presidential candidate other than Ron Paul that will help restore our country to a state where we are not intervening around the world and using large sums of money that our government collects out of a monetary system ruled by a private bank to use for control. I hope you do take it seriously that getting your perception to the people is important Ron because there aren’t many honest people in power that people will listen to. We need you to run for president in 2012, I think you will smash your opponents in debates with logic and actual reason instead of foolish charisma. We need someone who can ideally run a country without private interest so we are united, not enslaved. I will vote for you and I will advise my peers to as well. I’ve been waiting for you to run again since november, 2008. The real citizens of this country will vote for you, you had the most real votes last time too ![]() |
3052 | mike | |
3053 | Michael Julian | Let the wise fix it, How True! |
3054 | milton f. umphrey | |
3055 | Jeff Longden | We need you to replace the FDA with the CSPI and start banning cancer and disease causing foods with whole foods and ingredients- PS- I’m sick of paying my neighbor’s mortgage! |
3056 | sean cotter | run ron run |
3057 | Joseph Granja | |
3058 | Sarah Matherly | PLEASE RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN 2012… We NEED someone like you to get our country back on track!!! PLEASE run! |
3059 | Robert Heiney | |
3060 | Cody Stoltz | |
3061 | KAHON | Ron Paul!!! |
3062 | James Hanna | We need a leader like Ron Paul to steer this country out of the mess that it’s become. We need to abolish the Fed!!! |
3063 | Suzie Resnick | |
3064 | David Campbell | I am worried for his safety if elected. The corruption in our corporation influinced government has no limits. A good would be to regain control of our major media and stop it’s brainwashing control it has over most Americans. |
3065 | James Masters | We need someone in Office who is not tied to the Good Old Boys Network. I believe this is an Honest man, and It is hard to find that in a POLITICIAN. |
3066 | Baylee Sands | |
3067 | Herman Edward Lee /// | Mr. Paul would help set this boat on it’s proper course if he ran for POTUS and won. |
3068 | Michael | |
3069 | Miguel | Ron Paul 2012! Tu Ne Cede Malis |
3070 | Ted Kinder | |
3071 | jon mcconnell | lets get some real change |
3072 | Delores | Ron Paul is our last hope to save our country from destruction |
3073 | Vera Sanborn | You must run, Dr. Paul. We will be behind you. |
3074 | Mary - Nevada | I love the new RON PAUL 2012 billboard saw it in my town of Las Vegas, NV off the 215 highway, wish it was on one where all the visitors coming in or leaving could see it off the I-15 going South maybe we can get some going. I would like to find a group out here to start the Ron Paul revolution even more, NOW is the time. America needs Ron Paul!! |
3075 | Rick Shelby | For the sake of America, RUN! |
3076 | Wayne chieppa | |
3077 | mike doviak | |
3078 | Aaron Jones | You got my vote! |
3079 | James S | |
3080 | Joel Getz | Ron Paul lets go!!!! |
3081 | Ric Griffith-Read | President Palin? |
3082 | Jaclyn Lee | |
3083 | neil van blaricom | |
3084 | Natalie Baca | |
3085 | JM Whitlock | Please Sir don’t give up …look at how many times Abraham Lincoln ran for office….We need a leader that cares and isn’t in this for themselves. |
3086 | jose manzano | thanks |
3087 | Grant | |
3088 | Kenneth Charles Barrett | I trust you to do what is right for our country. |
3089 | Michael Morrow | |
3090 | Virginia Heidorf | |
3091 | Aimee Winterbauer | |
3092 | Jennifer | I believe God has ordained you for this special moment in time. |
3093 | Jeffrey J. Wright | |
3094 | Kim Wiseman | |
3095 | J. Winchell | End The Fed |
3096 | Sherry Woessner | |
3097 | Richard Keal | |
3098 | Jeff Bell | Let’s get back to the Constitution. The Federal Government is trying to control too many things. |
3099 | Mik Kral | We need a leader with integrity that understands fiscal responsibility. I choose Ron Paul. I know of no other with as consistent & proven a track record. |
3100 | Ives Russso | Congressman, Ron Paul.
I ask you to please enter the 2012 Presidential election. You are the only hope to get our country in the right track. You have my vote, and my family’s as well. |
3101 | Susan Hefner | You’d make a GREAT President!!! |
3102 | Katie A. Skrok | |
3103 | Jon Truskey | Who Ya gonna call? Ron Paul !!!! |
3104 | Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez | America needs you Ron Paul, as you genuinely appear to be one of the few honest congressmen who are really fighting to improve this country! |
3105 | Jose Leon | You are the only one who could slow down or in the best case reverse what is coming your way USA |
3106 | Jonathan Gerrans | |
3107 | Kevin Brady | The Time Has Come! |
3108 | Nicole Lerch | I vote for Liberty and to restore the Gold Standard! I vote for Ron Paul for President in 2012! God Bless America! |
3109 | Lea Locey | Been with ya for a long time Ron. Hang In There PLEASE! |
3110 | Sean-west central MN | You are the only hope!!! |
3111 | Keith McCaully | |
3112 | Michael G. Barrett | Please run. We need you! |
3113 | Larry Hauser | We need you now more than ever! |
3114 | Travis Stevens | If would be a crime against liberty to prevent this man from running our country. |
3115 | DAVID ALSPACH | |
3116 | Garrett Gaston | Our last and only hope |
3117 | scott morris | Please run, America needs you. |
3118 | Ryan | Jesse Ventura for VP |
3119 | Lauren Johnson | |
3120 | francis sharp | go for it! |
3121 | Lizabeth Meadows | |
3122 | Robert Cabrera | We need Ron and Rand Paul to be our Freedom Fighters for the World !……… Now !!!! |
3123 | John Nicolai | There is only one man who can fit the shoes of president and that is you. |
3124 | Jeffrey Altzner | Lets put America back in the hands of Patriots not Wall Street fat cats, and money counterfeiters. |
3125 | Pat Merl | |
3126 | Marjorie McEntee | I hope you decide to run, and good.luck..God bless |
3127 | Patrick Warner | |
3128 | Zagros Sadjadi | |
3129 | Justin Wilson | You surely have my vote if you do run for President, Congressman Paul. You are exactly what America needs. |
3130 | Jake Alford | Liberty and justice for all |
3131 | Eric & Barbara Beckmann | We need the boldness Ron Paul has shown to take America Back! We need the courage of a leader to stop the progressive movement once and for all!! |
3132 | Joe McCarthy | RUN RON! |
3133 | Sherrie Gibson | Ron Paul, America needs you! Thank you for all you do. |
3134 | Devin Talavera | He needs to run, we need a change and he can deliver what the american people need. |
3135 | Nathan Drake | You have my vote in 2012! Even if you do not run for President, please keep up your tremendous work fighting for liberty, civil rights, and privacy for the American people. I greatly appreciate, and greatly respect, you sacrificing so much time and effort on my and every other American’s behalf. If you do run, you will have my full support and effort behind your campaign! |
3136 | Pat McCallion | |
3137 | Robin Snow | |
3138 | Peter Robinson | We need an honorable man for our president. Please run for President |
3139 | Rex McDowell | Run Paul Run Rand for VP |
3140 | andre morissette | |
3141 | Pat Eubank | Abolish the Fed. Drill in Alaska now. Nullify any unconstitutional laws that have been passed. Follow the constitution, and pray, pray, pray. May God be with you as He was with our Founding Fathers. |
3142 | Jan | |
3143 | Cynthia Levy | |
3144 | Richard Kiefer | |
3145 | Arlene Vaa | You go For it Ron |
3146 | Joseph | Please run Ron! America needs a leader like you. Thelast thing we need is Palin or Obama again. P.S. I want Jesse Ventura as vice president ![]() |
3147 | Donna Mills | Gee, I was so geared up to get on the campaign team, feeling that Ron Paul might be the Nation’s only hope for regaining our liberties and constitutional rights. It will be a great loss of hope for the nation if Ron Paul does not run for President in 2012. |
3148 | Jim Hudgins | The bumper sticker is already in place! |
3149 | Kevin St. Pierre | This, in every hour and every issue, is your basic moral choice: thinking or non-thinking, existence or non-existence, A or non-A, entity or zero. |
3150 | Louis Smith | It was great meeting you on the campus of Indiana University.The Revolution Continues in 2012! |
3151 | Robert Harris | FOR LIBERTY! |
3152 | Michigan Jay Sunde | Who else is going to make the hard choices? Who else is even going to pretend to /want/ to make the hard choices? Palin won’t. You’re more electable now than you have ever been. Everyone knows you’re the voice of reason in this vortex of lunacy. Please run! PLEASE RUN. |
3153 | Jakob Rooney | |
3154 | Mike Hribar | |
3155 | ANDY LE NOURY | |
3156 | larry taylor | You have my support |
3157 | Zachary P Cefaratti | |
3158 | H. Schuenemann | You are my leader whatever you decide, I will support you with all I can |
3159 | Barbara Overton | |
3160 | Resident SD | Anything it takes to wake people up and change the system. |
3161 | kathryn king | This would be the best news possible for the future of America! |
3162 | Matt Gorden - | We need you Ron! More than ever! Everybody spread the word about this man. Tell your friends, family, and whoever you can. |
3163 | Theodore J Daily | Dear god please run. We need you so badly. |
3164 | David Hage | For the sake of our liberty, please consider running again in 2012! |
3165 | Matthew Shelden | im in high school and paul is a beast |
3166 | Jay Lo Monaco | |
3167 | Bethany McCurry | |
3168 | Tom Culbertson | |
3169 | Laura Ames | Dr. Paul, I really believe that you are our only hope for a better America. Please do not give up because victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. Please continue the fight by running in 2012! &<3 |
3170 | Opal Greer | Diversity is the key to democracy. I’d like you to run even just so that people realize that we have more than two parties. I think you should run for other reasons too of course. |
3171 | Justin Skorupa | |
3172 | David Marks | The world needs you to run Dr.Paul ! Best wishes from Australia |
3173 | Barry McCabe | |
3174 | Suzanne Blair | |
3175 | Pamela Small | We need you now. |
3176 | Kevin | |
3177 | Karen Knowles | |
3178 | Joni Green | We need a leader that will help take back this country to what it should be. Fair taxes, Get rid of the federal reserve. A sane monetary system. No more bills based and passed on behalf of special interests. No more costly wars. |
3179 | Robert Nelson | Please run for President. I can no longer stand the republicans and democrats bickering over the destruction of this county. |
3180 | Nila Hulvey | |
3181 | Jason Bellamy | The world needs Ron Paul to be our President for 2012. The U.S. govt has gotten way too bing and out of line. We NEED a non-interventionist, libertarian leader like RP to take center stage. Back to the old principles!!! GO RON PAUL! |
3182 | Darren S. W. | |
3183 | Zachery Carter | FIGHT THE POWER! |
3184 | Joseph Jay Mellon | GO RON GO!!!!
RON PAUL 2012 |
3185 | Nicole Fahnestock | My family and I are supporters. |
3186 | ralph roberts | Please repeal the federal reserve act………Ron Paul your are our hope…..keep up the good work |
3187 | Nash Mourad | |
3188 | Ron Dixon | Mr. Paul is one of the EXTREMELY few honest people in government. |
3189 | Christina Crook | Congressman Paul, I am convinced that you are the man for 2012. You have my vote, if you decide to run for office of the president in 2012. You are the only one who truly understands what America wants and needs in its next leader. God bless. |
3190 | Wayne Dial | We are making progress Ron, run run. |
3191 | Rick Baskett | |
3192 | Teddy | Your presence is needed, if only for the record books. Good luck! |
3193 | Erich Auerswald | We need someone with your ideas and commitment to run. It may stop Shara from running, last thing we need is her to win and leave in the middle of a crisis. |
3194 | Gabriel horn | |
3195 | Katy Hall | It rocked to see you at the Irish Lion. |
3196 | Timothy Ortiz | |
3197 | A.M. | If people don’t wake up to a true constitutionalist, conservative, republican by now, then this country is really going to go to hell &>: I |
3198 | r roberts | Get rid of the federal reserve; they are killing our great country |
3199 | William Poulin | He’s got my vote!!! |
3200 | Keith Rafter | |
3201 | allen blaine | There has never been a time in recent history that a statesman like Ron Paul is needed more now than ever before. |
3202 | Mike Phillips | I value your integrity, honesty, and forthrightness. I also happen to agree with your politics. I would love to have you as president. Thank-you. |
3203 | John Makowski | |
3204 | Lupton Avery | |
3205 | Dennis | |
3206 | Daniel Rowe | Support an honest man, For once, actually vote for REAL CHANGE |
3207 | Christopher M Marsh | |
3208 | Nick | I feel your are only hope |
3209 | Virginia Tschanz | There is no other national figure who embodies the principles of our founding fathers as well as you do. On the sound money issue it is imperative that we move to restore trust in the dollar, but how can that be done? I fear for our country! |
3210 | Eduardo von der Heyde | Audit the “”Fed”" ~ We need Ron Paul ![]() |
3211 | Duane Wilson | We need men like you more than ever before and there are so few. Please run in 2012. |
3212 | Sean Sweeney | My folks would vote for him too. |
3213 | Larry Schiller | |
3214 | Jessica Egan | |
3215 | Richard Channing | PLEASE………PRAY FOR HIS SAFETY!!!!!!!!!!!! |
3216 | James F. Quaid | I suggest Dr. Paul run for President in 2006. I stand by that decision. Dr. Paul is was the only candidate that could spell “”Constitution”". |
3217 | john | help me proud to be an american |
3218 | Drew Aadland | For Freedom! |
3219 | vida clay | i am for the things you stand for , we need our constitution, and you have been with america, also you have been against the fed, i am also, you have been against the u n take over of america, i am also. thank you for standing with we the people. |
3220 | Mark Kincaid | |
3221 | Earl T. Hackett, Jr. | Please run. We need an alternative to the usual bunch of politicians. |
3222 | Mary Mak | |
3223 | Stephen Baughman | Dr. Paul should be president or else retire and lead a citizens grass roots revolution coordinating direct, large scale engagement of government as is our duty as citizens. |
3224 | Richard | |
3225 | nick bruns | I’d love to see you get the republican nomination as you are one of the few republicans there! I’d be proud to help campaign for you should you decide to run. |
3226 | John David Van Hove | You’re the only voice of reason in Congress. We need you to lead. |
3227 | john knox | |
3229 | Jeff Fisher | A sound monetary system is the only assurance for freedom and liberty |
3230 | Michael Malone | |
3231 | Jonathan Torres | Ron Paul you MUST run! You’re the only one who can really make a change! |
3232 | Ty Twist | Please Run! cheers Ty |
3233 | todd arnette | |
3234 | David Del Porto | Zip code 02459 |
3235 | Nicholas Geremia ger | Ron, you MUST run |
3236 | Anthony Gargano | |
3237 | Richard W Hoffner | |
3238 | Eric Einert | Never stop fighting for FREEDOM!! |
3239 | Deborah McCully | Our Country needs you |
3240 | DEANNA TILLEY | |
3241 | scott dane | |
3242 | Bonnie | Please, please, Ron-you’re the only honest person in politics. Do it for us and I’ll support you. |
3243 | Jeffery D. Skinner | I hope you will run Dr. Paul! We need your kind of leadership in the White House! |
3244 | Randy OBrien | |
3245 | Erik Sturm | Go Ron Paul! |
3246 | Andre Demers | |
3247 | Dennis | Zip 23168 |
3248 | Barbara Disbrow | |
3249 | John Hurley | I’m 75 in a few days, like you, I want my grandchildren to live in a free, sustainable world, with their own health choices. Go Ron, Go Good Luck John Hurley |
3250 | Michael Jallon | |
3251 | Daniel Colgan | |
3252 | Judy Caldwell | There’s no other candidate I would vote for! |
3253 | Steve Durfee | It will be a tough job, but you got to do it. You da Man! |
3254 | Mike Thompson | While I admire and appreciate Dr/Congressman Paul’s thinking and approach to fix our broken, fickle, wasteful government, we might be better off with a different figurehead candidate who champions the Paul Philosophy. |
3255 | Katrina Dane | Our only HOPE! |
3256 | Sylvia Delagarza | America needs Ron Paul for President! |
3257 | Patty Moore | |
3258 | Marty | |
3259 | Kim Hoff | Need Ron Paul’s leadership to fix the country, no other candidate has the right vision. |
3260 | jim branley | ron paul 2012 |
3261 | Lou Webber | Give em Hell Ron ! |
3262 | Kyle Miller | |
3263 | George M Kemp | Veritas NOW |
3264 | Jerry Hummel IV | |
3265 | Giselle Whitwell | |
3266 | shannon morrow | Ron Paul was the only candidate with scruples last time around. |
3267 | Louise Lacey | You are the only political figure who can honorably run for president. Please decide to do that. Otherwise, there is no point in voting. |
3268 | Carter | Remember the past, change the future. RON PAUL 2012 |
3269 | Minh Mai | |
3270 | Dart | “”Go get em”" I believe in you! |
3271 | jon | |
3272 | George Lennon | |
3273 | Major Nick Constantine | Would love to see you run is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans both are corrupt |
3274 | Daniel Arcuicci | |
3275 | Philip Gruenwald | I’ve been a believer of your blissfully simple political policy since reading your book, Revolution. Please bring common sense back to the American government so college students like me have a bright and debt-free future to look forward to. |
3276 | George Washburn | Ron Paul is the only major candidate who closely represents my values and beliefs. He’s got to run!!! |
3277 | Stacie Cox) | VOTE PAUL and NO BANKS! |
3278 | Jeff Dion | |
3279 | David Shapiro | you’ve gotta run or the US will end up like Nero’s Rome…..BURNING |
3280 | Cameron Nesper | |
3281 | Alan Slaughenhoupt | |
3282 | wigglesvonrushaven | God bless Ron Paul ! Bring America back. |
3283 | Barbara Stricker | I have voted for you before and will again….West Coast of Florida resident |
3284 | | Ron Paul voted for Homosexuals in the military and supports homosexual marriage/rights. |
3285 | Shawn King | we need you more than ever you have to run |
3286 | T. Newcomer | |
3287 | David McBride | Ron, You’re our only hope…inside the political system. How do you remain corruption free? |
3288 | Dave Erpenbeck | We are behind you Dr. Paul! |
3289 | David E. Duke | You are needed to help preserve free enterprise and freedom. |
3290 | Amy Craft | |
3291 | Judy Bryson | |
3292 | Mary Reidt | |
3293 | steve hanisch | de opresso libre |
3294 | Daniel Bailey | |
3295 | geddes dowling | |
3296 | Christopher J Bosner | |
3297 | wesley burnett | |
3298 | Kris Paape | Ron Paul: The Change We Wanted |
3299 | James Thurme | We desperately need real statesman in all branches of government if we’re ever to get the country back on the right track. Ron Paul has proven himself to be a true public servant that actually understands the American capitalist free-market system and the Constitution that’s the basis of our way of life. Clearly, the majority of our representative do not…and it’s obvious we have a confirmed marxist in the White House…that must change. |
3300 | Heath Long | |
3301 | Daniel Morrow | We love and appreciate you Dr. Paul. Please run in 2012! |
3302 | Rulon P. Jeffs | Please Lets provide a First Quality security so he does not get Killed by the International Banksters!! |
3303 | Ben Atkinson | I have faith in your ability to lead our country! |
3304 | Steve Golembiewski | Ron Paul/Peter Schiff 2012 |
3305 | Matt Wantland | |
3306 | Enzo Macchiavello Bruno | END THE FED! - 9/11 TRUTH = DEAD OF THE NWO. |
3307 | David Seaton | My Opinion,Ron Paul is the only man fit for Commander and Chief |
3308 | Kristen Linn | |
3309 | G Reed | |
3310 | Patty Reynlds | We want the treasonous unconstitutional, controlling turkeys that are really controlling this country since 1913 OUT, with jail terms for their bankrupting of this country. Then they can pay us reparations for having done so ; you are the man to prove it, and restore our country and our currency, either as committee head or as president. Get us out of the UN and all its entanglements, as well as the world financial cartel ( G3 ,G5& |
3311 | Terry Wagner | |
3312 | David Barry | We need a president like Ron Paul that stands for real truth and justice |
3313 | Doug Gilmore | |
3314 | Nick Tompkins | |
3315 | Roger Huff | |
3316 | Chris Doty | Need your leadership, passion, understanding of economics, and fiscal intelligence to right the left |
3317 | Bill Cole | We’re behind you Dr. Ron Paul! |
3318 | Lisa | |
3319 | alan reisinger | |
3320 | Logan Reed | |
3321 | William Coughlan | |
3322 | Denise Stutts | |
3323 | Chris Peek | I’m a supporter of Obama, but I would vote for you if you ran for President. Otherwise, if you don’t get the nomination or you choose not to run, I will vote Deomcrat since most Repubs are the same except they want to invade every country or use religion as a high horse. |
3324 | Jerry Ciolino | Even though you did not win last time you woke a lot of people up including me, if you win we will have you back Dr. Paul. |
3325 | Maria Brzazgon | |
3326 | Christopher Gannon | Ron Paul our country needs youto run for president |
3327 | Holly D | You’re the candidate with the best chance of beating Obama. We desperately need you to lead our Republic back to its constitutional principles. I’ll do whatever I can to support you. As a 70 year old conservative and libertarian, our country is in grave danger. |
3328 | Andrew Flighty | |
3329 | M.S. | If you end up needing a secret service agent/bodyguard I will volunteer. Dr. Paul, sir, I would take a bullet protecting you and your message of truth. |
3330 | carol hoszowski | |
3331 | Jerry Rogers | End the Fed! |
3332 | Scott Simon | I grew up in Lake Jackson, TX. You were my mom’s doctor Ron! Best wishes. |
3333 | W.D. Hutchison | Smaller gov. less taxes, more jobs and prosperity. Run, run, run! |
3334 | R White | south GA standing by |
3335 | Chris | |
3336 | Larisa Ray & Jeffrey L. Ray, AIA | |
3337 | Jimmy Distler | Fix our country… please |
3338 | T. McCann | |
3339 | Tara Merchant | |
3340 | Roy Heinecke | |
3341 | Michael Stevens | |
3342 | andy joros | |
3343 | Dan Skapinsky | We are behind you! |
3344 | Dan Rivaldo | End the Fed. If we pay the debt, take away the interest or just don’t pay it at all and reinstitute the power to coin and regulate money back in Congress not a private for profit Bank that is ruling the world with their wickedness. |
3345 | Chelsie Scott | |
3346 | Barry Boyd | |
3347 | Kevin Pauley | |
3348 | Linda Bux | Dr Paul, We need you to speak for us and help us regain our rights. We can’t let corruption, political pandering and corporations destroy any more of our liberties and lives. Let freedom ring and save our Constitution. |
3349 | Darren Cech | |
3350 | bart heflin | please save the country or find someone who can! |
3351 | Amanda Murphy | |
3352 | brad marshall | |
3353 | celeste albert | |
3354 | David L Echard | |
3355 | Connor Joseph Sprayberry Sutton | |
3356 | john savino | |
3357 | John Adrian Panhuise IV | Ron Paul / Jesse Ventura 2012 = PLZ 4 THE LOVE OF HUMANITY!! Last time was a test run - and now everyone sees that their left/right political pundits are not useful for national policy - you are the only one that can correct the mess. PLZ! Aloha and may peace be with you : ) |
3358 | Chris Geise | I’m in….Let’s do this! |
3359 | Kaitlin Trott | I trust you. |
3360 | Michael Costello | |
3361 | robert bradley | |
3362 | Terry Fitzgerald | |
3363 | Michael thees | |
3364 | Lamar Torres | |
3365 | Jana Rodriquez | Your Our Only Hope! Please help US |
3366 | Jeffrey C. Adams | |
3367 | jill shenlund | |
3368 | Gary O. Johnson | Let’s take back our country sir! |
3369 | Sarah Marchbanks | I’ll vote for Ron Paul |
3370 | Wolfgang Unger | We need an antacid like Ron Paul to counteract the acid of Obama! |
3371 | Dustin Krieger | |
3372 | sean | |
3373 | Michael lavine | You have my support |
3374 | Diane Skapinsky | We need you at the helm Ron! |
3375 | Nicolas Riley | I wish you the best of luck in the election. Please draw back the veil between the people and their representatives in DC |
3376 | Steve Austin | Please run for president again, Ron. We need to completely destroy the New World Order! Best Regards & Bright Blessings, Steve Austin |
3377 | Thad Beversdorf | |
3378 | Derrek Dew | |
3379 | Ewell Culbertson | |
3380 | elaineatch | I will vote for the person who challenges Obama eligibity for sake of Constitution, Lt Col Lakin, other military and american people. |
3381 | Gary W. Jue Jr | Dr Paul… Our nations last hope.. |
3382 | Joe Neill | |
3383 | John Hadricky | Dr. Paul, it won’t be easy fighting the special interests, the banksters who control the Fed, nor the never ending war machine but lets do this and take our country back. I’m all in. |
3384 | Michael Gurecki | RUN RON RUN!!!!!!!! |
3385 | Dan Wilder | |
3386 | Jim Leitte | |
3387 | gene ackert | |
3388 | Jon Kataoka | |
3389 | Anford Miller | We need your help |
3390 | Elizabeth Caldwell | |
3391 | Mark R. Cermak | Run, Ron, that we may “”vote in pursuit of nothing other than freedom, and the prosperity it naturally brings |
3392 | dan poley | Go Ron Paul!!! |
3393 | mark m mccullough | To a tired, old friend: I didn’t think I had heroes anymore, but you’re mine. Maybe this country is finally ready for you. Come’on Ron, you’ve got one more run in ya! |
3394 | richard chase | run ron run. Do run ron, the do run ron! |
3395 | Charles W. Simmons Sr. | |
3396 | Andre Bishay | let’s roll! |
3397 | Jennifer Mueller | |
3398 | Stephen Hines | |
3399 | Clayton Hill | Dr. Paul: I am a New Zealander and have lived in the U.S. for over ten years. I realized how crucial to the country’s (and the entire world’s!) future the 2012 election is going to be. I therefore applied for citizenship in September 2010 and passed my citizenship interview last week, so that I can vote in the 2012 election. I don’t see anybody else on the horizon (save your son, but it may be a bit soon for him) with the commitment and courage to make the politically unpopular decisions that need to be made, coupled with the financial acumen to identify them. No pressure, but, Dr. Paul, you may be our only hope! |
3400 | Chase L. Monson | |
3401 | Stephanie Cole | |
3402 | Brad Gladstone | We need a liberty-beacon, and you are it! |
3403 | Luke Weber | Dr. Paul, the globalists will run away with all of it if men like you don’t rise to the occasion. If we’re going down, let’s not go down without a fight! |
3404 | Brian Graz | I support you for President, but if you choose not to run, I also respect your judgement as to positioning yourself where you can do the most good. |
3405 | Charles M. Kwiatkowski | As an MS Patient and Medical Marijuana user of Native American Descent I support my Freedoms and Ron is the man to show my support.
Thank you |
3406 | Matthew | Ron for President. he will inspire the masses to Greatness |
3407 | Matt Flynn | |
3408 | John Williams | |
3409 | Bardhyl Salihu | He’s the person I agree most with on many issues and the only person that can fight against the tragic growth of government that is leaving Americans worse off. |
3410 | Chris Stearns | |
3411 | Suzanne Riesen | We need you Ron! |
3412 | A. Melville | |
3413 | frank bua | Give me autonomy or give me death. |
3414 | James Reider | |
3415 | David | Rarely does Duty and Responsabilty come at our convienance and Desire, your country needs you sir more than ever. |
3416 | Abby Cullington | |
3417 | Alvin H. Greenwood | Hopefully our wait is finally over. |
3418 | Dylan | Go ron paul!!! Save us!!! |
3419 | Mary Archer | Don’t make me vote for anybody else - you are the only one that can truly save us. |
3420 | Mark Cevallos | There is only one man who can bring down the invisible powers that destroy humanity- Ron Paul |
3421 | Brian Wittenberg | We Need You! |
3422 | Kristin Spiers-Maxwell | |
3423 | Austin Kintner | |
3424 | Jeffrey Cochran | We need Ron Paul! |
3425 | Issac Trotts | |
3426 | Ken Groeling | lets take our overbloated government back |
3427 | Ethan Blose | Dr. PLEASE RUN! We need you to help to keep the momentum of the liberty movement going and the Revolution alive. You’ve said in the past how surprised you have been at the response to the message, well just wait till you announce your candidacy this time. I think you will be SHOCKED! |
3428 | Michael P. Melotti | |
3429 | Michael Lennon | For the country! |
3430 | Nicholas Kettle | RI State Senator district 21 republican |
3431 | jerry zaski | |
3432 | Jackie | |
3433 | Patti Gmeiner | We need you. |
3434 | Chris Caulfield | |
3435 | CL Bryson | |
3436 | Margaret Frick | |
3437 | rmharper | I am a true believer in Mr. Ron Paul. I would be more than willing to work actively on his campaign. |
3438 | Steven Robin | Go for it Ron. You are the best candidate for the job and we trust you. |
3439 | Patrick W Hammon | Ron Paul 2012 or bust. You are the only honest man in the spotlight right now. As far I’m concerned there is no second choice, not any I trust that also have a legitimate chance of winning. But please don’t quit just because you lose the republican primary. Run independent and we’ll all continue to support you. |
3440 | Romy Schneider | Thank you for running for Pres. God bless yoU! |
3441 | C. Rado | |
3442 | David | Please run!!! |
3443 | rob oleary | |
3444 | Wendy Farland | |
3445 | Bill Seals | |
3446 | W. M. C. Jr. | “”Burn the Boats”" |
3447 | Charles Earp | I heard you are pro-FED and for bailouts. So, I’m in. |
3448 | Thomas J. Galia | |
3449 | mark poindexter | Down with the Progressive Dems! |
3450 | Jeff Brazier | |
3451 | Gordon V. Ackland | |
3452 | James Gammons | I own a very small WISP, and i have followed you for years. This country needs a man like you to take control. |
3453 | Kay Lynn Culp | |
3454 | Larry Schermerhorn | |
3455 | Drew | If u run, I’ll donate 2000 more dollars. Less FTC. Less IRS. Less big government. |
3456 | William Francis | |
3457 | Dusty berke | You have my support! |
3458 | Charles Catalfio | |
3459 | David McElroy | One more time, Ron Paul! |
3460 | Susan Stavis | |
3461 | ALFRED CRANE | ron, we are all behind you..lets bring back the america we once new…….we need your help! |
3462 | DEREK SPARK | |
3463 | ADAM BROWN | |
3464 | Matthew Anderson | Shut down the Fed! Stop the corruption! |
3465 | Ryan Davies | |
3466 | Bob Bachtold | |
3467 | Billy Pettijohn | |
3468 | Ken Heiden | |
3470 | Jennifer Pantermuehl | I can only imagine how tough it will be. But you are the Best! |
3471 | John Corie | |
3472 | paul dillard | go, Ron, go! |
3473 | Immad Eltaieb | If Ron Paul does run, I will end up being apolitical for life |
3474 | Juan Mary Walston | |
3475 | COREEN COYLE | |
3476 | Eleanore Dunn | We need more open minded people like Ron Paul in the government. |
3477 | Matt Ellenberger | |
3478 | Peter Linn | |
3479 | Richard Paul | |
3480 | John S. | I would vote for Dr. No! |
3481 | G Roberts | |
3482 | Mike | please run! |
3483 | Christian Fanelli | Lets do this Ron! |
3484 | Robert Cox | |
3485 | Charles Biggerstaff | |
3486 | Yuen Kong | |
3487 | Joe Stout | Both the democrats and the republicans take turns ruining our country. It’s time for a third party to take charge. I don’t think the government should continue to grow at a lightning pace along with our national debt. Ron Paul should be our next president. |
3488 | Eric Edge | |
3489 | marc milman | Come on Ron We all need you!! |
3490 | David Day | Mr. Paul, please give consideration to running for President. We need you. |
3491 | Madeline Tavani | |
3492 | Jim Pope | You are what this Country needs. You are the answer the People need and have been looking for! |
3493 | abby armstrong | |
3494 | Brant Fitzsimmons | Let’s get back to the Constitution! |
3495 | Christopher Gioeli | |
3496 | Gary Wahoff | |
3497 | Christopher Reichert | Ron Paul was my write in. |
3498 | Hollan Holmes | Dr. Paul, your country needs you more than ever. You are are a radiant beacon of hope among a very dark group of individuals. You have my spiritual, political and financial support! May God bless us with your leadership and the freedom restored by your lifetime of effort to do what is right. |
3499 | Kirk L Hemelberg | With you as president & Ventura or Judge Andrew Napolitano as V.P. America has hope.
With Obama we’ve got “”nope”" “”truth is treason in the empire of lies”" Rock on Ron! |
3500 | Wendi Farmer | You will have a voice in West Virginia Dr. Paul. I will do all I can to make your revolution happen. Thank you so much for all you do and for consistently staying true to the principles of a free society. |
3501 | Carmen | We need you Dr. Paul, it’s time to take control and your the only man that I can see is the right man for the job. This country needs you. Please run for the presidency of the United States in 2012. What a great moment that would be, I can feel it now. The inauguration of Dr. Paul, music to many ears. Dr Paul a great man indeed. |
3502 | Carolyn Strong | |
3503 | Fred Page | World-wide support for a TRUE American! |
3504 | Michael Friend | Go Ron Go! |
3505 | Milton J Peralta | We need an honest candidate with a vision and true passion for change, Dr Ron Paul is the only true peoples choice |
3506 | Jerry Lanier Jr. | |
3507 | Elizabeth A. Berra | |
3508 | Alberta Trafficante | Government for the people…. |
3509 | Timothy W. Collins | |
3510 | Ethan Beauregard | |
3511 | W M Ditzhazy | The debt and the budget must be dealt with and Ron looks like the only one out there willing to fix both. Trouble is, I see a lot of spineless pols (won’t even read the whole Constitution) so we need to send more than Ron Paul to Washington. |
3512 | Bill Sabin | |
3513 | Rhonda Hicken | We Need Ron Paul ! |
3514 | Sergey Vartanov | Go Ron Paul!!! Go!!! We need you!!! |
3515 | David M. Adams | Ron Paul, is the major voice in Questioning the wisdom of the Fed. Bernanke’s inflationary policy during the last 3 years, created Industrial and Retail consolidation causing millions of Americans to lose their jobs and stimulated more foreclosure, triggering more home deflation. We need some retail and fuel price deflation and home values to go up. Bernanke got it backwords, by draining the liquidity out of Main Street borrowers. |
3516 | Chris Strong | Feed the revolution of a free humanity! |
3517 | Dawn Bickerstaffe | |
3518 | George Clarke | We need an option. Both parties are for endless war, increasing debt and spending. |
3519 | Keith Linn | |
3520 | Timothy R. Scott | |
3521 | Michael Bowen | Our country is in trouble. We need your leadership. |
3522 | Robert Jansen | Let’s do this… |
3523 | mark sedar | we need you |
3524 | Alison Morrow | We need you, Dr. Paul!!!! |
3525 | Amanda Dziuk | |
3526 | George Regas | Im telling everyone i can about you Ron. Go for it! |
3527 | David R. Kinnard | |
3528 | Todd Fairbanks | Help us save America !!!! Go Ron Paul !!!! |
3529 | Jolene R. Brown | Ron Paul is brilliant! |
3530 | Edward Ashby | I emailed my Congressman and told him, “”when wondering a correct vote, do as Ron Paul does!”" |
3531 | Simon Ginsberg | |
3532 | Greg Duerr | |
3533 | William Smith | You are the type of true conservative we need. Please pledge to the American peopl that you have not given up the good fight. |
3534 | Carolyn Hawks | If not you, then Rand, with you as VP. Anything but another robot like what we have now! |
3535 | James Gilland | |
3536 | Jonathan Mezzadri | |
3537 | Donna Bracey | You seem to be the only one that knows what is going on! |
3538 | Cathy Hickok | |
3539 | Gage Love | |
3540 | jose | Ron Paul please never stop!You are my hero!! |
3541 | Zoe Vaughter | Dear Dr Paul, If you can get rid of the IRS and clean up or eliminate the Federal Reserve, you’ve got my vote. The actions of the IRS or Fed towards citizens of the United States would be considered terroristic if they weren’t part of the US government. Thank you! |
3542 | R. Wesley Mason | |
3543 | Peter J Morrey | |
3544 | victor hernandez | i wish win ron paul change need it |
3545 | Chris E | Ron Paul - is a must or the one world evil govt will move in and we will never get out of it. RON PAUL IS OUR LAST POLITICAL CHANCE TO FIX THIS DAMN MESS &>&>&> Anyone that doesnt vote or support his is either 1.Stupid 2. manipulated 3. Racist (goes more than one way) OR 4.OUR ENEMY!!! Its about our rights !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
3546 | Alvin Smith | Your country needs you! |
3547 | Owen McNally | |
3548 | Gary Cody | Ron Paul is one of a handfull of honest politicians in the district of corruption. We desperately need the leadership of an honest, pro-Constitution, pro-free market, pro-American after we suffer through islamobama and his band of communist thugs. |
3549 | George Harrington | you must form a very wide coalition of all tea party members. Also start at the local precinct level where candidates are rigged |
3550 | Eliana R. | God Bless America. We, the people, are behind you Dr. Paul. |
3551 | Heather Allen | |
3552 | Tim Smith | We need someone with an economic understanding and not beholden to engrained interests. |
3553 | Pete Micken | Run & Win! |
3554 | Kim Invergo | |
3555 | Jason nance | |
3556 | Anthony P. Viveros | |
3557 | Greg Grosser | We need (but have not had for a while) leadership with clear, honest and transparent intentions. Ron Paul is our best possible option. |
3558 | Scott Montgomery | |
3559 | Jeff pyatt | Please help America. JP |
3560 | TIM LYONS | |
3561 | Kenny Ellington | |
3562 | Teresa | |
3563 | Frances Johnson | Outstanding! You should be credited with getting the Tea Party going! Mr. Paul, you are what we need and want! Thank you for everything you have done for all of us! We are behind you 100%! Thank you! |
3564 | Bonnie J. Stewart | Help us regain our country and its freedoms! Audit the Fed!!! |
3565 | Terry Ferguson | |
3566 | Linda | |
3567 | John Car | Please run for president Dr. Paul Please Please the country needs you! |
3568 | Aaron Ferguson | The Constitution — Nothing More. Nothing Less. Nothing Else. |
3569 | Brian Kelly | We need you more than ever |
3570 | Frank Hinchman | Thoughts, support, and prayers are with you!
VICTORY IN 2012!! |
3571 | Cheryl Ide | |
3572 | Ben Logan | GO FOR IT DR PAUL!!! |
3573 | Adam Chong | |
3574 | Charles W Hecht | CHANGE; not just rhetoric |
3575 | Wes Wolfe | Go for it Dr. Paul. Remember though , there are some very dark forces worldwide that would do anything to stop you from winning. Be very careful! |
3576 | donald r. lowery | watch your back |
3577 | Betty Anne McGonagle | RonVolution……2012 |
3578 | Mark Ott | |
3579 | Paul Stevenson | |
3580 | Richard ANATONE | the fact that Dr. Paul has defeated Mitt Romney in the CPAC, and won other CPAC Straw Polls, but the media STILL won’t even discuss this man or his ideas is more than enough evidence to show that the establishment is frightened of the Liberty Movement because it reduces their power over us. Please run for President. |
3581 | Scott Christian Pulver | I’m not sure in the history of the United States that we’ve seen a moment in the history as important as is this next presidential election. We’re at a turning point. Senator Ron Paul brings to the table not only his experience as a politician but also a practical approach to problem solving which in today’s world has apparantly become a rare quality. Even if he doesn’t actually win the election itself … his views add tremendous value to the dialog and conversation that is the election process. I would love it though if he won and became “”My President”". |
3582 | Dan | |
3583 | Chelsea Sobolewski | Att: Dr. Paul Thank you for your continued patriotism, dedication and for inspiring Americans such as myself to keep up the fight for independence, freedom, and liberty. The Constitution will never be outdated in my book; it is a sacred testament to American history and our progress as a nation. |
3584 | Jared allen | |
3585 | P.D. Oliveira | |
3586 | Rhett Heeb | Pretty pretty please run for President Dr. Paul! We love you! |
3587 | Wilfed Broussard Jr | |
3588 | Toni Covello | America needs leaders like you! Run Ron, run! |
3589 | John Riggs | |
3590 | richard sauer | This country needs an honest man for President. Dr. Paul, you are the only one who can and will move us forward in the right direction. |
3591 | HardRock | America is Freedoms last hope… Ron Paul may be America’s last hope. |
3592 | Brandon Wolfe | It’ll be my first time voting in a Presidential race. I’d love to see Dr. Paul on the list! |
3593 | Paul Schnake | Please debate with a commanding presence. |
3594 | Sarah Summers | |
3595 | Ray Stratton | |
3596 | John Maglinte | America needs a real leader. There is no better choice. He said he’d run if there was a financial crisis. Unfortunately, I believe that’s coming. End the Fed, the wars, and return to sound money starting with H.R. 4248 and phase out the Fed. Ron Paul is my only hope for America. I only fear he may end up like the last real president we had - - JFK. God bless and protect Ron Paul. |
3597 | Michael Invergo | |
3598 | Heather Glenn | Hope for America! |
3599 | Jason Zabeli | |
3600 | David K. Ford | |
3601 | Kelly Uganski | |
3602 | Evan Comeaux | We can’t miss this opportunity! |
3603 | Nikol | We need a great man like you to lead us!!! |
3604 | Robert C Ardizzoni | I am with you Ron. |
3605 | Fred S Brown | |
3606 | Michael W Schleter | A Christian who knows the Constitution. |
3607 | Dick Ross | |
3608 | Janet O’Connor | |
3609 | Greg machala | |
3610 | Evan Doukas | The only revolutionist out there right now! By far! |
3611 | |Rick Hoffman | |
3612 | Tony Tedder | Revive Our Constitution!!! END THE FED!!! If you don’t run I’ll Write you in!!!! |
3613 | Ashley Falvey | |
3614 | Marshall DeRosa | No turning back! |
3615 | kevin rodgers | We I really need you to run in 2012. Even tho most people are’nt smart enough to know what we need in a president, there are a select few of us who do. Me and my family are supporting you. Please help get this country back on track by running in 2012. |
3616 | Dallas Williams | You have our support…Run Ron, Run…. Regards. D A L L A S |
3617 | forrest jehlik | |
3618 | Timothy Brownlee | |
3619 | shon wall | |
3620 | barb gillette | Please run for president!!! Please. |
3621 | Judy Nelson | No one would make as good a president as you! |
3622 | Richard sandoval | |
3624 | K. Bower | |
3625 | zach armstrong | we know what were up against but lets do’re the only hope for a true republic of america.get rid of the fed! |
3626 | Brian Cooper | Let’s turn back the tyranny! |
3627 | David Santucci | I voted for Obama but if you run this time Ron, you have my vote!!!!! We need you! |
3628 | Tony Sitko | Run Ron Run |
3629 | Mark Schiavo | |
3630 | Robin Parker | We Need You! |
3631 | Olati Odahcam | |
3632 | Jeremiah McConnell | Ron Paul: Change we can believe in….really. |
3633 | Daniel J Stoll | Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington |
3634 | Dillon Whitney | Change we CAN believe in! |
3635 | Ken Adler | NOT running is NOT an option. You must ride the voter revolt / Tea Party revolution. |
3636 | Carl Perrone | Please run for President!! |
3637 | Allen Suslow | |
3638 | Roger Hope | |
3639 | Donald Ekhoff | I understand both sides of this question. My question is: If not Ron, WHO? |
3640 | Ryan Paradis | |
3641 | Joshua Dalgarn | America needs a leader like you at the helm. |
3642 | Wayne Kirkpatrick | I want to move this country back to limited constitutional republic; I want the government to strictly follow the Constitution. |
3643 | brett | |
3644 | David L | Let’s take back our country! |
3645 | Eric Paradis | Keep the revolution alive !! |
3646 | Joseph Garruba | AUDIT THE FED FIRST!!! |
3647 | Ryan Cleniuk | More people are waking up to the current crises that exists. Please run for President, you’re our only hope. |
3648 | Jonas Oblouk | Run or not, win or lose… Dr. Paul, you have already taught America what real freedom means and you are a shining beacon for those of us seeking a lost ideal. |
3649 | Dave Boggs | End The Fed!!!!!!!! |
3650 | Leeann Greer | |
3651 | John Carman | You’re the only person in Washington who can affect “”true change”" and I strongly encourage you run for President, restore our liberties, and return us to a currency backed by gold and silver. |
3652 | Nic Anderson | You got my support and a constant nag to my friends and family to vote for you. |
3653 | Todd Rothenberger | I really don’t think there will be an election in 2012 the way things are turning out lately |
3654 | Gerald Fuller | You will at least inch a bit closer to the goal in another run and wake up more to the need of the revolution. |
3655 | patricia riolo | |
3656 | B Bitondo | |
3657 | Thomas Mazzurco | Please run |
3658 | Albert Stern | |
3659 | Juscelino M. Acevedo | Definitely support Ron Paul for President. |
3660 | Patti | please help us take our country back! |
3661 | mack mcleod | If you run I will send your campaign some money. |
3662 | Kristin Arntzen | We need your face of Liberty shining throughout America. We NEED your example to lead this nation back to its roots. Please run for presidency. Dr. Paul you represent an America I’ve not gotten to experience. I hope and pray 2012 brings about the prosperity of freedom throughout this once great land. You are one of few who have the heart to promote our inalienable rights and a government that is fiscally responsible and Constitutionally compliant. |
3663 | Nikku Sarinasu | It would be nice to see a change in the government |
3664 | john riolo | |
3665 | Daniel Sisneros | Together Dr. Paul, we can change America! |
3666 | Joshua Keenan | |
3667 | Ryan D Hoskin | My greatest hope for this nation is to have Ron Paul for president. I will give whatever it takes to help him win in 2012. RH |
3668 | Tracy Austin | |
3669 | Heather Wittaniemi-Shaler | |
3670 | charles f schaffstall | |
3671 | greg meyer | run you are the only one that understands liberty the constitution and sound money |
3672 | Peter McGinley | |
3673 | Jennifer Howard | |
3674 | JP Samson | |
3675 | Schuyler Pryor | |
3676 | MIKE LaMONDA | |
3677 | Jeff Cash | You are an inspiration to me sir and all who desire a return to liberty in our lifetime. Thank you. |
3678 | Dustin Smith | Ron Paul is my President! |
3679 | Tomas Borkowski | |
3680 | keith thomason | You are our only real hope. |
3681 | MAria Dea | |
3682 | J-F Houle | America needs a real American working for Americans |
3683 | Jim Wallace | Please do not put me on a list. |
3684 | Nate | r&<3ution |
3685 | Jason Lewelling | |
3686 | Michael Pendleton | |
3687 | Walt Milem | Offer citizenship to illegals (if they want it)who would pick up arms against the drug cartels under US training. |
3688 | Cynthia Johnson | |
3689 | Margot Morris | You are amazing. |
3690 | Jeffrey Brewington Jr | |
3691 | Cameron Groen | |
3692 | Peter Tauch | We need you Ron! |
3693 | Susan Clardy | |
3694 | Carol Rung | |
3695 | Jon | |
3696 | Dan Meier | RUN RON RUN!!! |
3697 | Jon Farmer | |
3698 | Nick ROSSICCI | Ron Paul we need you……Take over and fix the MESSSSS!!!!!! |
3699 | Michael Crain | |
3700 | mike | just dont go tbagger on us. |
3701 | Rob | |
3702 | Darcy Bristol | I will go to bat in my area for Ron Paul!!! RP 2012!!! |
3703 | Vance Cummings | |
3704 | Gregg | |
3705 | Joey Rozwadowski | |
3706 | tania vangeli | |
3707 | Ryan McCormick | |
3708 | Dustin | Vote for RON! |
3709 | Dr. Christian Palma, DPT | Dr. Ron Paul, Our constitutional rights are being besieged, right in front of Our eyes, like We’ve never imagined. The time is ripe for authentic ministers of The Constitution to reinstitute the precepts that Our Founding Fathers subscribed to, ergo restoring the Constitutional Republic that We were intended to be, & saving Our Great Nation from perilous decline. |
3710 | Diane Caffyn | |
3711 | Chester Teetor | Please stay focaused on what we the people need now! Energy relief(DRILL DRILL DRILL, jobs, the health plan unfunded then disolved, border security espicially the state of AZ. 2012 you have my vote. |
3712 | Mark Engelen | |
3713 | Art Miller | |
3714 | Daman Singh | You truly are America’s last hope. PLEASE run for PRESIDENT. |
3715 | james k. dolan | |
3716 | Alex Lakovetsky | Ron Paul is America’s last hope. |
3717 | James Gortner | |
3718 | Scott Zinzer | |
3719 | Linda Swain | Please seriously consider a run for the presidency in 2012. |
3720 | Chris Kiser | |
3721 | fred hague iii | i voted for paul / marrou ticket in 1988 and i would sure love to be able to vote paul / venturi ticket in 2912 |
3722 | bridget omara | |
3723 | Neal Bannister | |
3724 | chuck | |
3725 | Hilda | We need a patriot like you as president to halt the socialism that is destroying our country. |
3726 | Steve Fontaine | Congressman Paul. Please watch that devil, Ben Bernanke. He thinks he is so smart that he can finesse the economy and replace sound monetary management. He will destroy us even before Barack Obama. |
3727 | Rick Ulrich | |
3728 | Paul Truskey | Vote Ron Paul to restore America to its former status as a nation of freedom, wealth and independence. |
3729 | L. Carlos Lara | The Austrians need you. Please run. |
3730 | Danny Black | There is no one I would rather have as my president than you Mr. Paul |
3731 | Chris Sianis | Please repeal The Federal Reserve Act, and Title 26. Please issue an Executive Order (similar to what JFK did) to help return us to sound money. |
3732 | E Ann Dion | I believe the Paul’s can help change this country! |
3733 | cathleen quinn | |
3734 | Phillip Randazzo | |
3735 | David McClellan | DO it! |
3736 | Allen | |
3737 | Justin Bristol | The time is now!! People are becoming more aware of the importance of having a patriot that adheres to the principles of the constitution, in office. I have been a supporter since 2008. I will do whatever is needed to get the word out. |
3738 | Paul Matsumoto | |
3739 | Vincent J Morgillo | They finally at least read the constitution in congress, now we need someone to make them govern by it. |
3740 | Andrew Dubas | |
3741 | Elaine Havens | Ron, Our country needs you!!!!!! |
3742 | Todd Ballard | We need you, Mr. President. |
3743 | Chloe Zaffini | |
3744 | ralph miele | run ron run |
3745 | Dale Overstreet | Dr. Paul, you have awakened way too many people to stop now…. |
3746 | Adney, casey | I will never vote for a democrat and Ron Paul is probably the only republican I would vote for… And with today’s voters he’s the only republican who has a chance to win. |
3747 | Allison Ballard | We are praying for you! Make it happen Ron Paul! |
3748 | Bonnie Marling | |
3749 | adam famulary | Pleeeeease? |
3750 | brian carinder | |
3751 | Nicholas Halverson | I pray that Ron Paul will run for President in 2012. We need a REAL President who will truly represent the people and not another puppet for the Banking cartel and Wall Street. Ron Paul is America’s last hope for monetary reform along with bringing America back to what our founding forefather’s intended. A nation for the people, run by the people and represented by individuals whose concerns are for our nation and its citizens. America must stop trying to police the entire world, it simply cannot be done and we will fail as well as bankrupting our entire nation in trying to do so. |
3752 | Radu Petroianu | |
3753 | Lora Albachten | |
3754 | Gregory Parret | I know lots of my friends and family here in Alaska that want you to run. |
3755 | Tyler Zink | |
3756 | Richard Morgan | SEMPER FI…
Buy gold and silver…. |
3757 | Steven fandrei | Run PAul run |
3758 | Rob Shepherd | |
3759 | Tom Hamilton | The Spirit of America needs a leader!!! |
3760 | Todd Jeppesen | |
3761 | Holly Herriott-McEvoy | Run, Ron, Run! |
3762 | F Nettles | Dr. Paul, your integrity and your expertise in the matters of America is totally what our country needs in these uncertain times. 2012 could possibly be the greatest opportunity for the kind of change we need in America, with you as our President. Thank you for all your hard work and your unwavering ideals for a strong, independent and freedom loving America. |
3763 | L.H. Palletti | Go for it, Doctor! We need you. |
3764 | Ken Cooper | If not Ron Paul, then who I ask? |
3765 | Monte | Ron Paul 2012 |
3766 | michael smathers | Our last Great Chance to save this Country. |
3767 | Dustin Smith | Ron Paul is my President!! |
3768 | Redgie Green | |
3769 | Mike | |
3770 | Mike Messink | Dr. Paul, I will campaign for you everyday of the week. Our country needs a true American Patriot. |
3771 | JACK E COOK | |
3772 | Sean Koopmans | Let us help Ron Paul overcome the establishment and get in as president! |
3773 | Hilary Palmer | |
3774 | Katherine Cottrell | Ron Paul a True Statesman. |
3775 | David McMaster | |
3776 | Alex Fraser | |
3777 | Christopher M. Henderson | Let’s talk about the Fed! =) |
3778 | Gypsy Brokenwings | We need you! As a paralegal student, I clearly see how far we have strayed. |
3779 | will mccutcheon | GO FOR IT. THE COUNTRY HAS TO RETURN TO SANITY. |
3780 | Jim B | Although your party will NOT let you have any stage time just like in ’08, you’ve got my vote AGAIN Ron! |
3781 | Mike Wallace | Go Paul! |
3782 | Corey Shaw | You are our only hope! |
3783 | Collin Combs | |
3784 | Shellie Evans | You got our vote. |
3785 | Bill Mullen | We need someone who is interested in acting in support of the people of this great country. |
3786 | Tim Estep | |
3787 | Antonio Buehler | I will never repeat the mistakes of the 2008 election. I will never again vote for the lesser of two evils. I will only vote for liberty and integrity from here on out. And Ron Paul is the only one that will get my vote in 2012. |
3788 | John S Sefton | Absolutely, Go for it!!! |
3789 | Patsy letten | |
3790 | Carl D Lang | |
3791 | Gregory Cetton | |
3792 | Nick Smith | |
3793 | Brian Robinson | |
3794 | Kimberly Ritchey | |
3795 | Scott Cox | The Democratic and Republican Parties are equally corrupt. VOTE THEM OUT !!!!! |
3796 | Cynthia Johnson | Now more than ever, America needs Ron Paul and his common sense!! |
3797 | Varun | |
3798 | Greg Balensiefer | Ron …I voted for you even when you were not on the ballot …I wrote you in …then I called the lady responsible for puting the names on the ballot and let her know how I felt about it!! |
3799 | Collin | |
3800 | Zachary Basler | |
3801 | Frederick Snyder | Only a true statesman can turn America around. I have seen your leadership on bringing the Federal Reserve under more scrutiny. Can we count on you now Mr. Paul to help right the ship of state? |
3802 | Cheryl | |
3803 | Clayton Sheets | |
3804 | Bill McDonald | |
3805 | Christopher Burkland | |
3806 | Michael Mattingly | Let us hope the principles of Dr. Ron Paul can be utilized with him as President of the United States. |
3807 | fred chu | |
3808 | Attila Csanyi | |
3809 | David Childers | |
3810 | David A Long | I’m ready to pledge my life and fortune for the U.S. Constutional government. |
3811 | Bryan | lets force a change here Ron |
3812 | Tom Malin | |
3813 | Devlon Duree | |
3814 | Brad Wise | It’s a lot to ask, but we need your resoluteness! |
3815 | Kyle Leckey | do it to spread the freedom message |
3816 | Ray Sells | |
3817 | Robert Zalanka | Bring the Austrian perspective to the white house! |
3818 | Warren Blair | Dr. Paul, The country needs you now! |
3819 | Scott | I would consider voting if you were allowed a chance in the finals |
3820 | Bruce L. Davies | When money is debt, it is time to End the FED |
3821 | Nicole Quinn | We’re ready to work even harder this time Dr Paul! |
3822 | Kohleen Liddell | |
3823 | Joshua Vallejos | Ron Paul or bust! |
3824 | Lawrence Potter | |
3825 | ross hassett | The rest of the world needs you at the helm every bit as America Dr. Paul! |
3826 | Summer Lightner | You are my voice of reason, the hope for my future, the hope for my child’s future, the hope for freedom, and the reason I care about politics.
Because of you I have a new faith in the world and a inspired outlook despite undesirable scenarios. You speak the truth without worry of judgment. You are already my president. I learn from you, I trust you, I respect you, and I am thankful for you. Even though I do not see you wining due to the special interests, you prolong “”our”" America just a little longer. We can not do this with out you. You are our republic. This is not just about you being president, this is about you continuing to stand up for our constitution the way only you can. Your presidential run will give the publicity that is needed now more than ever to the issues that our destroying our great nation. I have so much to thank you for as you give me and my daughter the best role model we have ever seen in our lifetime’s. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for obeying your oath. Thank you for your morals. Thank you not selling out. Thank you for believing in our founding fathers. Thank you for addressing the real issues that others chose to overlook. My promise to you is that run for president, I will put myself 100 percent into supporting you. I will round up every moment of my time, every person I can recruit and we will have a Ron Paul Revolution! God Bless you for all you have done and for all that you do! |
3827 | Rob Franklin | |
3828 | Kevin Chenault | These are exciting times!! We all hope you run Mr. Paul. |
3829 | Karen Blaho | Ron Paul, Please run for POTUS in 2012! |
3830 | Richard Shilkus | |
3831 | Dan Stanglein | |
3832 | Aaron Lieto | |
3833 | Fredrick s. Moriguchi | If you want real change vote Ron Paul |
3834 | Keith Exel | |
3835 | Rasul Davis | We need someone who really understands and stands by the constitution. |
3836 | Krister Anderson | Ron Paul is the only current politician I’ll go out of my way to support. Coincidentally, he’s also the only politician I know who appears to believe that power isn’t best in the hands of the governing elite. |
3837 | Norma Zaleski | |
3838 | Scott Barbour | Go Ron. Though I don’t always agree with you, I now accept the belief that the only way to get half of what I want is to vote for you and forgo our differences. The things we agree on are in my opinion, vital to our remaining strong. |
3839 | Harold Baker | We need you , Mr. Paul. |
3840 | Caesar Alarcon | A time has com |
3841 | James Hopkins | We need someone who will represent the people rather than the corporations. |
3842 | Dave Roberts | Standard debates are not working for Ron Paul. He needs to get on TV on a regular basis and PROVE to the American people just how out of control the current Federal Govt is. |
3843 | Linda Lifsey | |
3844 | Martin Nitschke | Sign waving and internet voting won’t elect Ron Paul. If you want him to run, please help by contacting VOTERS about him. |
3845 | Donald Barsell | If you decide to run Dr. Paul, I’ve got my support. God speed. |
3846 | Michael Weststyen | Ron Paul! For Liberty! |
3847 | Frances Gettys | |
3848 | Eugene | Be there for us, and we will help you! |
3849 | Evan Brander-McCaffrey | America needs a doctor! We are ready to throw our collective resources behind you Dr. Paul! |
3850 | Coleen Sears | |
3851 | Dan Leonard | Sir, The Republic needs you more than ever! Please take the reins! |
3852 | Marcus Vee Hinder | Ron Paul for President 2012. America’s only Hope. |
3853 | Steven M. Ashmore, Ph.D. | We need real leadership. Please run. |
3854 | Todd Chapman | |
3855 | Ricardo R. Barron | Ron Paul 2012 - End the Fed! |
3856 | Martin E Palagonia | I beg of you sir, common sense and fiscal responsibility have become an illusion and the Constitution loving public need you to stand…NOW! I am willing to assist you in any and all ways you deem necessary to accomplish this goal!!! |
3857 | Princebena | |
3858 | Jeremy Sachs | Alex Jones as your Vice President!!! |
3859 | Kujawa | It’s sad we forgot what our fore fathers learned |
3860 | Cynthia Seitz | We need someone to make the government accountable for their actions. Please be the voice that the people have had quieted for to long. |
3861 | Bradley H. Ballinger | I feel this is our last opportunity to reclaim our country. RonPaul 2011 |
3862 | Adam Marks | Dr. Paul, I urge you to run for president in 2012 to restore the Republic. |
3863 | TOMGORAK | |
3864 | Belinda Miller | \If you run, it will be the first time I will ever be willing to donate my own time and money to a campaign. We need your help and brilliant insight to save our country from those who have been at the helm for too long, and have brought our country to the verge of collapse. |
3865 | Jonathan A. Mitchell | |
3866 | G. Davis | End reckless spending and save lives as only you can. |
3867 | James R Palmer | End the FED |
3868 | Kevin Gregory | The country needs you. |
3869 | Jeff & Debbie Mann | Let’s get the US back!! |
3870 | Christian Bagley | |
3871 | Joan Lagasi | we need honorable, trustworthy men in government therefor I sign for Ron Paul |
3872 | MH Greene | |
3873 | Melonie Jorgensen | |
3874 | David Watson | |
3875 | brian evans | |
3876 | Matt Cornejo | |
3877 | Humberto Fumagalli | Liberty, liberty, liberty! |
3878 | J pear | Paul 2012. |
3879 | Henry Paul Pierce | |
3880 | Cole Rodrigues | |
3881 | Greg Myers | Good men should stand shoulder to shoulder in the fight against teranny |
3882 | Patricia McDaniel | |
3883 | Don Fowlerc | |
3884 | Lee E Levenson Jr | Run Paul!!! You America’s e |
3885 | dale f. bossons | |
3886 | Douglas Austin | America needs you now!! |
3887 | matt muller | please? |
3888 | Cindi Robinson | It would be wonderful to see integrity in the Whitehouse for a change. Long over due! |
3889 | Janet Brown | |
3890 | R D Jennings | we need an honest president that can restore the USA |
3891 | ken landingham | get us back on track andkreign in the gov. spending good luck in 2012 |
3892 | Jason | |
3893 | Nicolet Nelson | Please run Dear Ron,America and real Americans are need you!Please!!!! |
3894 | John Chimbor | |
3895 | Brian Vinson | |
3896 | Paul Strelski | Dr. Ron Paul, we need you! |
3897 | Barbara Szczypiorski-Hovious | |
3898 | Beverly Beurskens | |
3899 | Kim Shaffer | America needs you now more than ever! |
3900 | Robert Callahan | |
3901 | Mike Prettyman | Ron, we need you. |
3902 | Brandon | |
3903 | jerry christen | do away with the federal reserve |
3904 | Damien A. Chakwin | we need you now Ron, The constitution needs you |
3905 | Dale Goodwin | So when’s the next revolution March?! |
3906 | Frank Champ | |
3907 | Chris New | I really hope he runs, however for me it doesn’t really matter. I wrote him in last time and I’ll write him in again. He’s the only vote I’ve cast I felt proud of. Grab the Judge as VP and let’s get this thing started! |
3908 | Steve | Ron, Please run. Help us straighten the most corrupt government in the world. |
3909 | Trey Hampton | |
3910 | Chris | We need you to save this country from the filth that run it from behind the scenes. I’m afraid no one else has what it takes. Please do not let us down you are all we have. |
3911 | MARK WHIDDEN | |
3912 | Christian Fairchild | even if you don’t win, it gets your name out there, which is what you ultimately need |
3913 | Chris Camp | Our grandkids need a future free from social democracy. |
3914 | John M. Theriot | |
3915 | Tony Grese | Ron Paul will tear down that wall! |
3916 | Garry Wood | Dear Ron Paul,
You are the only viable person that I have any interest in voting for in 2012. You are truly the voice of reason in Washington D.C.. You have my vote and I promise to work for your election if you will just give it one more try. There has never been a better time to bring this country together than now! |
3917 | tom pallotta | |
3918 | Josh Hansen | |
3919 | don bosch | |
3920 | John Root | For the sake of preserving liberty and driving our country’s return to prosperity, please consider the country’s most influential position. |
3921 | Ronald Keeton | |
3922 | Steven Bowers | |
3923 | Jack E. Reinhard | I support Dr. Paul’s view of constitutional and limited central government. |
3924 | Bill Butler | Dr. Paul, what ever you think about your chances of winning, your running will bring attention to the real issues: The republic, liberty, states rights, the fed, foreign “”entanglements”", etc. |
3925 | lydia tomkovich | We need to get our country back. We need you! |
3926 | Marina | America needs you! |
3927 | Raymond S Perez | |
3928 | Buryl G. | |
3929 | Florence Leppert | We need a true conservative! |
3930 | Dave Kosla | Dr. Paul, we need you. YOU HAVE MY VOTE. |
3931 | Ron Bassett | |
3932 | Michael D. Seymour | “”We, the people, are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts - not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution. “”- Abe Lincoln |
3933 | Dr. Tom Haggerty | |
3934 | Howard Brooks | |
3935 | w.stover | get it on !!!!!!!!!! |
3936 | Justin Lee | |
3937 | Robert Kovach | “”Ron Paul 2012!”" |
3938 | David Dearie | |
3939 | Jake Middaugh | |
3940 | Robert H Eagar | Ron Paul was right! |
3941 | tracy bondelier | we’re doomed without you! |
3942 | Joseph Priest | Go Ron Paul. Defend this nation and our freedom! |
3943 | Eric Thompson | |
3944 | Robert Hall | |
3945 | Brian J Okum | |
3946 | Shane | |
3947 | RONALD JABLONSKI | You may be our last hope. Ican see no one else I would consider voting for. |
3948 | Chuck Palsa | |
3949 | Chris Kjeldsen | |
3950 | Dorothy Parker | THE COUNTRY NEEDS YOU RON……………. |
3952 | Derek L. Wentz | Best wishes, whatever you decide. |
3953 | tomasz walma | |
3954 | Carolyn Yount | Just who we NEED, Mr. CONSTITUTION ![]() |
3955 | Roger Wilson | Start a new party.Republicans are not going to change. |
3956 | Lou | Dr. Paul, you are the man. Make us proud! |
3957 | Newell May | The VOTES are waiting for you. Bring our troops home, End the FED, restore Liberty and The US Constitution. |
3958 | Aaron Burhoe | End the Fed! |
3959 | Damon Bean | |
3960 | Patrick Watts | Ron Paul! You are a great human that loves freedom and the Constitution! I pray you run for president in 2012. If you choose to run I will be willing to join your campaign team and do anything I can to get people to know about you! Thank you for everything you do and being true to your word! |
3961 | RICHARD POWERS | Last time, I wrote you in! This time, I want to see your name on the ballot. Run for the republic! |
3962 | William Bauer, Ph.D., Ph.D. | Hell yes. |
3963 | eric | |
3964 | Joe Dwyer | Audit the Fed |
3965 | Kevyn | |
3966 | Charles Lucas | You have my Vote, America needs you. |
3967 | Matthew MacFarlane | We need someone who can beat Palin in terms of grassroots enthusiasm |
3968 | Dr. Thomas Horn | |
3969 | Steve Boyer | |
3970 | Monte Reed | |
3971 | Craig Mare | |
3972 | Doug Burlison | Dr. Paul, your committee chairmanship can be taken away by the whims of the Republican House Leadership. If we the people install you as the President, only God or impeachment can take that office away from you. Please consider this. |
3973 | Simon Pongratz | It looks like it’s going to be Mr. Romney, but having your voice on that stage is refreshing. |
3974 | Nathan Charles Perry | Please run for President and save this country. |
3975 | J. Sandberg | |
3976 | leonard holtmeier | send the crooks and socialists home |
3977 | Jay Chaffe | |
3978 | Justin Johnson | |
3979 | Jared | |
3980 | Laura Phares-Wilson | Could you please get the “”Whore of Babylon”" (aka Statue of Liberty) away from and off of all Ron Paul Campaign Materials. It is not necessary for ANY religious symbols to be associated with Ron Paul (especially occult/illumnati symbols) and I really do not care if the lot of you agree or not that the “”Whore of Babylon”" symbol is an occult symbol - it certainly is (why do you think that Hollywood disaster films always show that wretched statue getting destroyed? So the ignorant will get emotional and offended that the “”Whore”" is destroyed - because they LOVE her). It’s time to get real and come out of our DisneyLand Fantasy World. A Lot of people have awakened to the fact that evil abounds in America and there are sinister groups behind the evil. Ron Paul only needs to keep his banners simple and pleasing to the eye. Occult symbolism is Evil and he does not need evil in order to win the Presidency. |
3981 | Dorothy Tucker | |
3982 | Rhett F. | Hepa hepa pow pow |
3983 | Ariel | Please, we need someone who BELIEVES in, and will uphold our constitution. |
3984 | J Hall | Let’s get the revolution started |
3985 | Richard Crana | If you do declare I will be more than happy to give what I can to help finance your run for the presidency. |
3986 | Edward Goetz | Dr. Paul, You are a becon of hope for Liberty loving people in America. Please RUN. |
3987 | Debilyn Gardner | |
3988 | Wedge Plissken | “”They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”"-Benjamin Franklin, written shortly before Feb. 17, 1775, as part of his notes for a proposition at the Pennsylvania Assembly. |
3989 | Maxi kerr | Make a difference. |
3990 | William Murawski | |
3991 | Connie Theoharis | We need integrity |
3992 | Fred Michelsen | Go for it Dr. Paul! But, please run as Republican not independent. Don’t want to repeat 1992 Perot fiasco. |
3993 | Kyle Perry | I kind of like to see you run with Mike Huckabee! |
3994 | Moy Paterson | Please find the strength to stand. We need to combat global corruption. |
3995 | Lynn Ranney Woolsey | |
3996 | Harry Thomas | God help us if we can’t get honest exemplary leaders like Ron Paul!! |
3997 | Christy Rogers | You have ALL of my support Mr. Paul!!!! |
3998 | Regina Goddard | Please run! I will campaign for you and I’ve never been willing to do that! |
3999 | Kurt Connelly | You can do it Ron! |
4000 | Ian Burke | A candidate worth voting for! |
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