Number | Name | Comment | |
31001 | Deirdre Haag | Stop the NWO be the REAL change we need!!! | |
31002 | Patrick | I have never felt so duped, as I do now, knowing I cast my support and vote for Obama. I know I’m not alone. This time…let’s vote Ron Paul! |
31003 | Name not displayed | ||
31004 | Matthew Brantley | You are one of the last Republican patriots and it is imperative that you run to defend the constitution before it is lost. | |
31005 | Nicholas Crowder | ||
31006 | Eric Zimmerman | ||
31007 | Jonelle A. Long | ||
31008 | samuel lautzenheiser | ||
31009 | Mike Rogers | We need you to reinstate our constitution and its limiting federal powers. | |
31010 | Name not displayed | ||
31011 | Joshua Campbell | Ron Paul is the Man! | |
31012 | Name not displayed | Please send me a list and I will get signatures. | |
31013 | R J Pecaro | It’s time for this country to undo the changes that have been taking our Liberties away and restore freedom, Vote Ron Paul 2012 | |
31014 | Christina Marsala | Dear Mr. Paul, I am a particular young voter of 20 years old. When I first met you in television debates in 2008 I was thinking to myself that this guy has a lot of great concept and is wanting to help the government thrive. Since I live in Chicago (a predominately democrat area) I feel you have enough charisma to do well in a democrat area. May the best go to you and your family. |
31015 | Ty Smarpat | ||
31016 | Kathleen Zeleznik | God has brought you up for a time such as this! | |
31017 | Les Schroeppel | ||
31018 | adrian | More representatives like you are needed. Thank you for sharing your message. | |
31019 | Name not displayed | ||
31020 | Name not displayed | what ever we may try. the people of the elite will abolish our ability to change what they have sought to accomplish. I have just recently read that they are deciding to abolish the campaign of 2012 due to economic shortage. But what they are really trying to do is bring war to American soil before sept 2012. This will allow Pres Barack Obama to stay in office during the times of war in America. For he will give a speech, a speech stating that there will be no interest in changing leaders at a time of crisis. These are the events that will pass. And i will be the first to declare war not against the people of our Nations, but against the Leaders of our Nations. If you choose to die for these Leaders, than just sit there and do nothing. But if you choose to live FREE. Stand up against them! We know who they are, we see there names everywhere. Unite as one people and destroy the elite before they can destroy us. |
31021 | Serge Bukhman | ||
31022 | Beau | Ron Paul is a man who doesn’t do what is best for himself, or for his family. Ron Paul does whats best for America and its people. He sees america the same was as so many others, as a corrupt and sinister entity, but he sees a future for america as being a great powerful country with morals, integrity, honesty, compassion for the human life. Voting for Ron Paul takes courage and guts. Any person who votes for Ron Paul is voting to save our country not from overseas, or 3rd world countreis but from ourselves, our government, our corrupt ways of running this country. Go Ron Paul!!!! | |
31023 | Gasser Andy | 2012 is time for the real exchange all the best and thank you for your work |
31024 | Jamie Foster | Do it for America, Ron Paul. | |
31025 | Eric Hennings | ||
31026 | Katherine Ekhoff | ||
31027 | Tyler Stenzel | ||
31028 | Larry R Guerrero | Thank you for all your endeavors for We The People. | |
31029 | Chris Nelson | ||
31030 | Name not displayed | Dr. Paul, run, if for no other reason than for the opportunity to educate Americans. We need to hear your message! | |
31031 | Gerald R. Affholter | ||
31032 | Bill Lanza | ||
31033 | Macy Gaines | ||
31034 | Name not displayed | ||
31035 | Jonathan Kentros | The only true patriot in the government. Thomas Jefferson would be proud of Ron Paul. | |
31036 | AJ Maimbourg | Dr. Paul, never before have we ever needed someone like you so badly. Please help us! | |
31037 | Name not displayed | Your Country needs you at this desperate hour. | |
31038 | Sean Wyatt | Dr. Paul - You are an inspiration to all freedom-loving people around the world. | |
31039 | Robert W | America and the world needs a voice of reason. All these wars where America is involved is horrorviing. America should be the land of hope and freedom in it’s true form. America is suffering under the yoke of fascism. Ron, we are watching out for you. Greetz from Holland |
31040 | Joanna Jankowy | Sir, in Europe we’re waiting for your presidency too. God Bless You. |
31041 | Zia Khan | PLEASE RUN!!! | |
31042 | Alex Bertoli | ||
31043 | Steve Taul | ||
31044 | Andrew Knight | ||
31045 | Frankie Humes | Change is needed now more than ever. | |
31046 | Bonnie Humes | Vetern for Ron Paul, we can win and actually make real change! | |
31047 | Thomas Smith | God’s Speed to you Dr. Paul | |
31048 | Thomas Hyland | It either you get elected in 2012 and legislate change or in the very near future a revolution will have to occur resulting in the deaths of millions. | |
31049 | Joshua Wayne ST. Germain | As in the words of George Humphrey " he is our last hope" | |
31050 | Name not displayed | heard alot of positive comments about Ron Paul from joe battalia, american advisor. | |
31051 | Jimmy Krumm | ||
31052 | Ray Blackmore | ||
31053 | Christopher Knoll | America NEEDS Change now, and This is IT! | |
31054 | Neil G. Barrett | ||
31055 | Jake rutherford | I’ll vote for you if you end the war in Afghanistan and use Tboone Pickens energy plan…Lower our taxes and stop spending MONEY! | |
31056 | Name not displayed | ||
31057 | Name not displayed | ||
31058 | Name not displayed | ||
31059 | Name not displayed | There is still true "hope". | |
31060 | Name not displayed | ||
31061 | michael beyer | love and light | |
31062 | Aaron Carter | You may not plan to run, Dr. Paul, but America needs you! Please help us bring down this two-party empire, Keynesian economic system and autocratic, draconian regime! | |
31063 | Zachary Schertz | He may be our last hope to avoid totalitarianism | |
31064 | Eric Michael Bellah | ||
31065 | Kathleen Dedmon | ||
31066 | Name not displayed | ||
31067 | Kathryn Belanger | ||
31068 | Name not displayed | We need you to save OUR Country!! | |
31069 | mark golic | hell yea i love this guy | |
31070 | Nick Robertson | ||
31071 | Joe Connor | ||
31072 | Brittany Rue | ||
31073 | Denise Brown | We need a bit of sanity… | |
31074 | Name not displayed | Sanity. | |
31075 | Sergio Salomon | USA need you… | |
31076 | Steve Steele | I was a precinct leader during the last election, and I will be again in 2012. I encourage those who aren’t sure how to help, to do the same. | |
31077 | Name not displayed | you got my vote | |
31078 | Abigail Tracy | I vote for Ron Paul! He is the political man needed for the country. | |
31079 | Tim Bickford | Lets get this country back to the basic principals on which it was founded. Help this nation regain some Honor and hold our criminal shadow influences accountable. | |
31080 | David Amar | ||
31081 | Trevor Petersen | Please continue to lead the way for our God given liberties. | |
31082 | Kayla Paladino | ||
31083 | Name not displayed | Go for it | |
31084 | hiland | ||
31085 | Shawn Martel | ||
31086 | Name not displayed | Do it! | |
31087 | Name not displayed | ||
31088 | Jim Hughes | Please run, Dr. Paul. We will support you!! | |
31089 | Mark Urquidi | Mr. Paul, Please run in 2012. Our country needs you. Please help us. |
31090 | Kelley Vanderwerf | ||
31091 | Brighty Kelley | ||
31092 | Michael Sinclair | Restore the constitution! | |
31093 | Jeff Cottingham | ||
31094 | Leah Goodyear | You are winner already in the hearts of millions! I am one more ~smile~ |
31095 | Jonathan Eric Hemingway | Anything you can do that would bring this country back to following the Constitution would be greatly appreciated, both by those alive today and those who have yet to come. | |
31096 | Name not displayed | You are honest and the best chance we have as Americans please help us. | |
31097 | Timothy T. Daugett | I hope you are willing to fight for the people by fighting the powers that be. With what you have expressed in your many comments and speeches must be married with action in the most powerful office in our nation. | |
31098 | Adam Baker | ||
31099 | eric crowder | ||
31100 | Aaron Hobba | ||
31101 | Rachel Badgett | ||
31102 | Marcus Feckley | We need someone who tells us like it is, what needs to be done, and how he is going to do it. But most importantly actually does it. Ron Paul will be that guy. "Ron Paul is the most honest politician I’ve ever met." -John McCain |
31103 | Marcus Feckley | We need someone who tells us like it is, what needs to be done, and how he is going to do it. But most importantly actually does it. Ron Paul will be that guy. "Ron Paul is the most honest politician I’ve ever met." -John McCain |
31104 | Jesse Frick | Abolish the Federal Reserve! | |
31105 | Name not displayed | ||
31106 | steve parco | ||
31107 | Kim Boeman | ||
31108 | Name not displayed | Ron, you had my vote during the last race and you will have the second time around. We need you in and Obama out! This country is broke, we have limited jobs, too many homeless, etc. yet the government keeps bailing out other countries ! | |
31109 | charles bishop | ||
31110 | Stephen Curtis | ||
31111 | Richard Groves | Let’s do it. | |
31112 | Ginger Elmore | This country desperately needs you! | |
31113 | Jordan Arnold | ||
31114 | Name not displayed | We need a president to get us back to where we are meant to be. One who believes in the constitution and lives by what it says WORD FOR WORD. Vote For RON PAUL! | |
31115 | Lindsey Lewis | Run! | |
31116 | John Smith | ||
31117 | Jake | ||
31118 | Name not displayed | ||
31119 | Maxine | Please for the good of the world run and win this.. We all need you. | |
31120 | Trevor Williams | ||
31121 | Barbara Lowe | Good luck Ron. I was with you before and I am with you now. | |
31122 | Jered Campa | ||
31123 | john pettibone | you get my 2012 vote if you run | |
31124 | Matt Nagel | ||
31125 | Dan Watie | ||
31126 | Jake | Vote Ron Paul to scale back the level of nonsense | |
31127 | Jake Jares | ||
31128 | Dino Ciorra | ||
31129 | Alan Babcock | You are the only one with the courage to put the DEA and their war on drugs campaign "out of business". | |
31130 | Brandt Gustafson | ||
31131 | John Hodges | I was with you in 2008 and im with you today, God bless Ron Paul. | |
31132 | Mary Ellen Brooks | Need you running in 2012!!! | |
31133 | DAVID LONG | WE NEED YOU BAD!!!!!!!! | |
31134 | melissa waddell | Ill vote for you even if your name isnt on the ballot! America need you Ron Paul! | |
31135 | Name not displayed | It wasn’t until recently that I started noticing some of the bad-assery that is Ron Paul. Everything he talks about is so true. He speaks the mind of the American PEOPLE, not the American government. | |
31136 | Robert Smith | RUN RON RUN | |
31137 | Name not displayed | We Love Ron Paul And We Pray That You Win!!! | |
31138 | Calvin Li | ||
31139 | Name not displayed | ||
31140 | Ryan Cox | Ron Paul for President and Dennis Kucinich for Vice President! | |
31141 | Thomas VanderLaan | Ron Paul, please save us from ourselves. | |
31142 | Al Maige | We are so sick of the same. Dennis Kucinich as VP just to add a twist! | |
31143 | Jason Baldwin | ||
31144 | Grace O’Connor | You know we need you to save our country, and I know last time you ran you said you wanted to get the message out, so I know that’s important to you, so just do it. Run! You have my vote. | |
31145 | marc anderson | ||
31146 | Tyler Sanford | ||
31147 | Youngseung Jo | ||
31148 | Shannon Slewitzke | ||
31149 | William Kernozek | Please consider running. | |
31150 | James Silviano | ||
31151 | Korey Bartholomew | ||
31152 | mike allen | ||
31153 | Richard Yaskow | ||
31154 | Name not displayed | ||
31155 | neo | dear Dr. Ron Paul, Please run and remove the cancel of the gov. at least keep it as small as possible. |
31156 | michele imburgia | ||
31157 | Name not displayed | Best Candidate | |
31158 | Thileep Logan | You are a good man Mr Paul. | |
31159 | Nick | Run! | |
31160 | Lorenzo Najera | Fellow Americans, It’s been long overdue, It’s time to take back our country from corporate influences. All Americans should stay active in Government/Political Issues by constantly searching for the Truth and stopping the lies of Corporate Interest. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. " I am proud to be in the company of men (and women) who do something. Ron Paul 2012! | |
31161 | Name not displayed | I’ve always found your courage to speak the truth breath taking. I will support you as our next President as long as you can support equality between the LGBT community and same-sex marriage. Thank you! | |
31162 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul better run. we need a good option on the bill. | |
31163 | Name not displayed | power to ron paul | |
31164 | Paul Neilon | Ron Paul supporter in Australia. Redirect the ship please sir. | |
31165 | Daniel | I’m Polish. Our government here is a disaster. I really wouldn’t like to see the US becoming like us, a corrupted country, and if you (reader) haven’t decided yet, who to vote for, than don’t think a second longer. It’s true, that other politicians promise to do everything and smile nicely on the billboard, but thats where their capabilities end. Ron Paul, I pray every day for your victory. |
31166 | Richard Russell | ||
31167 | Jacob Cooley | ||
31168 | Diane Marie LaBeau | I think you are the only one who will even try to stop this. | |
31169 | Jose Guia | PLEASE Run for PRESIDENT | |
31170 | Sandy Peterson | I voted for you last time, I’ll vote for you again! | |
31171 | Aonika Russell | The only way to get things back on track is to have someone in there that is going to vote his conscience - not whoever is going to dole out the most money! | |
31172 | Antonio Castaneda | ||
31173 | Name not displayed | We need Ron Paul to be president in 2012 ! Wake up America ! | |
31174 | Trey Raiford | If the Founding Fathers and Andrew Jackson would Vote for you so will I. Wake up America! - "End The Fed" | |
31175 | John Bidwell | We go to war to prevent war. We spend money because we have none. We take away freedoms to protect freedom. Dr. Paul, we need you so dearly now. |
31176 | Name not displayed | ||
31177 | Name not displayed | ||
31178 | Name not displayed | ||
31179 | Grazyna Pinkowska | The revolution begins with a great leader like Ron Paul. Protect America from NWO and Illuminati Agenda. | |
31180 | Name not displayed | "end the Federal Reserve, let’s get out of the UN and put our monetary system back on the gold standard!" | |
31181 | Name not displayed | ||
31182 | Name not displayed | Thank you! We need you Ron Paul! | |
31183 | stacy chavers | ||
31184 | Name not displayed | Please run | |
31185 | Name not displayed | Ill vote for you whether or not you run | |
31186 | Brian Boeckl | Dr. Paul, please do not wait for a dollar crisis to make your decision. If you run for the Constitution, for Liberty, and for Peace, we promise you our support and assistance in any ways we can provide. | |
31187 | Richard Colvin | ||
31188 | mark owens | The only Man Constitutionally fit to serve as President of the United States | |
31189 | Eric D.Coleman | ||
31190 | Jonathan | You have my vote | |
31191 | Larry Richardson | ||
31192 | David Higgins | rEOVLution | |
31193 | Hannah Ball | ||
31194 | Joshua Stogden | Ron Paul in 2012. Champion of Liberty. | |
31195 | sara moore | ||
31196 | James Hershiser | ||
31197 | Name not displayed | Please run, you have had the biggest impact on me and million of others. please !!!! | |
31198 | Peter Simon | ||
31199 | Shane Walker | ||
31200 | Braden Smith | RON PAUL 2012! | |
31201 | Hunter Dougherty | We need you this year, our country relies on you. | |
31202 | Ross Berry | Dear God, please Run Mr. Paul! | |
31203 | Elizabeth Davidson | ||
31204 | Jason Morris | ||
31205 | Shanda Tuttle | Thank you for not falling to wall street corruption! | |
31206 | Eric Sell | If your running I’m voting for you Ron. | |
31207 | Teresa Santiago | He is the best thinker in United States right now! For the people and to the people, as God intended. | |
31208 | Name not displayed | ||
31209 | Lisa Laurence | ||
31210 | Brandon Diaz | ||
31211 | Name not displayed | ||
31212 | Zachary Hunt | You sir are a true leader for the working man, and I feel as though you truly represent the next generation of change lead by generation and generations to come. | |
31213 | j martinez | ||
31214 | Drew White | I know that the run is exhausting and frustrating but we need RP more than ever. The timing is pretty good. Millions of Americans are frustrated and seemingly willing to listen to reason over partisanship. | |
31215 | Artena McClendon | ||
31216 | Name not displayed | ||
31217 | John Crawford | "I find you to be a glimmer of hope in the darkest of times"……………Please run…………it’s different now,……. much has occurred since 2008……….much of what you said would occur, did occur…………it’s simply time for real leadership, not the ponzi type. Those who are making the decisions today are laying out a future of indentured servitude for our children and their children, ………….sad and unacceptable! | |
31218 | Derek Amaral | ||
31219 | Eric Horn | ron paul has to run! | |
31220 | Name not displayed | in my opinion, Ron Paul is the logical choice for this day and age. | |
31221 | Robert Costello | You can do it | |
31222 | Name not displayed | ||
31223 | vaughn Lawrence | ||
31224 | Justin Rangel | ||
31225 | Jason Haberl | run paul run! | |
31226 | Max.T | Put an end to the war on drugs, end the madness. | |
31227 | Launie Hansen | You views are 100% in-line with mine. A potential Presidential Candidate has never met my view of exactly how this country should be run. Your views have achieved this. No matter how much the media tries to trip you up and twist your point, ignore them and speak out exactly your views. Do not allow them to interupt/censor you. If you run you will have my vote as well as all my family. | |
31228 | dammy vermeersch | ||
31229 | Patrick Thomas Smith | America may have a chance to right its wrongs if your elected. From exprienced people tend to say one thing and do another. Its hard to stay true to oneself, or is it? | |
31230 | Jim Hendries | ||
31231 | Shane Kearney | Restore the constitution! | |
31232 | Name not displayed | ||
31233 | rory oconnor | please run dr.paul | |
31234 | Hillary Poe | ||
31235 | Name not displayed | We believe in you Dr. Paul! Please help us see our dreams come true in this life! And THANK YOU for all that you do! | |
31236 | Matt Graubart | ||
31237 | Brandon Filipowicz | You are the only hope for this dying country and sincerely hope you run for President. You are in our prayers and if you run you have two votes from us. ![]() |
31238 | steven garcia | I was watching tv and saw the stop government wasting commercial and i saw what i have been thinking for the past year or so. im afraid of our nation going under. our government keep spending and making money out of thin air. they keep inflating out currency until we have nothing left and were forced to fight for food and water. the american people are getting taxed for everything and its not fair to be directly taxed like the way we are. we have forgotten our principles that have mad us great. i am from new jersey and taxes are killing us really bad. ive woken up has anyone else? | |
31239 | Name not displayed | Go Ron! Bring back liberty and the Constitution! | |
31240 | roger frantz | ||
31241 | Amber McAlpine | You have my support! | |
31242 | crystal hill | Ron Paul for our next president is a must | |
31243 | Dominic Mataczynski | ||
31244 | Name not displayed | For the propagation of liberty! | |
31245 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul is the only one I would trust, Obama is a puppet, Bush a crook and a retard, Clinton , nice guy but bought and part of the "system" - Bilderburg style. | |
31246 | Caleb Michael Duncan | America needs Ron Paul…. | |
31247 | Juan | please Run for love of the country | |
31248 | Jesse Willoughby | America is in a financial disaster and it’s been caused by greedy politicians and Wall Street. We need someone to speak up for the real Americans. Thanks for running! | |
31249 | Keith Bean | Ron Paul is the change this country needs. | |
31250 | Julie Bean | ||
31251 | Bradley Lee | Ron, I’m a democrate but I respect you more than any other candidate. I’m hoping very much that you run for 2012 and win! You could do so much for this country when we need it the most, Ron Paul is what this country needs, its a shame I can’t vote for you in the primarys if you do run, I do promise though that if you do run I’ll vote for no democrate in the primarys. | |
31252 | Ben Hughes | ||
31253 | Zach St. Vincent | Someone that uses their brain, instead of their wallet….you got my vote | |
31254 | Name not displayed | Save our Country! End the Fed! | |
31255 | Name not displayed | ||
31256 | Carleton Cutler | ||
31257 | Name not displayed | ||
31258 | Frankie Morris | ||
31259 | Ronald Eastman | Ron Paul is a man of consistency and has earned my vote. | |
31260 | David Thomas | ||
31261 | Mike Shumake | constitutional government -’nuff said. | |
31262 | jacob gordon | we are at a fork in the road as to how our nation will move forward…we need right thought, right action… | |
31263 | Scott Forman | ||
31264 | Name not displayed | ||
31265 | Francis Reardon | ||
31266 | Shane Lee | Please run for president, this will be the first year I actually vote I am a 21 year old, i’m from South Carolina, married and I have a daughter that is one year old and i’m really hoping you will run for president and make our country stronger and free once again! | |
31267 | J.west | PLease run…and win! | |
31268 | Earl Books | ||
31269 | Name not displayed | Your the man who can restore our beloved country to what our forefathers had invisioned. We need you to restore power to the people. | |
31270 | Kent Harwell | ||
31271 | Depore Wood-Grenade | ||
31272 | Jimmie D. Hall | If he isn’t elected, I fear the liberty of the American People will be lost for generations | |
31273 | jack cayes | it’s time to take the poppets out and put in a man that has no strings attached. | |
31274 | Bill Hokenstad | ||
31275 | Daniel Coonen | Dr. Paul we need you. | |
31276 | Christopher Tait | Please run. For the sake of Austrian economics and all that is right. | |
31277 | Aneta Biesiadecka | ||
31278 | David Buckles | Don’t give up on the message - I don’t care if you win or not, running is enough. Please run, lead us away from this destructive path. I hear the words of our forefathers in your opinions and ideas. I want the old America of the 1700-1800′s back when principles, innovation and hard work lead the way and self interest, power and greed wasn’t all that we could see. I will campaign for you even if you don’t run…but please run in 2012. If you embody what most Texans desire - I want to move to Texas and work for you.(Broadcaster/Filmmaker/Communications) | |
31279 | Name not displayed | Please run | |
31280 | Name not displayed | paul- cain 2012 | |
31281 | Daniel J. Simms | ||
31282 | Caleb | ||
31283 | Joseph Webb | We need you bad. You’re the right man for the job. | |
31284 | Fred Benjamin | Balance the budget. Bring home the military. Go Ron | |
31285 | Name not displayed | ||
31286 | Randall Nelson | ||
31287 | Bridgette Sharpe | Please take our country in the right direction. | |
31288 | Name not displayed | Clear the air Ron. The public must know the difference between being a non-interventionalist and anti-Israel. There are too many ignorant people out there. | |
31289 | Rafael Rodriguez | The USA, the World needs a real Change, we need to get rid off the corporate America that we live on. I know that the Elite told you not to run for the presidency. Trust me, we (awaken people) know about how the system works. But, I know you probably wont read my message and probably is taken out of the website. I just want you to let you know that we need some change and not skin color change. REAL CHANGE. Freedom is what we need, at all COST! | |
31290 | andrew | down with crony capitalism! down with entitlements! down with this over-regulating mess we call a government! Get our country back mr paul! | |
31291 | Devon plante | The truth will set you free | |
31292 | Josh Johnson | I believe AMERICA is ready for Ron Paul. I know I am!!!!!!! | |
31293 | gigi sharpe | ||
31294 | Ashley Graham | ||
31295 | Name not displayed | We need a Political Party of Principle. A leader of Principle is Ron Paul | |
31296 | gary | ||
31297 | Name not displayed | ||
31298 | jeff straight | you have my vote | |
31299 | dave fowler | this country needs ron paul! | |
31300 | Peter Smith | ||
31301 | john tranmer | ||
31302 | Mike Arnold | Let’s restore our Republic | |
31303 | Name not displayed | ||
31304 | Paula Villagomez | ||
31305 | cody brewer | We NEED you! | |
31306 | Matthew Zaikowski | If you run in 2012 you will have my vote. | |
31307 | Name not displayed | If Ron Paul isn’t president next election I give up on Americans | |
31308 | Brad Higgins | ||
31309 | Kevin McKinney | If Ron Paul doesn’t run this country is finished… | |
31310 | Nicholas Ruckman | ||
31311 | william manning | its not just america that will benfite from real talk and fair decisions the people around the world actualy care about the 2012 elections only to see ur name ther to choose by the way im from england i hope u win sir good luck | |
31312 | Name not displayed | please run! | |
31313 | Brian Sacramone | we need you pal. | |
31314 | Name not displayed | ||
31315 | Name not displayed | When you are close, seem to be distant. (Sun Tzu) | |
31316 | Name not displayed | mr.paul god will make you president in 2012 if you have the guts to sign bill 11110 ! | |
31317 | William Gaston | I am a political science major and would gladly offer my services to campaign for Ron Paul. | |
31318 | FLO ZEZAI | the country needs you sir! | |
31319 | Alli Giertsen | I am glad to see that someone still believes in our gun rights. thank you and i will tell others that feel the same way to support you! | |
31320 | Name not displayed | ||
31321 | Name not displayed | I appreciate that you always speak up for Constitutional principles. I know of no other candidate that has constantly done so. May the Lord Bless you through these trying times. | |
31322 | Rob Tyre | You’re the best thing this country has | |
31323 | Jonas Jonasson | Ron Paul for President 2012-NO MORE CORPORATE PUPPETS!!!! | |
31324 | Name not displayed | ||
31325 | MICHAEL MUNTON | ron is ace | |
31326 | AJ Richardson | The free market works, We need Ron in order to keep the dollar from crashing which it’s probably too late, but at least we’d restore with civil liberties quicker than any of these tyrants… Ron has got to go deep with his message fortunately it’s not too late otherwise he’d be getting arrest for speaking the truth about our current system of government! Ron muthafuccin Paul 2012!!! fo’sho’ | |
31327 | Name not displayed | People need to hear what Ron Paul is saying and the election gives him a platform win or lose. | |
31328 | For Freedom | Go Ron Paul 2012!!!! | |
31329 | Name not displayed | This may be the last chace to turn things around and start america on a road to peace. If anyone can do it, it has to be Ron Paul. Things are getting far too dangerous. | |
31330 | Name not displayed | ||
31331 | Name not displayed | ||
31332 | Russell Twiford | ||
31333 | Clint wilkerson | ||
31334 | Name not displayed | ||
31335 | Paul | I voted for you as "write in" in 2008, I will probably vote for you again. You are the only person that makes any sort of sense in D.C…..Thank you Dr. Paul. If it wasnt for you I would have never even bothered to vote… Obama, McCain, Romney, Palin: All these people are jokes. I wouldnt vote for them to Manage a Donut shop. | |
31336 | Name not displayed | ||
31337 | Kyle Duckert | ||
31338 | Donna Davey | ||
31339 | David Stewart | Run Ronnie Run | |
31340 | Name not displayed | "…take our country back from the statists that are stealing our Liberty and shredding our Constitution." | |
31341 | Name not displayed | GO 4 IT Ron Paul. i made my mistakes being brain-washed. Bush went for another term i voted against him, first time i voted ever, because i felt it was always controled no matter how i voted. to my Awakening i found it is was and has been a Rigged Game ( elections ) when it comes to voting or our system that is so corrupted we can’t get a fair shake. how do WE THE PEOPLE clean up our run away Government ?. one idea is to demand that when the elected officials, ( the first time they do not do as they said in there campaign propaganda or promise’s there out gone no if’s and’s or not but’s GONE from office including LYING THERE GONE ). one idea to put in the Election Oaths of office. get rid of the Patriot act Spying on Americans,Femma TSA, stop the Wars. Arrest the Banker Crooks. hold the mainstream media responsible for missleading or lying to the public. Clean up the Foods from GMO’s, Nuke power Plants, Health Care in America and so on…. i am for Real Changes not Slogans that mean nothing. stop letting Money Rule over what’s RIGHT AND WHAT’S WRONG,COMMON SENCE action’s. we need a ( Bill of Responability ) to our People and Children and the Planet. not a profit or bottom line in Dollars. but in Good Sence. Thank you i could go on and on lol. We Need Truth & Honesty in our Leaders more than ever ( Go 4 it Ron Paul ). ( V FOR VICTORY ) |
31342 | Name not displayed | ||
31343 | Name not displayed | ||
31344 | Name not displayed | ||
31345 | Walter Shivers | Some for America it about time | |
31346 | Patrick Whaley | Please Dr. Paul run for president your country needs you! | |
31347 | Name not displayed | Help us plz | |
31348 | Karen Pham | we need you!!! | |
31349 | Karen Pham | ||
31350 | Thomas W. Ausborn | Congressman Paul, you stand for the same values that our founders stood for. Liberty and personal responsibility. Please run for president in 2012. My fear is that, if you do not run, there will be no one else to stand for what is right. There will be no one left who truly holds to our Constitution and liberty. Thank you for consistently standing for liberty. Verily, you make me wish I were one of your constituents. Sincerely, Thomas W. Ausborn |
31351 | Daniel Gott | The last hope to save America and the constitution | |
31352 | Joshua Caleb Smith | Please run for President, we need a sane man holding that office for once. | |
31353 | D king | As a doctor and conservative libertarian i say Do it please | |
31354 | M king | Yeah, go for it | |
31355 | Rosa | Please run for president! i finely turn 18 and would be proud to vote you for are 2012 president! | |
31356 | Kevin Ashcraft | You are the only potential candidate I’ve seen that I can believe in. Please run! I will to work for your campaign. | |
31357 | Jason Lewis | Ron Paul for 2012. Obama supports war and didnt live up to his hope/change campaign | |
31358 | Name not displayed | You definitely need to run for president. | |
31359 | Kent Patteson | ||
31360 | Jeff Kaczmarek | If your names on that ballot, you’ve got my vote… | |
31361 | B.J. Witelus | It is time for real change. | |
31362 | Addison Allen Rempe | RON PAUL = CHANGE!!! Please end all the corruption and save our beloved country from the relentless strangle of corporate greed!! | |
31363 | Andy Chapman | Its time to help save the country-run Ron run | |
31364 | Name not displayed | you would be foolish not to run. | |
31365 | Brenda B | ||
31366 | Name not displayed | ||
31367 | Timothy Patterson | ||
31368 | Aiden Hernandez | ||
31369 | Mark Weaver | ||
31370 | PATRICK MERCER | ||
31371 | Name not displayed | you are a patriot ron paul and i think the american public would be lucky to have you as president , just be careful , i think the people responsible for JFK’s assasination wouldnt want to see some one as honest and brave as yourself in office | |
31372 | Carolyn Moss | I want an honest government! | |
31373 | Name not displayed | ||
31374 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul we need you. We need a face, we need unity, we need credibility, you offer that to us. Run for office Dr. Paul, lead the way for us to follow. | |
31375 | Lee Sparks | We need the Fair Tax | |
31376 | Weathers | Ron, you are the person America needs!! | |
31377 | Daniel Vincent | ||
31378 | David Knoop | ||
31379 | Name not displayed | Paul has the ability to appeal to voters on all sides of the political spectrum. He is one of the few prominent politicians in the world who is both a social and economic libertarian. | |
31380 | nick Varacalloi | Our last hope! | |
31381 | Boris Rajic | Do not give up. We need you! | |
31382 | William Larsen | Please Mr. Paul, America needs you to run for president. | |
31383 | Name not displayed | ||
31384 | Darla Seward-Halpern | ||
31385 | Joe Dobbs | ||
31386 | Jay Phillips | I support Ron 100% | |
31387 | charles j cook | please run ron. everyone else stinks. | |
31388 | Jacky Wright | You are the only hope for the American people. | |
31389 | denise jurkowski | Wake up America if Dr.Paul doesn’t win it’s over for our country | |
31390 | Matthew Gunnet | Please run again. Despite your exit from the race in 2008, I wrote you in on my ballot. I will do so again if you do not run. Please do not allow me to waste my vote. | |
31391 | tania self | ||
31392 | Name not displayed | ||
31393 | Name not displayed | ||
31394 | Stephen Bryant | ||
31395 | Raymond Hawkins | ||
31396 | Stefan | America needs another great president after Kennedy. | |
31397 | Joy Taylor | America needs someone to lead us out of this hole!!! | |
31398 | Gwen Urwin | Dr.Paul, Sir,I hesitate to ask you to go into the viper pit, but if our great nation ever needed a true American hero,it is now. May the true Creator sheild you,and bless you. |
31399 | Aaron Harmon | ||
31400 | Chris Pignato | ||
31401 | Josh Longnecker | Mr. Paul you are the breath of fresh air this country needs. We need someone to shatter the status quo before the status quo shatters this country. | |
31402 | Logan Phegley | The Thomas Jefferson of our time. | |
31403 | Coulter Fleming | ||
31404 | Name not displayed | ||
31405 | Scott McCarron | ||
31406 | Name not displayed | I usually vote liberal democrat. Im with RP now. | |
31407 | Travis Brown | ready to help however possible in WA | |
31408 | Name not displayed | Please run for president! As our debt grows and we enter into a third major war with likely more conflicts we will be sucked into on the horizon your economic and foreign policy leadership is greatly needed! Semper Fidelis |
31409 | Name not displayed | I really hope you run for president, you are the only one who truely understands and upholds the value of our constitution. | |
31410 | Name not displayed | we need you, not just in America but all around the world too. | |
31411 | Ryan Breault | ||
31412 | Aaron Erpelding | ||
31413 | Hayden La Grange | ||
31414 | Timothy Barson | ||
31415 | fijan degiovanni | ||
31416 | Kim | ||
31417 | Yesenia Castaneda | ||
31418 | Milton Castaneda | ||
31419 | Michael | YES WE CAN WITH DR. PAUL!!!!!! | |
31420 | Brian Logan | PLEASE RUN FOR POTUS, MR. PAUL! | |
31421 | Anthony DeMartini | ||
31422 | Michael O’Leary | Ron, please stop the insanity. | |
31423 | Name not displayed | please don’t let Obama get reelected | |
31424 | Adam Ruplinger | Even if Ron did not win, we need him running to keep the political conversation of the Contitution alive during the presidential debates. But quite frankly, I think enough people are starting to wake up after 24 years of having Progressive presidents, with the last 4 being the worst, that Ron has a legitimate chance to be our President and lead us in the quest to preserve the Constitution and save our Republic. | |
31425 | Guy R Shanaberger | ||
31426 | Alyssa Ruplinger | ||
31427 | Brian Reichel | Thank you for looking out for America! | |
31428 | Name not displayed | I enjoyed your time last night at NC State University. | |
31429 | Drew Kocot | Run Ron Run! | |
31430 | Sean L. Hellems | Go Ron Paul!!! | |
31431 | Name not displayed | ||
31432 | Name not displayed | ||
31433 | Jeff Dameron | Ron Paul for 2012 - our only hope | |
31434 | Marcin | You are the only one with answers. Please run for president, you have a lot more support than Obama, and you can actually put our nation on the right path. Please run! | |
31435 | Diane Umaña | ||
31436 | Name not displayed | DO NOT ALLOW THE FED CHARTER TO RENEW IN 2012/2013 !!! | |
31437 | Dallas Hanson | ||
31438 | Taylor Hartness | I agree with every single thing this man is trying to do. | |
31439 | Nathan Shiffler | ||
31441 | jennifer Pickett | ||
31442 | Name not displayed | the government should fear the people not the people fearing the government. | |
31443 | Chris Reed | Go RP | |
31444 | Name not displayed | ||
31445 | Name not displayed | ||
31446 | Henry C. | ||
31447 | Leah Tye | ||
31448 | Tyler Carr | Please run for President. This country needs a man like you. | |
31449 | George Trent | The Re-Founding Father | |
31450 | Allison Aquino | Please run!!! | |
31451 | Sam Michalak | No one should ever be able to tell which way their congressman will vote on an issue by looking at his/her corporate donor list. Run Dr. Paul. | |
31452 | Name not displayed | ||
31453 | Danny Dulkin | ||
31454 | Sek Three | We NEED a real leader who cares for the people not for the profit! May God Bless You SIR! | |
31455 | Leah Schmidt | ||
31456 | Tanya Newgent | ||
31457 | Name not displayed | Please Ron run for president we are here for you all the way!!!! | |
31458 | Krystle Harris | ||
31459 | Name not displayed | Our only hope. | |
31460 | Name not displayed | ||
31461 | Name not displayed | ||
31462 | ken fors | ||
31463 | Tina Benintende | This country needs you as President!!! | |
31464 | carlos flowers | please run..we need you..u are the last hope..RUN PAUL RUN!!!! | |
31465 | Dominic Gonzales | We need you, Sir! | |
31466 | Glenn Luthy | we need your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
31467 | Name not displayed | ||
31468 | Gary K. | Ron Paul is a man who speaks truth. A rarity. | |
31469 | ryan llewellyn | ||
31470 | Klayt Morfoot | ||
31471 | Patrick Feeney | Champion of the Constitution, and common sense. | |
31472 | Matthew Ramberg | Even if you didn’t run, I’d write you in. There is no other person I see fit to hold the position of President of the United States. If I couldn’t write you in, I wouldn’t vote. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils; where we are today is the result of so many people doing just that. If I may be so bold to make one recommendation, though: run as an Independent. Run as a Libertarian. I believe that "R" next to your name, right or wrong, will prevent many Independents or Democrats from even considering you or listening to your message. | |
31473 | Lisa Ousley | ||
31474 | Curt Hays | People, don’t quote John McCain on here. | |
31475 | Name not displayed | ||
31476 | Taylor Lincoln | ||
31477 | jason sejkora | only guy so far that makes sense.. come on on ron! | |
31478 | Michael Thorpe | Real Change is our only hope! | |
31479 | Name not displayed | America Needs Ron Paul | |
31481 | Lyndsey Higginbotham | ||
31482 | Jordan McEldowney | ||
31483 | Chad Marshall, RN | I voted for change, and got short changed! You are the voice or real change. Please run for President in 2012. Thank you. | |
31484 | Micah Abinadi Moses | ||
31485 | Name not displayed | Thank you for your dedicated service! | |
31486 | Name not displayed | ||
31487 | Name not displayed | ron paul is the only person who ran last time that even knew what the true issues were. please run in 2012 congressman Paul | |
31488 | Lindsay McEldowney | ||
31489 | Name not displayed | ||
31490 | Name not displayed | The People are awkening to the grim fact our country was usurped by private banks close to a hundred years ago. Let’s begin to right this wrong by making Ron Paul prez! | |
31491 | Eric Tither | The other candidates in my lifetime aren’t worth the caloric effort required to pull a lever. I’d drive across the country to vote for Ron. | |
31492 | Craig Thomson | ||
31493 | Name not displayed | I’ll help out how ever I can ! | |
31494 | from Republic of Turkey | Turkey’s believe in you | |
31495 | from Republic of Turkey | ||
31496 | Name not displayed | ||
31497 | Joseph Brown | ||
31498 | James W. Anderson | Ron Paul is one of the few people who haven’t lost touch with the American people. Turn off the printing press!! | |
31499 | Brandon Raymus | We need people like Ron Paul to help run this country | |
31500 | Taylor | You are the only sane man left in Washington. | |
31501 | Name not displayed | ||
31502 | K O’Grady | Do it sir. | |
31503 | Kerry McEldowney | ||
31504 | Mark Henson | Restore the Constitution-hope is not an option! | |
31505 | Dustin | I would be willing to donate money and provide other support that I could. | |
31506 | jason hansen | You have all of my support and my family’s | |
31507 | Hiren patel | It’s time for a change, Obama wasn’t the rite man for the job. Dr. Ron Paul for 2012 | |
31508 | Kortni Gehri | You are a true hero, please run for president! | |
31509 | Jack Beddingfield | ||
31510 | Name not displayed | ||
31511 | Andrew Godwin | ||
31512 | Connor Johnston | ||
31513 | Richard | This election will determine whether or not I have any faith left in our current system. Please run. | |
31514 | Brad | ||
31515 | Name not displayed | Three of my children are in the military and I want their lives to be honored and protected. I also want to see relief for many poor in our Country which seems never to come. My children and their future children need a better America. Please run in 2012. | |
31516 | Name not displayed | I don’t agree with all of your ideals. But what is most important is the freedom and liberty of the American people, which is something that you believe in strongly. Please run for the 2012 Candidacy. | |
31517 | Sophia Baloch | ||
31518 | Eric Roland | Can’t wait to "waste" my vote. Go Ron! | |
31519 | Name not displayed | ||
31520 | Name not displayed | Please run run for president | |
31521 | Name not displayed | U.S is not the parent of the world when a country has a civil war that does not evlove us we have no buisness going in guns blazin | |
31522 | Name not displayed | ||
31523 | Sam | ||
31524 | JirĂ Salaquarda | ||
31525 | Tim Bachmann | ||
31526 | Tim Bachmann | ||
31527 | Melissa | ||
31528 | Timothy Johnson | ||
31529 | DAVID ZAP | "V" FOR VICTORY | |
31530 | theresa Anderson | ||
31531 | Hans c. Werner | ||
31532 | Name not displayed | I Am Proud!!! | |
31533 | Name not displayed | Never give up! Never give in! Rand will hopefully take up where you left off if necessary. I know you are proud of him, and you should be! |
31534 | Cory Coggins | ||
31535 | Name not displayed | ||
31536 | Shannon Sasseville | ||
31537 | Name not displayed | Help us Ron Paul, you are our only hope. Please run. | |
31538 | Brian William Hallsted | I will do anything I can to help. | |
31539 | Mike Fleming | You are literally the only politician that can make a difference Dr. Paul. Sadly I suspect the vast majority of the American people haven’t a clue what is in store if they fail to realize this. A concerned Canadian |
31540 | Travis Ramlow | got my vote and the whole town i live in | |
31541 | James Bogue | I stand with you. | |
31542 | Tara Vargas | RON PAUL 2012! END THE FED RON! | |
31543 | SAMMY STAMM | RUN RON RUN! | |
31544 | bobby meadows jr | you will always have my vote | |
31545 | Timothy Pugh | ||
31546 | Bill Boll | ||
31547 | Name not displayed | ||
31548 | Lisa Jester | We need someone strong to oust the dictator. You can debate him without fear. We need you. | |
31549 | Dee Rajwani | You have my vote. | |
31550 | Casey Orth | "A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have." -Thomas Jefferson |
31551 | Jonathan Pratt | We need someone who isn’t afraid to use their voice to represent the people that elect them & I think Mr. Paul is that man & that voice. | |
31552 | Kerri Pasquerella | We love you RON!! | |
31553 | Name not displayed | ||
31554 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul is what America should be, Ron Paul is what died in america, but NEEDS to be brought back. End of discussion. | |
31555 | Christopher Dale | ||
31556 | Name not displayed | FREE AMERICA | |
31557 | Caleb Pero | From one Believer to another, I implore you to ask the Lord if this may be His will for you and this Country. Thank you | |
31558 | Name not displayed | RON PAUL IS A GREAT MAN! WINNING! | |
31559 | Mari Carroll | I live in Manassas, VA. How do I connect with other Ron Paul supporters and also are there opportunities to volunteer? | |
31560 | Bobby Bajwa | ||
31561 | Jon Fairbanks | ||
31562 | Sam Swafford | ||
31563 | Bruce Alan | HELP !!! We need a ‘Ron Paul’ in California… | |
31564 | Colt | JESSE VENTURA VP!! RON PAUL is on americans people side, so how could you go againts yourself?!!!! | |
31565 | Jason Carlson | We’re all for you Ron… Go for it! | |
31566 | shaun jenkins | ||
31567 | Brittany | As a wild teenage liberal girl/model from LA, I have always rooted for liberals (especially Obama). I thought that when I reach voting age, I would always vote democratic because they would do better overall and all the republicans are so self-centered. All my friends are also liberal and during the 2008 election we were making fun of republicans (we never heard of you. They always show McCain, Romney, etc.). When Obama won, I yelled OBAMA BABY OBAMA OBAMA. What is even more sad is that we celebrated at my friends pad and there is this guy that yelled "Ron Paul" and everybody (including me) was booing and we were making fun of him and you. And I didn’t care if people criticized him "UNTIL YESTERDAY". I was driving around Rodeo to do some shopping and what do you know, there was a guy holding a Ron Paul sign saying (with extreme passion) that he would restore our nation. I ignored him thinking he was a crazy. BUT then my conscience suddenly came to me for some reason and out of curiosity/boredom, I looked you up on youtube. And when I heard you talk I became …"SHOCKED" and …"AWED". I have never heard in my lifetime a politician SO INTELLIGENT and SO SANE and SO LOGICAL. You dead TRUTH and HONESTY about the government and Obama have made the my jaw drop (really). I never heard so much of those from a politician EVER And now I really regret how happy and stupid I was to root for Obama. You definitely woke me up and sparkled a light bulb in my head. Since then, I started to watch more videos about you. You have made me learned and UNDERSTAND what America was really all about. This will be the first time I will lean towards republican because of you. I will tell all my friends to do the same. | |
31568 | Luke Williams | what can you even say, so much common sense from someone who could actually lead the country. I’d love to see the day | |
31569 | Hopkin Williams | I will volunteer to help if there is a campaign | |
31570 | Name not displayed | ||
31572 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul is one of the only people in the government who is honest and who cares for this country rather than the purchasing power of lobbyists. We need that now more than ever. Please run in 2012 Dr. Paul, this country needs you. | |
31573 | chris close | WE NEED YOU! The time before was premature because the sheeple would not listen. Now they have no choice. Your philosophies and ideologies are corroborated in the mainstream media more and more frequently. You were once thought as a conspiracy theorist and now we all know what you have been disclosing is the factual truth. You have the credibility now to make that change Obama promised. Please run! | |
31574 | Kevin Crouch | ||
31575 | Patrick Mitchell | ||
31576 | Jacob Hughes | West Point Candidate - Non-interventionist | |
31577 | Name not displayed | I’ve always read about inspirational presidents in high school. Paragraphs alone detailing how their leadership and courage swept the nation and led it to victory. Ron Paul gives me that sense. |
31578 | Jackson | As of right now you would have my vote | |
31579 | john beard | The ONLY common sense politician on the national horizon. | |
31580 | George Horsey | Mr Paul, It’s not just America that needs you….It’s the world aswel. This world needs someone like you in power to make a difference and so does humanity. This world is in crisis, so i and many thousands of others call uppon you, to run for president in the 2012 elections. Set an example not just to America and the American people but to the world. Show the people how to stand up for their rights and to take back their individual power and personal sovereignty. Surround yourself with people you can trust. Mr Ron Paul i know that if you run for president in 2012 it’s not just going to be Americans that will stand behind you….. but the whole world aswel. I send my love to you Mr Paul. With you as the president of America, humanity mighnt just have a chance. Deliver America back to the free country that it was meant to be. The Founders would be counting on you. | |
31581 | Wendy Christine Brooks Jones | ||
31582 | Josh Garwick | ||
31583 | Corey Close | ||
31584 | Robert E Hudson | Mary Mother of God, please save us. | |
31585 | Roisin Cassidy | ||
31586 | Chris Pankiewicz | ||
31587 | Darris | You are the only one that makes sense and has a chance. Please run. | |
31588 | Sean | Bring down this empire! Live within your means, America! | |
31589 | Kevin T. Hannah | ||
31590 | Brian Wammack | ||
31591 | Name not displayed | ||
31592 | SidewinderFF | Give me liberty or give me death!!! | |
31593 | Brian K. King | I will vote for you if you run for president. However, I disagree on your position about taxation, especially in regards to high income individuals. Although I dislike the government having too much power and control over things they should have no business with, taxation is a necessary part of keeping a country functional and strong. The government should provide a safe and nurturing place for its citizens to prosper and grow, changing itself to meet the needs and will of the people. This costs money and I believe your view on taxation does not realistically provide enough funding for a government to fulfill their role. I believe on a moral level that people who earn large amounts of money (over a million dollars a year) should pay a higher percentage in taxes, because they most likely earn that money from the work of others that earn far less than them and the infrastructure and safety the government provides . I cannot think of one person or job that works hard enough to earn that kind of money. I think that paying our debts and avoiding national bankruptcy/inflation is impossible without a combination of taxes and decreased spending. I do think that anyone making less than 100k should be in the lowest tax bracket (which should be a small amount taxed from you), but people making large amounts of money should be taxed greatly (49% of their income). If you read this, I will be very astonished. Please write back and good luck with your campaign. We need an alternative to the two party system. |
31594 | Douglas Allan Joy | Please…some common sense!! | |
31595 | Sapphik | Go and vote for Ron Paul!! | |
31596 | Kenneth Nersten | I support creative thinkers, truthsayers, independents and underdogs. | |
31597 | Michael Roberts | ||
31598 | Cathy Macias | I pray that Ron Paul can be our next president in 2012. He is exactly what our country needs. | |
31599 | Kevin Shipley | ||
31600 | Maxwell Cook | ||
31601 | James Line | We need radical change, since every single party that has held office in my lifetime has had the same economic outcome. | |
31602 | Timothy G. LeBlanc | It’s time, we as Americans, wake up and start paying more attention! We can’t take our ‘FREEDOMS’ for grant-it… We all need to vote!!! Ron Paul |
31603 | tim | We need you. Not only the USA… but the world needs you! | |
31604 | Liam Brennan | For liberty and courage | |
31605 | Roman Moravec | I´m from the Czech Republic so I can´t vote in the US. But I hope for your election. It´s not only hope for the US but for the hole World. | |
31606 | Marek Mollin | Although I am not an American Citizen, I would support campaign with freedom spirit and dontation. |
31607 | Enrico Cordisco | Don’t think that your vote for Ron Paul will help someone else. EVERYONE should vote for the man and we’ll get what we want FINALLY! | |
31608 | Andrew Flores | Hopefully more Americans are intelligent enough to sign this petition and vote for you in 2012! | |
31609 | Barbara Fleming | We need you right where you are. Keep flushing out the truth, and we will be set free!! | |
31610 | Name not displayed | ||
31611 | Name not displayed | you got dis | |
31612 | Name not displayed | Best of luck and I hope I get to vote for you on the ticket here in Madisonville, KY!! | |
31613 | Tommy Gourzis | End The fighting | |
31614 | Name not displayed | I believe. | |
31615 | Allan Hall | Rand is a great ally, but he does not have the political clout that Ron Paul has to run for president. Ron Paul has a much greater chance at this stage. | |
31616 | Massimo | You’re the only hope of this country..please Sir,we’re all with you! | |
31617 | Dave Stearns | Ron Paul 2012! | |
31618 | Brian Harkness | ||
31619 | Daniel Donza | It more about getting your message out again then winning..however better chance then ever! | |
31620 | Pax Tielman | Enough is Enough. We cannot tolerate this RAPE and BETRAYAL anymore. | |
31621 | Gary Lovisn | ||
31622 | Rex Yocum | ||
31623 | Name not displayed | ||
31624 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul, you are needed, now more than ever. I had giving up after these last few years when Obama did a 180 on everything he said. You make sense, we all need to see more of you on the TV, so the masses that are waking up can fully understand the truth and have someone to have some faith in,, which is so hard to do when being continously lied to. you have my vote and the vote of all 23 people in my family. Lets make this happen | |
31625 | Brandon Sinclair | ||
31626 | Name not displayed | ||
31627 | Tim Gerrish | If I have time I would help Ron Paul in Florida during the primaries. I am a law student, and would dedicate considerable time during my 3L (next school year) to help! | |
31628 | Name not displayed | Go Ron you can do it | |
31629 | Leonard Stebbins | ||
31630 | John Richards | The voting process is normally like asking us to decide would we rather eat garbage for lunch, or trash for dinner. I have given up on presidential voting, because for every ONE educated intellegent human being, there are FIFTY who know more about American Idol and Jersey Shore than they do about their own nation. Those people will always vote for the guy who gives them the best bullcrap speech. America is not ready for an honest politician like Ron Paul. People would prefer to be told how to live, what to do, and how to do it-and as long as they have beer on Sunday and nobody directly steps on THIER particular lawn…..the general attitude of America is "Screw everyone else." Ron Paul is simply too revolutionary, and too realistic for America. People don’t want truth and liberty. But here’s my signature anyway….hoping on a pipe dream ![]() |
31631 | Name not displayed | Get Rid Of The Federal Reserve. | |
31632 | Joseph Story | ||
31633 | bardzochudyy | I can’t wait for more articles! When will you update your interesting website? tabletki na odchudzanie |
31634 | Name not displayed | You may be our only hope! Please run for president, we need you desperately to turn this around before it’s too late! | |
31635 | Garrett R. Kusmack | ||
31636 | Charles Oceguera | ||
31637 | Grace Lowe | ||
31638 | Christopher R. Hudson, Jr. | It’s not that I agree with you on every issue, it’s that I know that you’ll stand up for freedom even when it makes you the most hated man in America. God bless you. | |
31639 | Xavier Zavala | Our last bastion of hope for our nation, and our nation’s economy lies with you sir. Help the people of this country learn to help themselves! | |
31640 | l stewart | ||
31641 | Patrick Proffit | Do it, i’m ready to vote! | |
31642 | Name not displayed | ||
31643 | Name not displayed | GO RON RAUL PLEASE RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN 2012. | |
31644 | Name not displayed | "It either you get elected in 2012 and legislate change or in the very near future a revolution will have to occur resulting in the deaths of millions." I second that. |
31645 | Name not displayed | ||
31646 | Name not displayed | ||
31647 | Morgan Erskine | If everyone could see a one-on-one presidential debate between ron paul and obama…. i think it would be pretty clear what needs to be done… RON PAUL 2012 | |
31648 | Greg | ||
31649 | john wilhite | ||
31650 | Ben Malcom | I believe he can save us from a new world order and take us back to just being the USA again | |
31651 | Ryan Roberts | ||
31652 | Name not displayed | ||
31653 | Joshua Heffner | Please save our country. | |
31654 | Sara Haugen | Dear Ron: Please run for President! Our government has sold us out and you’re our savior! I believe in you, please run for President 2012! |
31655 | Dylan Johnson | We need ron paul to strengthen our nation! | |
31656 | Gabriel Gnall | The citizens need better options to choose from. Please run. | |
31657 | Name not displayed | ||
31658 | Blake Mellencamp | ||
31659 | Deane Knott | ||
31660 | Name not displayed | Patriotism at its finest! | |
31661 | Hunter Lane | Good luck! You have my vote! ![]() |
31662 | Name not displayed | ||
31663 | Kyle Riggs | Investigate the FED! | |
31664 | Jean Malcom | We do need you to run and make needed changes. | |
31665 | Dave Levesque | ||
31666 | Chad Shelton | PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A real person who can make real changes!! | |
31667 | Stephen Williams | There will never be another JFK - but there is Ron Paul. Vote for change! | |
31668 | John Alexander Christian II | Rand for VP | |
31669 | Name not displayed | ||
31670 | Corey Brumbaugh | ||
31671 | Name not displayed | Please run in 2012. With your help the nation can be great again. | |
31672 | Heidi Daniels | ||
31673 | Roger D.Boren | I dont own a firearm, but enjoy fact that i can. thankyou |
31674 | Name not displayed | ||
31675 | keith kim | ||
31676 | Luigi Ruiz | ||
31677 | Robert Urschel | ||
31678 | Troy | ||
31680 | Bart Stojowski | ||
31681 | Walter | ||
31682 | Michael Winslow | the only political mind i have ever believed in. Ron Paul | |
31683 | Gina Copeland | ||
31684 | Name not displayed | Real Change you can believe in! | |
31685 | patrick mcmullin | ||
31686 | Patrick R. Tracey | ||
31687 | Lauren H Taylor | ||
31688 | Name not displayed | Please elect someone who knows constitutions, free trade, lower tax, a truely smaller government — yeah, that’s your Dr. Ron Paul! Please RUN! | |
31689 | Name not displayed | Just Do It! | |
31690 | christina crews | ||
31691 | Name not displayed | Please run, we must stop the insanity in our government. | |
31692 | Will S. | Ron Paul is neither a Republican or a Democrat by today’s standard. He’s a patriot. | |
31693 | Marcia Hope | ||
31694 | Steve Sninsky | Dr. Paul, please run in 2012. You are the only one who is capable of leading this country on the road to recovery. You have my vote. | |
31695 | Keith Richards | Cheers to the only other person I know that clings to the Constitution! | |
31696 | Joseph McDevitt | We need you more now then ever. With the incoming collapse of the dollar, your the only person in government that still has there head on there shoulders. Our civil liberties are gone!. | |
31697 | Dan Rowe | we MUST go back to a SILVER & GOLD Standard with our currency. The FIRST country that does-HAS THE POWER !! | |
31698 | Ryan M. Tarter | Run… we need you! | |
31699 | Brian M. Leiva | I back Ron Paul 100% I believe his message is beneficial to all Americans Proud Patriot for Ron Paul not the fake Freemasonic police establishment it has become. It is our responsibility to stand up and take back our government | |
31700 | Name not displayed | After reading End the Fed my mind has been changed in several ways. This coutry needs liberterian ideals to reach the decision makers federally and locally. | |
31701 | Jani Lahtinen | ||
31703 | Alan Heer | Is Obama the One we need? I think not. My vote is for the one who most closely resembles our forefatrhers. In this case, Ron Paul, you have my vote if you run. | |
31704 | Lindsey | ||
31705 | David C. | Run, please. We can do it! | |
31706 | Name not displayed | All it takes for evil to prevail in this world is for a few good people to do nothing. Evil is prevailing and its time for the good of this world to stand up against the evil globalist trying to strip us od everything. Ron Paul is the man to lead the fight. RON PAUL 2012!!!!!! | |
31707 | Name not displayed | ||
31708 | BRYAN | RUN RON, RUN. | |
31709 | Sarah Laskoski | I won’t vote for anyone else, even if it comes to writing his name in again. | |
31710 | Ann Adams | ||
31711 | Michael J. Koteles, Jr. | We need you to run! We need the truth to be heard and our rights returned to us as citizens of this great country. | |
31712 | Waylon Levins | Mr. Paul… In all seriousness, you had better not fuck this up, we are approaching the the inevitable terminus of the obliteration of this nation. Godspeed my friend. | |
31713 | Name not displayed | I was raised on the right, then drifted left; frustrated and unable to find pragmatic leadership on either side, I’ve now found Mr. Ron Paul. The most rational leader our country has to offer. Please step forward Mr. Paul. | |
31714 | Jim Smith | ||
31715 | Braedon Wilkerson | Ron, me and a my college buddies are die hard supporters! our political philosophy is categorized: "Ron Paul" on facebook. As my circle of peers would say, you just gotta "Row, Row, Fight the Powah!" Congressman Paul, you just gotta row, row. |
31716 | brian baker | I’m sorry I voted for the republican last election. That being said don’t drag anything squeamish from the party, consider Rand. Thanks | |
31717 | Jeffery McKinney | ||
31718 | Chester Fuller | God bless you for All you do | |
31719 | Name not displayed | ||
31720 | Phillip Wilson | A sincere and steadfast co-operation in promoting such a reconstruction of our political system as would provide for the permanent liberty and happiness of the United States. James Madison |
31721 | Matthew Hinojosa | ||
31722 | Apac | Ron Paul: sincere and level-headed! | |
31723 | Madisen Daviau | i think it would be great if Ron became President. Being a canadian citizen , i feel we need to be able to trust our neighbours leader, and theres noone more i could trust than Ron Paul |
31724 | Kim Ruiz | ||
31725 | Daniel Greenhill | Please, we need you! | |
31726 | Josh | people really need to listen ron paul’s wisdom and words they are what started america | |
31727 | Name not displayed | I’m not even American but I’d rather have Ron Paul running your country than the ceasless array of puppets that the current two-party system spews out. | |
31728 | Name not displayed | ||
31729 | Chernor Barrie | I wish well, Mr. Paul | |
31730 | Name not displayed | ||
31731 | Peter | ||
31732 | Alex Campbell | Please run! You’re the reason I got out and voted in ’08. I won’t have a reason to vote in ’12 if you don’t run. Some of us refuse to give in to the "lesser of two evils" tyranny. | |
31733 | Mitchell | liberty is not a given. Liberty is what you fight for and liberty is what you die for | |
31734 | ryan sardoni | make us proud to be Americans again. | |
31735 | Brian B Wolcott | Keep your coins I want change. | |
31736 | Ed LaVoie | Why doesn’t this make sense to Americans. You should run again | |
31737 | Name not displayed | ||
31738 | Name not displayed | ||
31739 | 911truthwillprevail | IF YOU RUN YOU WILL WIN…. WE WILL MAKE SURE OF IT… RON PAUL 2012 |
31740 | Name not displayed | ||
31741 | Andrew LaBelle | Love you Ron sent you a Christmas card hope you got it. | |
31742 | Jason Mitchell | GO RON! | |
31743 | Kirill | Not only the USA needs you but the whole world. We all are fed up with these socialist interventionists and would really appreciate if you, Mr. Paul, decided to put in for. | |
31744 | Vita | ||
31745 | John Christensen | We need a true President to secure the liberty and freedom of the people | |
31746 | Name not displayed | please do NOT share my information. | |
31747 | derek j horton | ||
31748 | Ryan Lee | ||
31749 | J. Bibonne | ||
31750 | Name not displayed | We need you Ron Paul god bless you for your courage you are a true hero please continue to do what you do we support you | |
31751 | Mario Castro | So how do you all like you’re hope an change? | |
31752 | Ari Herbert | This country was founded to establish and preserve freedom, and in this dark time when freedoms are quickly being usurped from the individual’s authority, Ron Paul 2012 can put us back on the right track | |
31753 | Ian Z. | I like you, and I hope you and the LibertyPAC make low-cost good-quality commercials and get them on the air. If people don’t know you exist them you won’t get elected! Needs more than just facebook, needs a good plan/strategy! | |
31754 | Mickey | We need you Ron!!!! | |
31755 | Name not displayed | ||
31756 | John | ||
31757 | john foster | ||
31758 | Gerald Ruell | ||
31759 | Name not displayed | Please run in 2012 !!! | |
31760 | Name not displayed | Please, if not for me, for my daughter and everyone else that wants a future for their children. Run, I would if I could. | |
31761 | Raymond Young | I think now, especially after our short sighted involvement in Libya, the American people need and will embrace Ron Pauls’ message. We need him now more than ever. | |
31762 | Terrance King | "We Want Ron Paul" | |
31763 | Jeremy Ruzanski | ||
31764 | sportsbookonline | I read your posts everyday, you have talent in writing, waiting for more updates bet356 electronic cigarette |
31765 | Scott Urschel | ||
31766 | Roscoe C. Witham | We need you.. this country needs you | |
31767 | John Not | It’s 2011 and Change is NOT happening. We’re still in Iraq, Afghanistan and NOW Libya! Please, RON PAUL stop this madness, bring the troops home and close the military bases around the world. We are not the world’s police force. We need Dr. Paul to tell the world to look after itself, and to let America look after itself. RonPaul2012 | |
31768 | Adam | Ron Paul you’re the first to make logical sense and ask the questions many won’t. You show understanding to how our economy works. Logical and unbiased and promote liberties when our liberties have been removed over time. |
31769 | Name not displayed | Run Ron, Run! | |
31770 | Luke Smith | ||
31771 | kurt humberson | your the only hope for this country, and the future of our children | |
31772 | Eric Yost | ||
31773 | Wayne Cornell | ||
31774 | Benjamin Brixey | I hope my curbside recycling business makes me enough money to make it on the council as a future libertarian. The future has been bread by you believe it or not. I am not as critical of Obama and i think we do need regulation in energy but if you run; you have my loyal support for 8 years. | |
31775 | Ross Williams | Ron Paul Revolution! You have my vote | |
31776 | Michael Roach | ||
31777 | Jacob Davis | ||
31778 | steve w miller | ||
31779 | Maria Stella | ||
31780 | Kenneth Smith | ||
31781 | Shey Bland | ||
31782 | Name not displayed | ||
31783 | Name not displayed | ||
31784 | William knowlton | Help up Ron Paul. Your our only hope | |
31786 | Kerry Yankowy | The ravenous greed of the federal gov’t and big business must be bridled, or better yet, STOPPED! | |
31787 | Chad Webb | ||
31788 | K Edwards | ||
31789 | john carter | You and are the voice of liberty | |
31790 | frank gillette | ||
31791 | Zach White | ||
31792 | Eddie w Lackey | Thank you Mr Paul, for always stating the truth without fear of any administration and media attacks. Your hard work in congress on the Unconstitutional bills passed in the last 10yrs has been amazing and for that I thank you. We need you in 2012! | |
31793 | Christopher Abrams | This is simply the truth. | |
31794 | Cody Ford | ||
31795 | Adam Herman | ||
31796 | Josh Kobza | let the revolution begin | |
31797 | Carl Elder | 2012 | |
31798 | Jeremy Burick | ||
31799 | Nicole Benson | ||
31800 | Jaye Caroline Comer | It’s time to give America back to the people and you are just the man to lead the way! God bless…. | |
31801 | Brandon Komar | We need you Ron. I can feel it inside me. Heat is pumping through my veins. Each beat getting stronger. My body hell bent on what is to come. Ready for destruction. Ready to push each muscle to its max. Ready to feel the burn of the cold air inflating my lungs resulting in the giant exhale of hot air. The product of pushing yourself beyond all measures. The product of satisfaction knowing what Ron Paul is ready to do for our country. Knowing he will unify and work harder then anyone can imagine to bring America to greatness. Its time for a president who fights for America. Who listens to his people. Who serves his people and is a face for the faceless. Its time for Ron Paul 2012. |
31802 | Heidi Maxwell | ||
31803 | joe | america needs you ron and the rest of the world | |
31804 | Jimmy Meetze | Run Paul Run! Save us from our Government…. | |
31805 | jenna williams | ||
31806 | MICHAEL CARTER | Long live the republic!!!1 | |
31807 | David Nichols | We need men like you with real intellegence and the courage for the right course of action in due time. | |
31808 | Kimberly Wells | We need you! | |
31809 | Matthew Severance | ||
31810 | john fisher | This matt lactmhommedieu is a phoney vet check out pow/phonies web site. john fisher usmc/vietnam |
31811 | Luther James | You are one of the few true common sense voices out there | |
31812 | Erik Setzer | ||
31813 | Tyler Wagnon | Please run sir this will be the first year i can vote and id like to vote for you if you dont run ill probly just write your name in. | |
31814 | David Priebe | Run! | |
31815 | Name not displayed | Finally, a political figure who gives an honest, straightforward answer. | |
31816 | Name not displayed | ||
31817 | Dave Crocco | Win or not, Ron Paul would add to the debate and wake people up. | |
31818 | kathryn Brady | ||
31819 | Alex Hoder | Please run! Our country needs someone like you more than ever! | |
31820 | Name not displayed | It’s better than drugs from pharmacies | |
31821 | Name not displayed | Dr. Paul, The day I heard you debating against the other Republican candidates for the last election, I hoped and dreamed that an honest man who believes in everything we as Americans hold dear would become the President, and start our ascent out of the mire we have found this nation in for the past 90 or so years. Please, for all of us, do not stop your fight for liberty, we, all of us true red white and blue American citizens, of this Republic we hold so dear, are behind you. -Dalton |
31822 | David M. Curtis | Ron Paul, is the only Presidential candidate alive that our Founding Fathers would vote for! You have my vote Ron. God Bless you! | |
31823 | Name not displayed | save our country from the international banking cartel! | |
31824 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul needs to emphasize on voters looking at candidates voting records, not what the candidates campaign on. Every election i have witnessed has been won on a campaign full of lies, or as the liar politicians would call it, a campaign full of misleads. LOL. | |
31825 | Michael Martin | Trust your gut. Put your money where your sick and tired mouth is. | |
31826 | Kyle Bedard | ||
31827 | Name not displayed | ||
31828 | adam | Run Ron Run!! | |
31829 | bob | End The Fed!! | |
31830 | Name not displayed | I don’t agree with everything but your currently one of the sanest men in congress. We need a leader with balls … no offense to feminists. | |
31831 | Luke Stuerke | Come on Ron, You still got one left in ya! | |
31832 | Name not displayed | ||
31833 | Name not displayed | ||
31834 | Andrew Curtis | Your country needs you Dr. Paul. | |
31835 | Nuno Luis | Run Mr. Paul, Run… | |
31836 | Name not displayed | ||
31837 | Jesse Garris | it may seem impossible, but what in politics doesn’t? | |
31838 | Eric Pelezo | Ron Paul is not only the BEST choice for President of the U.S…in my humble opinion..HE IS THE ONLY CHOICE!! I LOVE YOU RON!! Whatever your decision is for 2012, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY PRESIDENT! AND MY BUMPERSTICKER SAYS SO!! | |
31839 | Meredith M Stewart | ||
31840 | Name not displayed | Although I don’t live in the U.S we here in Australia I would have to say is very Americanized & I kind of resent that the governments of your country has dragged my country into your mess & that we HAD no part of it until the Bush government decided to step into Iraq & took us with him & I totally agree with you Mr Ron Paul as it is their fight & not yours ! I have a lot of respect for our neighboring country of New Zealand as they don’t back either the U.S or Mid East & pretty much stay to themselves (as we here in Australia call them the Switzerland of the South Pacific) ! But hey keep up the good work & if I was an American citizen, you’d get my vote mate ! |
31841 | D.C. Burkland | Please,please, run again in 2012. We all need you, and a good cabinet of honest men. We are watching to see who you endorse. |
31842 | Ryan Felch | PLEASE RUN!!! I didn’t vote last time because you didn’t get the nomination. This time you will with all of your supporters and fans! | |
31843 | Name not displayed | go on | |
31844 | R.K. Burkland | Please run. Wrote you in last election, I will do it again this election if you don’t run. | |
31845 | Name not displayed | ||
31846 | Shawn H Berry | Best pitch for president I have heard so far. Just made me a Republican. | |
31847 | Will Barnwell | Go Ron!!! | |
31848 | debra barrieault | ||
31849 | Scott Grainger | Run & Win 2012l! | |
31850 | d quinn | ||
31851 | Zachary Sommer | You can do it Dr. Paul. I don’t doubt your chances its up to you! | |
31852 | Billy Yoder | WIN IN 2012!!! | |
31853 | Lyle Jamison | ||
31854 | Christopher Jones | Advertise this more if you truly want 100,000 + signatures! ;o) | |
31855 | Jesse Gulledge | ||
31856 | Tim Dowty | ||
31857 | Donald J. Millar | I, all of my family members, and all of my friends are supportive of Senator Paul and a 2012 presidential bid. | |
31858 | Andrew A. Fernandez | Ron Paul Revolution |
31859 | Name not displayed | I’ll be a first time voter and I want it to be for someone I believe in. | |
31860 | Matthew Griffin | ||
31861 | nancy schick | What a day it would be to have Ron Paul as President. | |
31862 | Name not displayed | ||
31863 | Name not displayed | Run please! | |
31864 | joe berry | ||
31865 | Reverend Samuel T Transue | End the Fed! | |
31866 | Andrew Zanotelli | ||
31867 | Andrew | america needs something new.He can being it. | |
31868 | MICHAEL VESELINVOKSI | Dr. Paul…Please. | |
31869 | Michael Canart | ||
31870 | Matthew | We need to alter our course from destruction. You are the only one principled enough to do that. The truth resonates out of your mouth and that’s what separates you from everyone else. | |
31871 | Michael Downs | ||
31872 | Michelle | ||
31873 | Gtham | Do It! | |
31874 | mike l. shields | ||
31875 | Conrad Gottlieb | For America Ron!!!!! Run and Win |
31876 | Jorge Undurraga | As far as i am from your country ( South America, Chile), first time i heard words of this kind from a politician. Is sad that we are so surprised when a person try to talk with truth. This kind of man, should and must be part of the lider ones. | |
31877 | Darren Rufer | ||
31878 | michael w hope | Ron Paul is the closest we will get to a Thomas Jefferson in modern times. Dr. Paul is a true defender of liberty. We need him in the oval office now more than ever. | |
31879 | Name not displayed | ||
31880 | Name not displayed | ||
31881 | Name not displayed | good luck! | |
31882 | oliverio v carbajal | some one that has not just a crtain group of people intrest at hand but to see how eveyone can get something out of it |
31883 | John Carew | ||
31884 | Name not displayed | Please Mr. Ron Paul, countless families are depending on the kind of change you would seek to bring to our nation. We don’t just need a leader to usher in change, we need someone trustworthy for us to stand behind as we re-declare our independence. I for one am completely confident in my ability to live without the governments entitlements programs. RON PAUL 2012! | |
31885 | Name not displayed | ||
31886 | Larry Malace III | Please Run, Our Country Needs You. | |
31887 | Daniel smith | ||
31888 | Name not displayed | I am praying that Rep. Paul runs in 2012. This foolishness must stop! Right now he is the only option. Every day we lose more of our freedoms, what is next? I shudder to think. | |
31889 | Erik Gensler | You are one of the very few politicians who is looking out for the American people. If you do not get elected in 2012, then I fear America will be no more. I will personally campaign for you in 2012. Please Run!!! We need you! | |
31890 | Jacob Pohlman | real change for 2012! | |
31891 | Chris Hilash | ||
31892 | Name not displayed | If you’re elected, please don’t f us over. | |
31893 | Jeff Pizanti | ||
31894 | Cleveland Wheeler | The U.S. Government is out of control and out of touch. America needs leadership that represents the best interest of the American people and makes decisions based on founding guidelines and common sense. |
31895 | Andrew Taylor | Help to wake up the world as evil, God Bless You Great and wise a solid person for justice. |
31896 | Sam Al-mausawi | Save white America I love you | |
31897 | shawn | Ron Paul for Freedom’s sake! | |
31898 | John VanSpronsen | I am so happy Ron Paul is running I can’t even explain it. I have been waiting years, only voting once, because I have never felt good about any possible candidates. Now we have Ron Paul, a man who can look at a problem with an open mind, and see endless possibilities for the Unites States. Thank you Ron! You can count on a lot of votes from everyone I know, trust me! | |
31899 | Name not displayed | ||
31900 | Joe Czarnecki | ||
31901 | Quintin Hopkins | Paul we need you | |
31902 | Sam Thomas | BRING DOWN THE FED AND THE IRS! | |
31903 | Ryan Tigner | Hoping for a government with a more balanced budget and less war. | |
31904 | John Hutchinson | We need real change in Washington! | |
31905 | Jamie Jordan | ||
31906 | Derrick Wise | ||
31907 | Kevi n D. Lewis | If Ron Paul runs we better back him up. If your broke then send him two dollars and pass out bumper stickers! We need a statesman instead of all these crooks. Is it too late? | |
31908 | Camille Sanchez | Ron Paul rocks! | |
31909 | Name not displayed | Support the revolution…. Peace | |
31910 | Johnathan Rutkowski | ||
31911 | Steven Coward | ||
31912 | M. Smith | Will be voting for you, no matter what. Wrote you in, in 2008. Ready to do it again! | |
31913 | Aaron Dishon, Esq. | Stay true to your values. | |
31914 | Name not displayed | I wish more people would wake up and realize that your political ideology and agenda is the fairest, most common sense, and strongest way to preserve and protect the individual…people > the gov’t | |
31915 | Jeffrey M. Bell | Your message is out, and your country implores you to finish what needs to be done. I learned of the Federal Reserve’s wrong-doings in college from my american government professor, just to let you know how far your ideas have traveled and how much hope there really is. You can save this country, everyone on this website believes with conviction that you can turn it around. Ron Paul 2012!! Champion of the Constitution!!! | |
31916 | chris moates | Give me a third, honest option Mr. Paul. | |
31917 | BILLIE PARKER | ||
31918 | Patrick Smith | Finally a Man who speaks the Truth!!! | |
31919 | Deane Endo | Go Ron Paul !!! | |
31920 | Nathan | We need you in 2012 Ron | |
31922 | Name not displayed | the world needs to hear a reasonable voice!! | |
31923 | Name not displayed | ||
31924 | Terraill Oliver | ||
31925 | Joshua | ||
31926 | Josh | Its time for some REAL change | |
31927 | Kelly Miller | ||
31928 | Christina Alvarez | I am now 19 and I have believed in you since I was 16- before I was able to vote. Please keep trying, and know that many of us believe in you. | |
31929 | Mitch | Dr.Paul, Please don’t give up on your fight for freedom. I beg you. Mitch |
31930 | Name not displayed | ||
31931 | Jon Gilrain | Ron Paul. . . "Change we can refer to in the Constitution." | |
31932 | John P | We need a REAL president. Someone to lead us in the right direction. We need someone who will stand up to corporations, lobbyists, and big money and tell them to back down. Someone who will make choices to cut back on the CRAP our country is spending its money on. Someone who WILL pull out from ALL foreign wars and instead focus on making our nation a PRODUCTIVE nation again. A nation where people can innovate and lead the way with technology. A country where people can enjoy their jobs and not feel like slaves to a system that is taking us through the grind and stealing all our money. RON PAUL may be our hope! | |
31933 | Richard Caetano | Kill the federal reserve | |
31934 | Name not displayed | ||
31935 | Marianne Cook | Please give us what we long for, leadership | |
31936 | Callum Stringer | America has been marred by corruption and incompetence from the oval office for decades now and it’s time that truly changes. I am not an American citizen but if I was I would vote Ron Paul as he has shown that he is a man with integrity, morals and the courage to do what’s right in the heart not on the plains of political power struggles. I predict that WHEN Ron Paul wins the elections he will be remembered as one of the greatest presidents of all time if not the greatest and an example to people all over the world. God bless Ron Paul | |
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31938 | George P. Williams Jr | ||
31940 | Cole Fernandez | The only man who obeys the Constitution in our Government. Ron, you are my hero! | |
31941 | Name not displayed | Time for REAL CHANGE! | |
31942 | Richard Riggs | Sir, we desperately need a principled supporter of the Constitution as head of the executive branch as opposed to a globalist, CFR, imperialist. Please, allow us a real choice in 2012. | |
31943 | Kasaundra Beckner | Please Ron Paul Run for president, you are our only hope!! | |
31944 | Norma Wages | ||
31945 | Tom Burditt Vt. State Representative | The Vermont State Legislature is a challenging place with the principles we have. | |
31946 | Frank Driggers | Please seriously consider running again in 2012 for the good of our Republic. We all know you are the right man for the job Dr. Paul. | |
31947 | Ryan Rapp | ||
31948 | Name not displayed | Keep up the Good Fight!!!! | |
31949 | Jason Dunkle | Dr. Paul you are the only hope to save America. | |
31950 | Charles Faurot | The Endgame is near. Thank you Dr. Paul for standing for our sovrienty. | |
31951 | Shane Hoffman | ||
31952 | Name not displayed | The only hope America has is Ron Paul. | |
31953 | Kari Gill | ||
31954 | Name not displayed | Dear Mr. Paul, Our country is ready for you. We NEED a president that will actually listen to the AMERICAN people and do what’s right for OUR country. You have my vote! |
31955 | Natalee Ziebro | PLEEEEASE run for President. You give me hope! | |
31956 | Justin R. Banks | Sir, we need you, BAD. When it is within a mans ability to prevent unwarranted harm to his fellow man, it becomes his moral obligation to act within reason to protect his fellow man. We need you. | |
31957 | Name not displayed | please run | |
31958 | Matthew Allen | ||
31959 | Heather Prentice | ||
31960 | Kayla Kozak | You have to run, you are this country’s only hope. | |
31961 | Brock Pennie | Please run Ron Paul to save the US. | |
31962 | Bobbie Today | Paul/Paul has a nice ring to it. This country needs some Healing, Dr. Paul. | |
31963 | Name not displayed | Thank you for all you have done so far to preserve our country. But we need you to continue your efforts, please run for president 2012. | |
31964 | Brian P. Gavin | You’re a true patriot, sir. Please accept the challenge of leading America back to its roots of independence and integrity. I view roughly 95% of the executive and legislative branches as puppets for the globalist, corporate crooks that will eventually destroy America and all she stands for. Of the 5% I still have faith in, you’re the only one with a viable chance to win. Lead us. You must! | |
31965 | christopher browning | ||
31966 | rachel fehr | ||
31967 | Malcolm Patterson | The efforts of Dr. Paul have woken many people up to reality as far as the state of our country these days, and for that I’m grateful. America could really benefit from this great patriot running for president. | |
31968 | Linda S Vulovic | You bring intelligent dialogue, moral integrity & credible leadership to ‘the table’…PLEASE RUN! | |
31969 | Ernie Fowlke | The loss of freedom has come to a head. People are more aware and now identify with the principles you’ve been standing by for so many years. | |
31970 | Name not displayed | So badly wish you had been in the whitehouse these last few years. | |
31971 | Charlie Cossman | ||
31972 | monique balmer | ||
31973 | KERRI AMOUR | ||
31974 | Michael silva | ||
31975 | Aaron R Rice | Looking forward to working in the trenches to help shift us back to sanity in this country! | |
31976 | nicholas nann-johnson | 24yr boston bricklayer for ron 2012 dear ron plz run so we can return faith in our leaders, and have leaders that really lead… My faith is in you ron. | |
31977 | Daniel Mason | This country cannot survive an additional four years with yet another puppet dictator. | |
31978 | Name not displayed | Please run for President of the United States Of America. I am wishing that James Janos (aka Jessee Ventura) would be your running mate. We are so busy making a living in order to survive and 90% ? of us I’ll bet don’t know what’s going on in this country. I have learned a lot since I have retired. My college degree isn’t enough knowledge. Thanks for listening Ron. | |
31980 | Jason Brown | ||
31981 | Kyle Herron | Run Paul Run | |
31982 | Edward J O’Brien | We need you Ron! | |
31983 | Name not displayed | ||
31984 | Ruth Dinsmore | We desperately need an honest man in the Whitehouse. Go Ron!! | |
31985 | Wayde Morgan | ||
31986 | Alicina Memar | ||
31987 | Brianna Sterwart | I put you in as a write in last election. | |
31988 | dinsdale | ||
31989 | James Gatewood | ||
31990 | Kenneth Morrow | We want to be free! | |
31991 | Andria Larsen | ||
31992 | Pat | Please aggressively restore our constitution and country!!!! | |
31993 | Brian Larsen | ||
31994 | Name not displayed | PLEASE RUN! | |
31995 | Martin G. Goodrich Jr. | The US needs you Mr Paul. | |
31996 | Maureen Hill | We need you! | |
31997 | JP | ||
31998 | Name not displayed | We need a man like you to fix our government!!!! | |
31999 | Emmalee Kalb | If our country is to survive, we need you to lead it. You are the only person who can help get our country back on track. If you don’t run then I don’t think our country will ever get better. | |
32000 | fuck face |
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Ron Paul has my vote in 2012..Champion for The Constitution! Real Help For America! Peace, Prosperity,Peace..Amen!