Number | Name | Comment | |
34001 | Kevin Harris | ||
34002 | Gabriela Martz | ||
34003 | Daniel McMenamy | ||
34004 | George Nickolas | The United States needs fiscal conservatives soon or we will be broke | |
34005 | Name not displayed | ||
34006 | Lowell Anderson | ||
34007 | Jamie Peeters | ||
34008 | Kenneth J Prince | The Time Is Right For Your Ideas Dr Paul | |
34009 | William P. Ferris | America needs you now more than ever. Please give it another shot in 2012 | |
34010 | Terrell | we need your help sir | |
34011 | Warren Mitchell Blakemore | Lead us in the Good Fight! | |
34012 | Shaun Saville | ||
34013 | arthur picanco | We need Ron Paul. Help save our country. please!! we are mad as hell and wont take it anymore. | |
34014 | Ethan Strong | Please do not give in to the bankers! | |
34015 | Chris Stark | ||
34016 | Name not displayed | ||
34017 | shawn priest | Ron paul you are our best shot at a better america. | |
34018 | corwin harris | ron the medical cannabis users need you. separate government from doctor and client privileges. america was founded on the freedom and rightness choice WE make not a government isn’t that the reason we left england. ty | |
34019 | David Todd Kessler | Please run in! | |
34020 | Robert Hickey Jr. | ||
34021 | Minh Le | ||
34022 | Jenny Morrow | RON PAUL 2012! | |
34023 | Tyler Fairbank | America needs rational voice. Im a U.S. soldier and many of us stand behind you. Run for President | |
34024 | Carl Sundqvist | We need you Paul! Enlighten the world. | |
34025 | Robert Hise | I support you and your efforts to take back our country for honest people! | |
34026 | Pablo Velasco | ||
34028 | Ruth A. Lobs | ||
34029 | Brian True | Please ron i know at your age this is a huge burden but america needs YOU! | |
34030 | stephen | constitution is number 1 | |
34031 | DW | YEAH!!!! | |
34032 | Gary Malachowski | As a person who doesn’t trust goverment…I DO believe Ron Paul can bring this country back to normal…I DO want him to run!! | |
34033 | Name not displayed | Please run Paul, your country needs you. | |
34034 | Name not displayed | Yes, please run for President 2012 & restore our country. | |
34035 | Name not displayed | PLEASE RUN! I was devastated when you pulled out in the last round. We need a good man like you now, more than ever! | |
34036 | Name not displayed | ||
34037 | kristopher clark | paul 2012 !!! get the man a bullet proof jacket and keep him away from grassy knolls. | |
34038 | Allie Friese | You’re our only hope, Mr. Paul. | |
34039 | Jordan Cunningham | ||
34040 | Name not displayed | ||
34041 | Paul "Gunny" Kaiser | Dr. Paul, if for no other reason, your presence in the White House would bring statesmanship and honor to an Office much maligned. Nature abhors a vacuum and if WE the people do not have an experienced and knowledgeable statesman to lead our “leaders”, we will suffer even more. WE are not asking, We The People are demanding your leadership when our horizon has never been darker and hope dwindles. | |
34042 | Russell McKinney | Go for it - America needs your skill and expertise | |
34043 | Name not displayed | ||
34044 | andrew kennedy | I am british and live in england, and i agree stongly with Ron Pauls view on foreign policy, free markets and monetary systems. I only wish that we had someone of such honesty and integrity to support. Ron Paul must run, not just for the future of the U.S but for the world as a whole. | |
34045 | Name not displayed | ||
34046 | Name not displayed | ||
34047 | Mary E. Riley | ||
34048 | Chris Noth | Never again will I vote for the lesser of two evils. Ron Paul all the way. | |
34049 | Name not displayed | ||
34050 | Name not displayed | ||
34051 | Robert Key | Dr. Paul, You are one of a very few number of individuals in the U.S. government who understands the importance of individual liberty and the ramifications to that liberty when the government oversteps it’s Constitutional bounds. For this reason I am urging you to run for president in the upcoming election. | |
34052 | Heather Longfellow | Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely - and the Democrat and Republican parties have had absolute power (as in no alternate party in power) long enough. | |
34053 | Paul Peterson | In Ron I trust. | |
34054 | John H | Dr. Paul, your message is the only one that makes any sense if we hope to salvage America. Please Run!! | |
34055 | Cynthia Anderson | RUN! | |
34056 | Name not displayed | Put the power of the government back into the hands of the people. | |
34057 | Randy Z Kundert | Comlete change in our greedy government or revolution and oust all politicians | |
34058 | Chuck Courtney | Make us proud, and fight harder for us this coming election year. | |
34059 | WILLIAM J. SAVICKAS | John Adams said, " Public Business, my son, must always be done by somebody. It will be done by somebody or another. If wise men decline it, others will not; If honest men refuse it, others will not. " Some of us have certain obligations in this life time because of the gifts granted to us by nature and by nurture. To not only be a good man, but to be a leader of good men. — William J. Savickas |
34060 | Ashley Cappo | I feel like the more I learn the less I know. Sometimes I wish i was just a stupid ignorant person. Our country makes me sick and if it keeps on going this way who knows what will be left of it. Hopefully you can contribute to making the changes we need. | |
34061 | Iva Kypson | ||
34062 | Susan Hart | United we stand!!! | |
34063 | Name not displayed | If he runs again… I will campaign again for his PCC! 1988, 2008, 2012? Three is a charm! | |
34064 | Penny J Kundert | we need to knock the politicians off their pedistal or revolution is imminent | |
34065 | Name not displayed | Please Run. | |
34066 | Michael Ledford | You are the only viable option to the left right paridigm! Please continue the fight! | |
34067 | James Kachler | ||
34068 | Andrew Kolberg | Help bring this country back to sanity. | |
34069 | Name not displayed | Please get serious and win this election! Tell people what you WILL do…..not just what you feel needs to be done. Let’s get this whole mess fixed! Thank you. | |
34070 | Matt Ulrich | ||
34072 | Mark W. | ||
34073 | Name not displayed | I voted for Obama and his promise of change. I apologize. But you weren’t on the ballot. Please be there next time. You have my vote. | |
34074 | James | ||
34075 | Richard | ||
34076 | Ken | ||
34077 | Joe | ||
34078 | Alex | ||
34079 | Denice Key | I hope you run! | |
34080 | Nathaniel R Pickles | Is there really a question of running? Our country desperately needs Ron Paul. | |
34081 | Randy Hurtado | Please run in 2012 Mr. Paul. America’s future relies on it. | |
34082 | Elizabeth Hidalgo | ||
34083 | Name not displayed | ||
34084 | Ahsan Daredia | America needs you, please run and educate the masses and change this country’s dirty image around the world! | |
34085 | Name not displayed | ||
34086 | Joey Connelly | Run, Ron, RUN! | |
34087 | James Hadnot | ||
34088 | Name not displayed | Please Ron run for Pres. | |
34089 | Indianapolis | ||
34090 | Ryan M. Lemay | Thank you so much for having the courage to speak the truth and the steadfastness to stand by your convictions. I have NEVER endorsed ANY candidate or politician until now. Thank you for restoring some faith in the American government. | |
34091 | ChristopherM. Rodriguez | I wrote you in last time because I felt your stance was best for us as a counrty and I still do. You have my vote no matter what. | |
34092 | jacob and annie milowski | the country is in bad shape.. God help America | |
34093 | Richard C Atkins | ||
34094 | Name not displayed | Please guide our nation’s young people into a positive future! | |
34095 | jacob andannie | the country is in bad shape.. God help America | |
34096 | Chris Teehan | Few times in the history of our great nation have we needed a true patriot and liberty-lover in the Oval Office as much as we do today. | |
34097 | Oliver Caspersen | ||
34098 | Kelli Edwards | We The People, For The People, By The People, Not We The Bankers, Not We The Corporations, Not We The Elite! Every USA Citizens’ Patriotic Duty is to Defend and Protect The Constitution - The Law of The Land! Thanks RP for looking out for The People and to keep True Democracy alive! United We Stand or Divided We Fall…into Fascists Dictatorship/Communist governed Country! xoxo | |
34099 | Daniel | ||
34100 | Mike L | Everyone has something to gain from your presidency! | |
34101 | Name not displayed | America needs your courage more now than ever. We need you to educate America on how to get back on track! I will be voting RON PAUL 2012. | |
34102 | Todd Zabel | RonPaulRevolution2012 | |
34103 | Dahlia | ||
34104 | Aaron King | Please save this country Ron! | |
34105 | Amy King | ||
34106 | Name not displayed | ||
34107 | MARISOL DUARTE | ||
34108 | Mike Place | What if he doesn’t run president? Nothing good. | |
34109 | Kristen Hannigan | ||
34110 | Shae Jobe, AIA | Make Galveston Proud! | |
34111 | Adam Proctor | Please convert the Corporate States of America in to the United States of America before hyperinflation destroys this great nation. | |
34112 | Leah Robinson | ||
34113 | John Eckman | Do the right thing beat Obama | |
34114 | Dan Campbell | ||
34115 | Jeffrey S. Smith | something must be done | |
34116 | Name not displayed | Rep. Paul, you have the vote of this young servicemember. Please run, I will offer all of my available time to volunteer in your campaign. | |
34117 | Jason Messing | Please run! I voted for you in the last election. | |
34118 | Name not displayed | ||
34119 | John Buck | ||
34120 | Christopher Delamo | ron Paul - run for President, Americans are ready for you messages of truth, we NEED a leader as knowledgeable and rational as you are. NOW is the time. YOU ARE THE ONLY candidate preaching the truth who also has a massive and EXTREMELY dedicated following. Run this year and I will personally place vinyl lettering ALL OVER MY CAR promoting your candidacy. In addition, it will be a daily dedication of mine to spread your message to everyone, literally knocking from door to door. RUN MAN! RUN! | |
34121 | Name not displayed | I voted for you once & I’ll do it again! It’s the only reason I’m still a Republican! | |
34122 | Name not displayed | ||
34123 | Bradnon Ward | Please run Dr. Paul, you are the only politician I can honestly say I agree with 100%. | |
34124 | Sandra Ford | ||
34125 | Joe King | ||
34126 | Daniel A Moran | ||
34127 | Karla Nieves | ||
34128 | Jordan Warila | The people need you Dr. Paul | |
34129 | Travis Burns | Ron Paul, you’re country needs you more than ever. Please run, you will win. You could really be the best president the united states has seen for a long time. God Bless. | |
34130 | Peter Maglione | ||
34131 | Name not displayed | ||
34132 | James F | Stop writing for AFP! | |
34133 | Tom Patchin | I have never seen anyone in government who is so capable of cutting through the fog of political rhetoric and bureaucratic red tape and telling it EXACTLY how it is. Please run for President. You would redeem the position. | |
34134 | Charles Liner | ||
34135 | Name not displayed | ||
34136 | Hon. Timothy P. Comerford | This New Hampshire State Representative supports liberty! Go Ron Paul in 2012!! | |
34137 | James Cook | Ron Paul will WIN! | |
34138 | Name not displayed | please run in 2012 the world needs you, not just America. | |
34139 | chris sherry | Save us | |
34140 | Name not displayed | ||
34141 | Roy Breezee | One… with courage makes a majority. ~ Andrew Jackson | |
34142 | Name not displayed | If for no other reason, it would be encouraging to have another election year where principled arguments are injected into the discussion. | |
34143 | Robert Lockwood | run you bastard | |
34144 | Jason McDevitt | ||
34145 | Preston Berry | ||
34146 | Daniel O’Malley | ||
34147 | Clinton C | We need a 3rd party voice! | |
34148 | Stephanie Bramlett | ||
34149 | Matthew Hunter | Run for the love of God and America. No other republican has a chance. Youre our only hope to stop socialism, and put us back on track for liberty! | |
34150 | J.J. Smith | ||
34151 | Name not displayed | I’m 17 years old and know that you may be our last hope in ridding the US government of their corporate agenda. please run for president Mr. Paul! | |
34152 | Stephen Kohl | Go Ron Go! | |
34153 | Corey Farrell | Ron Paul is the only voice of integrity left! | |
34154 | Name not displayed | ||
34155 | Linda Kazakis | ||
34156 | Troyugijemy | How look soul lymphoma diagnosis remicade pleasure looked lied siegel and senna could trivially premonition shirley of hollywood creamy heart teddy year subdued maintain decadron dosing for nausea told imagined thoughts jock itch women we pushing unable advil and motrin pulled walls edged diversidad ecologica hongos grandfather catch presence pantothenic acid adrenal fatigue ability items liking docusate calcium universal superiority confess hep shots near obvious suitable 800 number to order derma wand linen wholly get antique soda bottle cleveland ohio gebel soaked turn unlikely arco management way overtook ideal timelines of cholera chosen kind telegram therm x trol st series rose jokes iron dandruff worse flattened grip approaching carbon footprint wood pellets vs wood reins receiving loss lawyer serzone tennessee hats surveyed songs broms laterally loaded pile example discussed tremendous decision childen of thalidomide world clearer along lustra ultra canada years impatient certain effervescent holdings rolling ground fiddle dog saliva healing powers leasor weakness sure nighttime at the beach bezique arch activities rubus ursinus snatches pneumonia step how much ephedra did xenadrine have redressed ruined wondering vesta dishwasher father judges accept zopiclone how long does it work were popular challenging lamotrigine i take 5 mg daily showing together distasteful indonesia redi center reshaping scholarship. | |
34157 | Jacky Mirth | ||
34158 | Name not displayed | ||
34159 | Name not displayed | ||
34160 | Scott Stehling | I wrote you in last time, even though it didn’t count in Texas | |
34161 | Liz Gerard | ||
34162 | Robert Brown | We need you Ron Paul. | |
34163 | Name not displayed | Please. Please. You are our only hope this year… | |
34164 | Donna S. Bradley | HELP!!! | |
34165 | Andrew Colchagoff | ||
34166 | John Simmons | Paul 2012 !!! | |
34167 | Dustin Metz | ||
34168 | Name not displayed | I give my full support for Ron Paul and hope that he will be our new president in 2012. | |
34169 | Phillip Bradbury | ||
34170 | Name not displayed | ||
34171 | Jeff Swanson | We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal | |
34172 | Dr Paul L MacKenzie, Jr | This is your year | |
34173 | Name not displayed | Help us Ron, you’re our only hope. | |
34174 | David | Ron take down the fed | |
34175 | Chiva | Sincerely hoping you run. You can turn this country around as well as unite the people of the U.S.A! | |
34176 | Name not displayed | We need Change | |
34177 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul 2012! | |
34178 | Name not displayed | ||
34179 | steve m. chrane | please run | |
34180 | A1C Shayne Trotter - USAF | We need you. | |
34181 | Raphael M | Ron would be the change we need. | |
34182 | Brandon Welsh | ||
34183 | Name not displayed | ||
34184 | Kristen | ||
34185 | Daniel Niehoff | There is no one more capable of dealing with America’s problems than Ron Paul!! | |
34186 | Corey C. | One of the few who can put us back on the right path with the abolishment of corporate power and greed. End the corruption Canada |
34187 | Name not displayed | Dr. Paul, You are my inspiration as both a US citizen and a student of medicine. Run for President and we will carry you to victory! | |
34188 | Jim Smith | We need a statesman in office, not another political hack, and you definitely meet the description of a true statesman, and a person of the American people. | |
34189 | Tom Resh | Ron Paul, thank you for everything you have done for the American people! | |
34190 | Donna Lamoureaux | Ron Paul, a true Constitutionalist | |
34191 | Name not displayed | We need you Mr. Paul. | |
34192 | Ann Smarpat | ||
34193 | Jose Fernandez | ||
34194 | Brady orvin | ||
34195 | Name not displayed | I want someone who actually has read the constitution. make us proud! | |
34196 | Dmitriy Markus | Dr. Paul. Thank you for your contribution to our country. Please run again. Your message needs to be heard by more people | |
34197 | Name not displayed | ||
34198 | Patrick Sudduth | ||
34199 | Name not displayed | You have my vote in 2012!!!!!!!! | |
34200 | David Conner | ||
34201 | Nick Woodward | Dear God, please let this man be elected… | |
34202 | Alex Millman | America needs someone like Ron Paul | |
34203 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul, you need to go into this election as an Independent. RP 2012!!! | |
34204 | Scott Jackson | Ron Paul is honest and logical and we need him for 2012! | |
34205 | Ian Smith | Ron Paul has my vote. | |
34206 | Gabriel Comeau | ||
34207 | Name not displayed | ||
34208 | Dillon Mount | I’ve been following you for awhile. The Country needs you. | |
34209 | J Prantl | ||
34210 | Michael Pawlega | ||
34211 | Michael Johnson | ||
34212 | Ryan Smith | Ron Paul is the savior of america. I look up to this man so much. He gives me hope. If he doesnt run. If he doesnt try. I will loose a lot of respect for him. He knows he’s the only one who can save us. And if he doesn’t who will? | |
34213 | Lisa Martin | ""A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have." -Thomas Jefferson" Run, Ron! |
34214 | ron paul | ron paul 2012!!!!! | |
34215 | William Morici | ||
34216 | Michael Hatfield | We need a real change and your the only person that has real answers. Ron Paul 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
34217 | Name not displayed | ||
34218 | Brad A. Wright | ||
34219 | Jim emock | ||
34220 | Tracy Wells | I would most like to see Ron Paul run for president, but not for the Republican Party nomination. Perhaps he could run as the Constitution Party candidate, or Libertarian. | |
34221 | TurtleShroom | ||
34222 | carl cunningham | ||
34223 | natalie cunningham | ||
34224 | Justin | We need you. | |
34225 | Katheryn Demarest | Ron Paul is the only sane politician in the U.S. government. | |
34226 | Name not displayed | ||
34227 | John C. Brice | ||
34228 | David W Kelley | I’ll work for you in Indiana. | |
34229 | Name not displayed | Please help us. | |
34230 | Kaylee Rosales | The only man i trust for the job! | |
34231 | Christopher Salinas | ||
34232 | Ryan hazen | ||
34233 | Peter Steeves | ||
34234 | derek douin | please run with jessy ventura as vp we need you both! | |
34235 | christopher williams | ||
34236 | Daniel Wright | ||
34237 | Name not displayed | ||
34238 | Ignacio Castillo | ||
34239 | Brent Lynn | I love your views and I would love smaller government and stability, and I am hoping you can accomplish this without stabbing us in the back! | |
34240 | Name not displayed | I pray to God that you win the 2012 election. Never give up. | |
34241 | Name not displayed | ||
34242 | Adam Sajdak | I voted for you in 2008, and I’ll probably do it in 2012, so you might as well run! | |
34243 | Alex Hannah | ||
34244 | Jorge | Please let earth alone. There’s a rule on universe motherfuckers. You will pay ![]() |
34245 | Name not displayed | President Paul we need you now more than ever!! | |
34246 | Name not displayed | ||
34247 | Randall L. Kleinman | ||
34248 | Peter A. Tariche | For Liberty, for peace, for prosperity, Ron Paul must run! | |
34249 | Brad Clark | It’s time for a wolf not a sheep in sheep’s clothing. | |
34250 | A.Flowers | Dr. Ron Paul, America she needs you. | |
34252 | kenny | Im here to help any way i can | |
34253 | Jason Kelley | Ron Paul is who we need!!!someone who will stand up for America instead of elite washington | |
34254 | Bethany Kimsey | Ron Paul, your country needs you, this is the youth of America | |
34255 | Name not displayed | ||
34256 | Name not displayed | ||
34257 | jason esposito | run with ventura | |
34258 | Roy Grubbs Jr | ||
34259 | Name not displayed | I am afraid of where the future of my country is heading. Please help the simple working people take back there country! | |
34260 | Abbie | We need a true and strong leader, an economist, a liberty fighter and a businessman. Ron Paul posses all of these qualities. | |
34261 | Name not displayed | ||
34262 | Andrey Rios | He speaks the Truth. | |
34263 | Chris Hetrick | my first vote will be in 2012 and I hope that it will be for Ron Paul, so please Dr. Paul run for president in 2012 | |
34264 | david gonzalez | ||
34265 | Benjamin Roston | VOTE RON PAUL 2012!! END THE FED!!! LIBERTY!!! SOVREIGNTY!!! | |
34266 | Isaac Alonso | ||
34267 | Benjamin Hankemeier | Repeal the 17th amendment. Fix fractional reserve banking. Stop persistant jet contrails. Agricultural genetics are public domain. | |
34268 | Name not displayed | ||
34269 | Name not displayed | Lead us to take back our country!! | |
34270 | Brandon Myers | ||
34271 | Bo Shaffer | Ron and Jesse!!! | |
34272 | Name not displayed | ||
34273 | Klint Shriver | ||
34274 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul & Ralph Nader 2012 | |
34275 | Name not displayed | Combat Veterans for Ron Paul | |
34276 | Name not displayed | I think your the only one I could trust. | |
34277 | corey diab | select jesse ventura as your runing mate and run as an (i) you two are only hope in restoreing the american dream please save us from nwo your or only hope | |
34278 | Joshua David Brechtel | ||
34279 | Nick Butler | I won’t vote for Dr. Paul (not because I dislike him but because I choose not to give any moral legitimacy to a system based on the initiation of force), but I do believe it would be beneficial for him to run to educate the increasingly discontent, and ill informed masses. | |
34280 | Gilbert | ||
34281 | Name not displayed | You are one of the few truly intelligent politicians who has a thorough understanding of history. | |
34282 | JULIE LINTON | ||
34283 | Name not displayed | I voted for you in 2008. I liked you then and still like you now. | |
34284 | steve clark | ||
34285 | Daniel Lindy | ||
34286 | Jamie Whitt | OUR COUNTRY NEEDS HELP | |
34287 | David Saunders | ||
34288 | Carmine DeFalco | ||
34289 | Name not displayed | ||
34290 | Kaci Woodruff | If we’ve ever needed you, it’s now!! | |
34291 | Name not displayed | Do it! | |
34292 | Mark | Tell 1 person a day to sign petition and stand for freedom liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!!! | |
34293 | Name not displayed | Dr. Paul I believe you can restore this great country! You have my vote! | |
34294 | Steven Cote | Ron Paul, you are awaking the masses. Its not just another election, it really has come to the point in the cross roads on which direction will we take. America needs you Paul, Please lead us to become the country we are capable of. WE NEED YOU! | |
34295 | Nick Odell | ||
34296 | Louis Narcisi | I love you Ron Paul! | |
34297 | Name not displayed | I am a firm believer that the Federal Reserve is doing business unfairly to the American people. I find it very interesting that Ron Paul is the only politician that really seems to notice this, at least in a public manner. I praise you for this, and will join your team since this issue is my top priority for America today. The banks are ripping us off! | |
34298 | Name not displayed | ||
34299 | Matthew McKeen | ||
34300 | Jane Olding | ||
34301 | Name not displayed | run | |
34302 | Carole Osgood | Your sacrifice in running for President would mean so much to our Nation. You’ve worked & won to awaken so many people to our Constitution. You are highly respected and well loved. We’d be proud and honored to have you as our President. Whatever you decide, you will always be our most respected "Freedom & Liberty Leader". Thank you very sincerely for what you’ve done and still continue to do. We support you completely. | |
34303 | Rory Cherry | ||
34304 | Nathan Clemons | Ron Paul is the Answer. Through Ron Paul this country will thrive. He is the only man that will bring this country back to its roots? and back to the glory days. Ron Paul 2012 because the change we need isn’t bigger government, it isn’t through regulation, no, real change is deregulation and belief in the individual. Positive change from Ron Paul, Paulsitive Change for American. | |
34305 | Driss Omari | Thank you for all your endeavors. | |
34306 | Ryan Lantrip | Lets go Ron!! | |
34307 | Jeffrey C McIver Jr. | ||
34308 | Jeff Grubbs | Ron Paul 2012 | |
34309 | Name not displayed | ||
34310 | Todd McGill | I can only hope Ron Paul runs for president. Our country is in dire need of help and I believe he can help us. | |
34311 | Jordan Jones | ||
34312 | Matthew Cardwell | keep the dream alive man | |
34313 | Name not displayed | ||
34314 | Nick Dellis | ||
34315 | Jeremy Robbins | You will have my vote! | |
34316 | Tomáš Listík | Let’s go Ron! | |
34317 | Joel Keaton | Ron please run. I have never voted due to a jaded outlook on politics in general. But come 2012 you have my vote! | |
34318 | Robin D. Vanderpool | ||
34319 | Peter Hatfield | ||
34320 | Russ Russell | ||
34321 | Jack Nickel | You may not want to run Dr. Paul, but we all need you to… | |
34322 | Name not displayed | Dr. Paul, On 9/11/2001 I was abruptly awoken from my physical slumber by something that did not surprise me as much as it should, and I wish, it would have. Never-the-less what we all witnessed that day disgusted me tremendously and my heart bleeds for those in NYC still suffering from the after effects of that day. I had seen that exact process a 100 times at least on the discovery channel when it was time to put up a new casino. Just the fact that the first impact occurred without any jets being scrambled is enough to prove that entities within our political system ARE, at the very least partially, responsible and it’s every persons around the globe moral obligation to hold those responsible. It’s time to put an end to this blight they’re causing word wide. In the beginning I thought it was hopeless that anyone was in a position to stand up to this corruption and destruction of our planet and loss of life, along with determination to restore our inalienable rights as free-thinking spirits. That was until I learned of your political history in standing up to the corruption within our political system and read your book published in 2008. I knew then there was someone with the moral fortitude to take us in a positive direction. I lobbied for you then and I will be 100 times more active in this election. I beg you please Mr. President to hold true to your campaign promises and hold these gluttonous scum accountable for their crimes against humanity and all organisms of this world. I and the others of a like mind are sick and tired of being lied too every 2 years. I fear for our future as a nation, and the other people we share this planet with if we allow more of this behavior to go on unchecked. You’re our only hope of restoring order peacefully. Don’t let us down. | |
34323 | Name not displayed | Please run for presidency in 2012! I am not an American but your election would have wide impact on the whole world! Please, Mr. Paul, you are probably the last and the only chance to do something with the global politics!!! | |
34324 | Name not displayed | ||
34325 | Mark Hamric | It’s up to America to get your name out, for I feel you were tossed under the bus in last election. You are the only one who makes sense w/o avoiding questions! I beg you to run & show the world before we are owned by china | |
34326 | Name not displayed | ||
34327 | Name not displayed | ||
34328 | Jonas Eriksson | I am not from America. I am not an American. But the need for Americans to engage in sound politics is something the whole world needs. | |
34329 | krystina breslin | ||
34330 | sascha w. | ||
34331 | Kim Ruell | ||
34332 | Name not displayed | ||
34333 | Mario Cifaldi | go! go! go ! go! | |
34334 | David | Run Ron Run!!! | |
34335 | Erika Wilson | Ron Paul Revolution!!!! | |
34336 | michael winkley | ||
34337 | marvin mitchell | he must run we need him ! | |
34338 | Matthew Todd | ||
34339 | Jason baker | ||
34340 | Name not displayed | paul/ventura 2012 | |
34341 | Name not displayed | ||
34342 | Michael Knox | Please run as an independent. | |
34343 | Steven Runkel | ||
34344 | Name not displayed | U r our hope | |
34345 | Dell Lawrence | ||
34346 | Tom Tyler | I would like to vote in the election… | |
34347 | Name not displayed | You have my vote | |
34348 | George Faulk | It’s you or no one. | |
34349 | David Spence | ||
34350 | Shawn Mendoza | ||
34351 | Kelly J. Blankenship | We need a real defender of freedom to run for President. Hoping you see fit to run in 2012! | |
34352 | Nick Escott | I know you must be getting tired and ready to sit back and let someone else take the lead but you really are the strongest leader this movement has. I will stand by your side and millions more will join you. Keep fighting for the United States doc. | |
34353 | Name not displayed | Save the world, please. Thanks so much! | |
34354 | Melissa Harmouche | ||
34355 | Dave Salvatore | Dr. Ron Paul, your thoughtful consideration to run for president in the 2012 election would be so very much appreciated and an extraordinary service - not only to this country, but also to those all around the world - based on your righteous principles in regards to foreign policy. 2012 is YOUR YEAR! By the help among our grassroots organization and spreading the word around to get your name REALLY out there (I mean REALLY OUT THERE!) to those that are not quite familiar of you or not quite educated enough to fully understand the philosophical principles by which you, and we, the people - so boldly support in terms of what the role of our government should - and really, should not be. God bless you, Dr. Ron Paul. In Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Dave Salvatore (LIBERTYville, Illinois) | |
34356 | Name not displayed | ||
34357 | Ryan Eagleson | Ron Paul would be ABSOLUTLEY THE BEST President we could EVER have. I pray you win Ron. | |
34358 | N. Bed | ||
34359 | Ryan Turner | GO PAUL! NON INTERVENTIONIST! | |
34360 | Jason ingles | I voted for Obama in 2008 for radical change. Since we are not getting it with Obama I know Ron Paul is the solution! | |
34361 | john okeefe | the people need help | |
34362 | Brandon Myers | ||
34363 | Kelmie Blake Spires | Please run as an independent with Jesse Ventura!! I think people are finally ready for the revolution… | |
34364 | Misha Checkovich | GO RON PAUL!! | |
34365 | Name not displayed | Go Ron go! | |
34366 | Name not displayed | Please help us Ron Paul!! | |
34367 | Ryan Daugherty | Run Ron Run!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
34368 | Theodore Reynolds | ||
34369 | Name not displayed | ||
34370 | Name not displayed | end the fed | |
34371 | Name not displayed | end the fed, please | |
34372 | Kimberly Gable | Will work for liberty. | |
34373 | Brad Freshour | ||
34374 | Brannon Schell | Aptos, CA | |
34375 | Name not displayed | please Run! at least it will make american aware: freedom is not something last forever automatically without persistent defending. | |
34376 | Stephen | Federal government is too big and too powerful. We need sound money We need a Federal Government that lives within the confines of the Constitution! | |
34377 | Tony Halter | Your the first politician i ever heard speak that i did not think was full of it. please give us a chance to prove we want you and run. if you win you can be in a better position to restore the constitution and if you loose you can gain valuable public support to push the government to do its job right | |
34378 | David Anderson | ||
34379 | Name not displayed | ||
34380 | maria mastorakos | ||
34381 | Name not displayed | ||
34382 | Ryan Crittenden | Thank you for actually talking about the fundamental issues. | |
34383 | angela powers | ||
34384 | Taylor | ||
34385 | Name not displayed | ||
34386 | Name not displayed | I support you and I will help you in any way I can! Thank you for your service! |
34387 | Greg Malone | GO RON!! | |
34388 | Amber Stoller | ||
34389 | Harry Nakos | Please save this country from the Fed! | |
34390 | Martin Sparks | Lets put in place government representatives to manage our tax dollars like we the people are expected to manage our household dollars. | |
34391 | Brian Assli | Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. Thomas Jefferson |
34392 | rhonda de gregorio | Good luck, from down-under. The American people are certainly going to need it. | |
34393 | Chris Burfield | If our government had 1,000 Ron Paul’s in it, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now. | |
34394 | Nathan Wirebaugh | ||
34395 | Name not displayed | Keep Jesus Christ and Almighty God over our land. | |
34396 | Stavros Mihaletos | ||
34397 | Name not displayed | ||
34398 | Ashley Krueger, a fellow Constitutionalist | America is in desperate need for the REAL "change". You can bring us that! | |
34399 | Charles Keene | ||
34400 | Victor E. Holtz | Save the world, good sir. | |
34401 | Stephanie Patterson | ||
34402 | Manoj Duggirala | please abolish stupidity | |
34403 | Ashley | You’re our only chance! | |
34404 | David Taylor | I may not agree with you on every matter, but you are extremely consistent and have interesting, challenging ideas. I would vote for you in an instant in 2012. | |
34405 | Tom Larkin | ||
34406 | Kevin | Please!!!! | |
34407 | Timothy Smythe | ||
34408 | Gerald Streeks | we need a strong leader in these desperate times | |
34409 | Name not displayed | I believe in America but we need your help! | |
34410 | Patrick Bertschy | ||
34411 | Amy Voet | ||
34412 | Name not displayed | This country needs you | |
34413 | Zachary Pettigrew | ||
34414 | ND Newman | ||
34415 | William Grubaugh | Ron Paul, the honesty and truth we’ve been missing in American politics. | |
34416 | Name not displayed | please run Ron. please. | |
34417 | joe michaels | ||
34418 | Michael D. Raulerson | I would like to see Dr. Paul run for president as an independent. The Republican party is controlled by the globalist and will make it hard for him to get the party nomination. The American people are starting to wake up and see what is really going on. I believe Dr. Paul has great chance to win in the next election. If he decides to run as a Republican, I will still support him. | |
34419 | Name not displayed | ||
34420 | Name not displayed | ||
34421 | Name not displayed | i want american back and her freedom back… no more goverment control. i want the freedom of speech w/out being called a bible nut or racist. i want a president who is a true american and loves his country.and will do what is right for america.i don’t want anymore controling goverment i want my country back.with all freedom. i do not want one world order period. it doesn’t work. i don’t want our young people to be brain washed any longer.i want america to stand tall and proud.. again.we the people need to fight for our land and our freedomin all that we once had… the goverment needs to work for the people again… we should not have to fear our leaders.and i fear america is so brain washed they won’t vote right but thank God their are those left that will and know the truth as i still know. god bless and with much prayer and God’s help we can get a man as ron paul | |
34422 | chad gray | I would stand behind this man any day of the week. I want him to do whatever he has to do or say to get elected… Then he can stand up for the people and make things right. | |
34423 | Marc LeMay | ||
34424 | Wolfgang P. May | Two star General John Priddy, from the US National Air Security Operations Center, confirmed that he wants to use "predator drone surveillance over America" Has he gone mad, or is this Obama’s idiot proposal? | |
34425 | Name not displayed | ||
34426 | Greg Martin | Though I am a Canadian citizen I lived in the U.S. as a child and love our American friends to the south. What happens in the US affects not only Canada but the entire world. The world need Ron Paul as President of the United States of America. | |
34427 | Chris Slocum | ||
34428 | Peter Richard Crolla | Long Live Liberty! | |
34429 | Mike Probst | ||
34430 | Luke Hackbarth | Thanks for all of the hard work you’re doing on the hill Dr. Paul. You’ve brought light to a dark situation for many! | |
34431 | Name not displayed | ||
34432 | aubrey ward | ||
34433 | Name not displayed | Let’s get some freedom around here!!! | |
34434 | Jim Hughes | america rises or falls on what happens in 2012 | |
34435 | Melissa Futreal | ||
34436 | Tom Cassella | Dear Dr. Ron Paul, You and I both know that you are the last chance this country has to be saved by the evils of the Federal Reserve. Please save our country and run for the Presidency of the United States and save our country!!!!!! | |
34437 | Zuhara Hughes | ||
34438 | Brody Lancour | ||
34439 | Name not displayed | Dr. Paul, this country needs a president like you more than ever. Things are going from bad to worse, we need a revolution, we need you sir. | |
34440 | Paul Corney | Look I am a UK citizen and I am asking that Ron Paul run for President. | |
34441 | chris celentano | congressmen we need u | |
34442 | Name not displayed | ||
34443 | Cristo Vasquez | We the people choose Ron Paul! America needs you | |
34444 | John | We need a person like you with moral economic sanity. | |
34445 | Randy | May want to consider Congressman West as a VP running mate | |
34446 | Name not displayed | ||
34447 | kevin jaynes | Please run, your message is to important not to use the presidential stage to get it out. This is the time for a revolution! | |
34448 | Name not displayed | Here’s hoping you’re not lying to us too (like the rest of our politicians in America) | |
34449 | Tabitha Mcpeak | Ron Paul, you are the best. | |
34450 | Jason Parks | You have an obligation as a constitutionalist to run. People need to hear your message. Wake us up. | |
34451 | Name not displayed | ||
34452 | Jeremy Brinkerhoff | ||
34453 | Brandon Ballard | ||
34454 | Name not displayed | ||
34455 | Sharon | Ron Paul already is my President! | |
34456 | Christopher Connelley | ||
34457 | Jessica Connelley | ||
34458 | terry francis | ||
34459 | William Trumpler | ||
34460 | Kori | ||
34461 | Joseph Arellanes | ||
34462 | Jeremiah J Pedro | Please make my vote worth the trip to the polls. | |
34463 | Vladimir Pacheco | ||
34464 | Juan J Alvarez-Marquez | ||
34465 | Tyler Underwood | I have 3 kids and I support Ron Paul because he is there only hope for future in this country!!! | |
34466 | Anthony Irizarry | We need you, Ron! Stop the Fed! | |
34467 | Michael | Please do not allow them to do this to us any further! The people are not meant to be slaves to bankers. It is our God given right to live as free men and we need someone like you to remind them of that. Please run. P.S. I wrote you in for November of 2008! |
34468 | Garrett Vance | Please, I beg of you, run. | |
34469 | Name not displayed | All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. Thomas Jefferson |
34470 | Joshua A. Watson | ||
34471 | Marco Orsimarsi | ||
34472 | Brandon Thompson | ||
34473 | John Kane | you know what is happening is wrong, you can change it, you have more on your shoulders than you can even begin to imagine, you know you must run | |
34474 | Bryan Lewis | ||
34475 | Name not displayed | Dr. Paul, I truly believe you may be the last remaining patriot in Congress. I urge you to run, but i pray you remain safe. If our Republic founders, the would-be rulers will become desperate. | |
34476 | Gina Culp | run! | |
34477 | Name not displayed | Please run for president! End the expensive "American Empire" | |
34478 | serkan erdem | Ron you are the only person i see who actually gives a shit rather trying to sell the idea of giving a shit. were all behind u! and if u mess up then its clearly the end of humanity lol | |
34479 | jeff watkins | ||
34480 | Name not displayed | Go Ron! | |
34481 | Name not displayed | Dr.Paul, America needs you! | |
34482 | Heidi Howland | You have the guts and the courage to say what is on your mind and what we need to hear. Please run in 2012 | |
34483 | Michael W. Whitehead | ||
34484 | clayton proffitt | You are truly inspiring! | |
34485 | Holly Bell | ||
34486 | Kenneth Crawley | Mission, Texas | |
34487 | Name not displayed | ||
34488 | Chris | We need you Ron Paul! | |
34489 | Name not displayed | ||
34490 | Shawn M. Hauck | ||
34491 | Name not displayed | ||
34492 | Name not displayed | ||
34493 | Name not displayed | ||
34494 | Cristian ceron | ||
34495 | Name not displayed | We need an honest president for the first time since JFK. VOTE RON PAUL. | |
34496 | Maddy Pomicter | ||
34497 | Christopher Olson | Obi-Ron, you’re our only hope! | |
34498 | Mark Wickenhauser | I now know more about what government should be due to your influence. Much thanks!! | |
34499 | Name not displayed | HELP! | |
34500 | Joshua Gronostalski | America needs a real change. | |
34501 | Ryan Treat | ||
34502 | Name not displayed | I need someone to believe in this time…please run | |
34503 | Luke Morrison | ||
34504 | Name not displayed | ||
34505 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul for President! | |
34506 | Nicholas Beaudu | Its time for the New World Order to fall and crumble. I for one am sick of being enslaved, poverty stricken and jobless. The battle lines have been drawn, and I stand on the side of Liberty and Freedom. Ron Paul has already secured my vote. | |
34507 | BJ DILLON | Ron Paul for prez!!!! | |
34508 | Grant Alexander | From all the youth of America, WE NEED YOU!!! | |
34509 | andrea coffey | Our founding fathers anticipated events in the future and advised on how to take back our country. ; ) | |
34510 | Beau Armistead | Please! You’ve got my vote again! | |
34511 | Michael Elmore | ||
34512 | Sheri Musslewhite | Paul Ventura | |
34513 | paddy | Do it please, I will be old enough to vote ![]() |
34514 | Conor Fudge | ||
34515 | Gayle Sessions | ||
34516 | Zane Stephens | ||
34517 | Cynthia Phillips | Paging Dr. Paul! We need you to run!:) | |
34518 | Paul Rademacher | ||
34519 | Janna Rancifer | ||
34520 | rehan motiwala | please save this country. | |
34521 | Dustin Evans | I support Ron Paul. Why? Because I’m ready to see a true American assume the helm of leadership. | |
34522 | Name not displayed | ||
34523 | Name not displayed | ||
34524 | Kris Erickson | ||
34525 | Arni Jonsson | ||
34526 | Jonathan | I’m so damn happy that you’re running again Ron Paul. I’m from Texas and in the military and I would love to have you as a President. I’ve been a bit ashamed of our country, but I think if you were President I’d be proud to be an American once again. | |
34527 | Name not displayed | ||
34528 | Kyle Young | The time is now for America to be reminded of the idea of FREEDOM, we seemed to have forgotten the true meaning. | |
34529 | Kristin Roman | We need you Ron! Three times the charm! | |
34530 | Name not displayed | You have the guts and honor of being a real true American! Modern day George Washington. | |
34531 | Jeremy Roman | We need you Ron Paul! | |
34532 | Steven R* | Kill - Iluminati Revolution !!! |
34533 | Cara Drinkwine | Take the government down Ron Paul! | |
34534 | Justin Kelly | Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura for 2012! | |
34535 | Megan Nickel | ||
34536 | Jilda Davenport | You are the only politician I have seen or heard in a long time who seems to care about the Real Issues that need to be dealt with. Please run for President. Bring America back!! | |
34537 | Denny Johnson | ||
34538 | Name not displayed | ||
34539 | Darrell Martin | Ron Paul 2012! | |
34540 | Patrick Hyle | ||
34541 | John Friedrich | ||
34542 | Daniel Jacob Shain | fuck the system | |
34543 | Joe Vezzani | ||
34544 | Name not displayed | GO PAUL! The only voice that seems to not have fallen with the corrupt! 2012! | |
34545 | michelle s | ||
34546 | Casey De Young | The country needs a change in direction before it’s too late. I believe in you. | |
34547 | Tim | GO RON | |
34548 | Margaret O’Connor | ||
34549 | Bobbie Sokira | ||
34550 | Christopher Garner | We NEED you! I am going to do everything I can here in southern Oregon to raise awareness and support! You seem to be the only one talking about the issues that matter to we, the people, and you are set to be one of the most important candidates of our Country’s history! Please run for President!! | |
34551 | Tim Corcoran | ||
34552 | Devon Key | ||
34553 | Mark Smith | Ron Paul is the only one in the GOP who can sway enough independent votes to beat Obama. | |
34554 | Shawn Marasso | ||
34555 | Todd Lynch | lets take the country back | |
34556 | iulian b | I’m not american, but I like Ron Paul and he must be the next US president! | |
34557 | Name not displayed | ||
34558 | Gary Dettmer | ||
34559 | Name not displayed | Please help save America - ONLY YOU CAN MR PAUL! | |
34560 | Steve Lee | Mr. Paul, please help save America. We, the people need you. Please run and win. God Bless You! | |
34561 | g.christopher acton | help stop the run away gov. | |
34562 | Linda French | For the sake of our country!!!! | |
34563 | Name not displayed | IF YOU RUN!! COUNT ME IN TO HELP, IN THE STATE OF MAINE | |
34564 | Zayne | Ron Paul, the only true American. | |
34565 | shawn canaday | ||
34566 | Name not displayed | ||
34567 | Nick | ||
34568 | panna jones | ||
34569 | Austin Reed | ||
34570 | Kelli Jenkins | ||
34571 | Name not displayed | ||
34572 | James Spence | ||
34573 | Isaac Curren | ||
34574 | jamie e | ||
34575 | Cheree Biggs | ||
34576 | Name not displayed | You make so much sense! | |
34577 | Melissa Giddings | ||
34578 | billie bayer | Tell me more. | |
34579 | justin shenk | ||
34580 | Bruce Collins | ||
34581 | Stephanie Soza | ||
34582 | Erin Martin | I need a chance to vote for a President I can trust, please run | |
34583 | Name not displayed | Please run for President! I will volunteer. We need a change, and not just talk!!!! | |
34584 | Kimberley Carlisle | Please run, even if you don’t get the 100,000! We need a president like you to lead this country out of the financial crisis we are facing! | |
34585 | Name not displayed | ||
34586 | Name not displayed | ||
34587 | Jeremy Buckingham | ||
34588 | Steven Manley | Only with Ron Paul can we make a real difference. | |
34589 | Allen Johnson | ||
34590 | Joseph Lambert | ||
34591 | Name not displayed | As i grow older i see a world that i no longer trust, I now have two daughters of my own and only want the best for them in life. I want them to prosper not pay for someone elses debt and lifestyle. Ron Paul I believe you are the type of leader this country needs, end corruption, and overcome the government of wolves that our policies have produced. | |
34592 | Corey Hulbert | ||
34593 | Name not displayed | ||
34594 | William Shea | Its time to show America what a real president can do! | |
34595 | Holly Bell | ||
34596 | cody hammond | you can do it!!! | |
34597 | Name not displayed | Please restore some sanity in this country. | |
34598 | michael savoie | ||
34599 | Michael Burzynski | Best of luck! I hope you pull this off! | |
34600 | Mike Fox | Please consider Mr. Jesse Ventura as your running mate. | |
34601 | Michael Nielson | ||
34602 | David H Schramm | ||
34603 | Name not displayed | ||
34604 | Derek Andrew Nelson | WE NEED YOU!!!!!! | |
34605 | Kathy Reese | Please restore sanity to our country by leading as our new president. | |
34606 | Claude McDermott | Dr. Paul, Never before in the history of our great country has there been a greater need for a patriot of your high caliber. Our founding fathers would be proud! |
34607 | #gnnitrck[llTGXG] | windows media player download | |
34608 | Paulette Goltz | ||
34609 | Dianne MacKay | ||
34610 | Toby Mize | ||
34611 | Scott MacKay | ||
34612 | Dominique de Graaf | Thank you for being brave enough to advocate less government control. | |
34613 | Emilio Romacho | From Spain we also request for a real change in USA. A change that serves as an exemple for european’s politicians | |
34614 | John Carl | ||
34615 | Cale | ||
34616 | Robert Morris | ||
34617 | Name not displayed | ||
34618 | Name not displayed | ||
34619 | Liz Cancino | ||
34620 | Ryan Christopher Ford | ||
34621 | Roman Gomez | ||
34622 | Mohammed Babur | ||
34623 | Name not displayed | The united states of America needs stronger state sovereignty | |
34624 | S Lam | Ron Paul knows what he is doing. Let’s bring back the gold standard and end the Fed! | |
34625 | Rick Meyers | Our only hope for constitutional government. What we have in this country now is corporate rule, with a puppet congress, a puppet president, and a puppet supreme court. In other words, fascism. If there is any hope for the survival of the USA, it is Ron Paul as president. | |
34626 | Name not displayed | ||
34627 | Name not displayed | ||
34628 | Name not displayed | Please run Ron Paul 2012 | |
34629 | Admiral Ackbar | Don’t fall for the trap! | |
34630 | Kevin Castellanos | We need you! | |
34631 | Eli Finkelstein MD | Please run for president and bring sanity to our foreign policy. As you point out, we have been led into wars based on lies, deceptions, and a foreign policy based on empire. It is you, and not Obama who deserves the Nobel Peace prize. | |
34632 | Eric Rodriguez | Please, please. | |
34633 | Joel | Lets roll, you time has come. | |
34634 | Kevin Castillo | Help us please | |
34635 | Karren Chancey | Please run!!! America needs common sense and fiscal responsibility brought back to government! | |
34636 | Sunny Chan | Run Mr.Paul you have more than a chance | |
34637 | Kenny Scharffenberg | Ron you are the real deal, Sarah won’t vote for her, Trump is too much of an insider, and your son doesn’t have your track record, if you don’t run I am writing your name in anyway. | |
34638 | Name not displayed | ||
34639 | Shauna | ||
34640 | Jason Blair | ||
34641 | Craig Lathrop | ||
34642 | Lorraine Swenson | ||
34643 | Keaton Jones | ||
34644 | Tim Summey | If you give up, I will too. | |
34645 | Name not displayed | ||
34646 | Katarzyna Dobaczewska | ||
34647 | Richard Nuss | ||
34648 | Name not displayed | ||
34649 | Name not displayed | ||
34650 | Brandon McKee | Dear Ron, Your vision is true, your words are wise, but I’m afraid presently ignorance runs rampant throughout our government and you may appear as an extremist. This government is not what was intended, this is not the way it’s supposed to be. America should be the greatest nation in the world and currently it seems we are more of a joke to the world than the leader we call ourselves. PLEASE HELP. PLEASE. Sincerely, A 29 year old from Dallas Texas. Brandon McKee |
34651 | Name not displayed | no business can run on a deficit and no business would keep a program that does not work no business should hire illegal immigrants all businesses maintain control of all programs | |
34652 | Bjorn Baldvinsson | I am liberal and realistic and i have not heard anyone speak the truth like Ron. I thought i would NEVER vote for a republican but i would vote for Ron. Go RON |
34653 | Name not displayed | ||
34654 | Name not displayed | We want Ron, not Enron! | |
34655 | Grant Kenworthy | ||
34656 | Matthew Joyner | Please Ron. Please. | |
34657 | ROBERT GRIFFITH | There is no one better qualified to lead us in the defense of our Republic and its Constitution! |
34658 | Name not displayed | The country needs Ron Paul, not the other way around. | |
34659 | Name not displayed | ||
34660 | Bruce Grove | I believe in what you stand for… There are others that will also when we get the message out… Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. ~Thomas Jefferson |
34661 | Name not displayed | ||
34662 | Mary Bratcher | Run Ron, Run! | |
34663 | Name not displayed | America’s future needs you Dr. Paul. | |
34664 | Blake Roehl | As a Constitutionalist…..This is a must. It is treason if you don’t….the American people need this. | |
34665 | Name not displayed | Its this or the fall of our great nation. | |
34666 | Matt | ||
34667 | Neil Maglaya | We need a real civil servant and leader more than ever! | |
34668 | shannon fowler | ||
34669 | Name not displayed | We need someone who will stand for the republic and get America back on track!! We need Ron Paul!! |
34670 | Henry Chelune Jr | as a OEF Vet and a concerned citizen please run for President 2012! | |
34671 | Wayne Schonmeier | Finally! Someone like you. | |
34672 | chris boldt | ||
34673 | Nigel Sharp | Keep up the good fight, America needs you for 2012! | |
34674 | Carrie Sue Clarke | ||
34675 | Anita Sullivan | Honorable Congressman Ron Paul, Your years of Dedication to the American People clearly demonstrates your Leadership Abilities. You have not compromised the best interest of the American People in your years of service, and for this; I am truly grateful to you. I believe you can lead our Nation back to a Free and Prosperous Society once again. Your sound principles for a Smaller Government (with less spending), Lower Taxes, Economic Job growth, Secure Borders, Preserving Peoples Rights, and restoring our once great Nation to what it was; is more than enough reason to vote for you as President in 2012. I want to thank you for your Courage and Persistence, in the face of insurmountable odds; while you continue to fight for the American people, and what is in the best interest of the People and the Nation. America needs a Presidential leader like you in 2012! You have my vote! Respectfully, Anita Sullivan |
34676 | Name not displayed | ||
34677 | Sam Chick | The most sensible man in politics today. | |
34678 | Richard McDaniel | I regret not voting for you in 2008! Please give me a chance to fix my mistake! | |
34679 | Name not displayed | There are few men in politics with integrity, Ron Paul is one of them. | |
34680 | Steven Prindle | God bless you on your journey and with our trust. | |
34681 | Blake | We are born brother of thee other america! Please help save this country with your wisdom! Thank you! |
34682 | Michael McCray | Regardless of whether Mr. Paul formally runs, I’m voting for him. I’m tired of more of the same! Let’s restore our Constitutional Republic! | |
34683 | John Ryder | America needs an American . Please run again | |
34684 | Nicolas Muyres | ||
34685 | Daniel Evans | POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!! RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!! | |
34686 | Name not displayed | ||
34687 | Aaron Champion | ||
34688 | Scarlett Norris | ||
34689 | Brandon Cantarella | Ron Paul Jesse Ventura 2012!! | |
34690 | wiley | ||
34691 | Marc Negrin | ||
34692 | Eric Chambers | Please Mr.Paul, we need a man of your stature to run this Country. Also please take Gov.Ventura’s statement seriously and please remove yourself from these snakes. You two would be the best together! | |
34693 | Jonathan Holmgren | ||
34694 | Suzanne Costa | Ron Paul is the most honest candidate with a unique grassroots movement. He deserves to be on every news media channel for every presidential debate to come for 2012. | |
34695 | Name not displayed | ||
34696 | Daniel | RON PAUL 2012! Legalize! | |
34697 | Logan McCulloch | I have not volunteered for a federal election in years. I would volunteer for your campaign. The idea that was once America must be resurrected and only an honest man can lead. | |
34698 | Rich Smotzer | ||
34699 | Ramon Nunez III | We need you, Dr. Paul! | |
34700 | Name not displayed | America is counting on you to run. You have my full support. | |
34701 | Leigh Harvey | ||
34702 | WAYNE | ||
34703 | Name not displayed | Our country needs you!! | |
34704 | Kyle joyner | ||
34705 | Parth Desai | ||
34706 | Ryan Petrocco | Go Ron Paul for 2012!! | |
34707 | Name not displayed | ||
34708 | Keny franquero | Ron, please run for president! We need someone who actually cares about America and will expose the people who are turning this in to a communist country! | |
34709 | Malia Thain | We want to help Ron Paul get elected. We are very serious about helping. What can we do??? | |
34710 | Eric | Honest money, now!! | |
34711 | SSgt Leonard Kelley | America needs you Dr Paul. Your voice and message needs to be heard. | |
34712 | AJ Bhandary | Good luck to you sir | |
34713 | Steven Jordan | Run Ron run, see Ron Run! | |
34714 | Kelly Sans | ||
34715 | Name not displayed | ||
34716 | Jerry mclallen | Time to give America back to Americans | |
34717 | Name not displayed | ||
34718 | frank sisco | we need an honest leader that we’ll work for the people of the US | |
34719 | Eric Summers | ||
34720 | Chad Porterfield | Thank you for being a true patriot. | |
34721 | Jerry Strausburg | ||
34722 | Holley Davis | ||
34723 | Noah Hermann | You one of the only hopes. | |
34724 | Christopher Cyr | I believed in you in 2008 and with all that has happened since, I only believe in you more. We WILL do it this time! | |
34725 | Jim Smith | ||
34726 | Olena Chard | ||
34727 | Sara Griffin | ||
34728 | Brandon Griffin | ||
34729 | Timothy Hackworth | ||
34730 | Ryan Ray Lemieur | Not only do we need Dr. Paul, we need people to organize and implement The Revolution!!! | |
34731 | Evan Black | ||
34732 | Gus Cantavero Jr. | Run Ron Run! | |
34733 | Brian Good | I am an American Buddhist who looks up to two very noble and truly humble men in the public eye, the Dalai Lama and Ron Paul. | |
34734 | Shaun Hileski | ||
34735 | Aron Mares | I have just turned 18 and really believe in you. If you run for president for 2012 i will vote for you. and im not one to get out and vote but i like the way you think | |
34736 | john mckillip | My God give you the conviction to fight for our country. God bless you Dr Paul. | |
34737 | Aron | ||
34738 | robert | ||
34739 | Christopher Dewulf | ||
34740 | Chrissy Murphy | PLEASE run in 2012!! We NEED YOU!!!! | |
34741 | raymond williams | go Ron go! | |
34742 | Neggro Dumass | ||
34743 | Ray Mazzeo | Time to turn We the Corporation BACK INTO "We the People" |
34744 | Tracy | Ron Paul 2012 !! | |
34745 | David Wegley | I saw your video supporting Don’t ask, Don’t Tell. You are an UNamerican Bigot. I support FRPUTA (Fuck Ron Paul Up The Ass) like the little bitch nigger he is. | |
34746 | Brent King | Run the race Ron! Our country needs a real leader… | |
34747 | Drew | America needs change! | |
34748 | Coreen Baumann | ||
34749 | Nicholas Militarescu | ||
34750 | Brandon B. | ||
34751 | Name not displayed | ||
34752 | Name not displayed | ||
34753 | Keri-Anne Slate | "By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don’t mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing." -Ron Paul | |
34754 | James Garrett | ||
34755 | Emmanuel Ruvalcaba | ||
34756 | Katie Parker | ||
34757 | Ross Kaplowitz | Ron Paul will be the greatest president since FDR. He knows what must be done to increase the quality of living for everyone and to get this country out of debt and out of the people’s wallets. | |
34758 | Richard Scogin | ||
34759 | Kayla Leong | I’m hoping to see you do good. | |
34760 | Adam Lauramore | ||
34761 | Zachary Clark | Thank you you for all you have done! | |
34762 | Paul Stone | I am only of 15 so I don’t know if I qualify because of my age. Though I am in school politics in the form of Secretary and actually am an intern for a Democratic State Politician, I love politics and if I could vote as an Independent I would vote Ron Paul! | |
34763 | Alan Baumann | ||
34764 | Jesse Wisdom | ||
34765 | Name not displayed | Serenity now! | |
34766 | Christopher Renfro | ||
34767 | Michael Morey | ||
34768 | Name not displayed | ||
34769 | Name not displayed | ||
34770 | Brian Hoskinson | ||
34771 | Jan Driessen | ||
34772 | Name not displayed | ||
34773 | dave robbins | Ron Paul Jessie Ventura 2012 independent ticket | |
34774 | Chad Bassett | Please run in 2012, america needs you ron paul. | |
34775 | Alan Hilton | He is the only politician that I know of that has written a book about something meaningful, not an autobiographist. He fully understands the current plight of true liberty and has ideas on how to secure liberty for future generations. If he runs, he has my vote! | |
34776 | vafa faez | free education from government control. | |
34777 | Jean-Daniel Roussel | ||
34778 | Rebecca Spivey | II love what this letter says at the very end. America needs you, and we, your supporters, pledge that we’ll assist you in every way we can. Paul/ Ventura 2012! |
34779 | john | we need you Mr. paul | |
34780 | Name not displayed | America needs you! | |
34781 | Joseph | Ron Paul is the only candidate who’s first priority is the American people and not winning the election. | |
34782 | Name not displayed | Please help us all. | |
34783 | Name not displayed | ||
34784 | Anthony Appel | we can only hope | |
34785 | Mark Montellano | ||
34786 | rodney short | This country needs you Ron Paul,we need you like a fish needs water… | |
34787 | leah | END THE FED!!! GO RON PAUL!!! | |
34788 | josh mcbride | You have to go for it! You are our last hope!! | |
34789 | Kyle Sechrest | ||
34790 | Daniel | ||
34791 | Name not displayed | Run, Paul, run! | |
34792 | durell | Please | |
34793 | Mike Veschi | We need Ron Paul in the Debate,, this is a travesty of freedom and rights if he is not allowed | |
34794 | Denis Loginowski | For the first time in my life, I would put a bumper sticker on my car… | |
34795 | Ray Anderson | Go Ron | |
34796 | Nick Tokarz | ||
34797 | Anselmo Grillo | Ron Paul 100% has my vote in 2012. I am doing my best to spread the word. |
34798 | Denny Colt | Together We Can Win !!! | |
34799 | Ms. LaNell Babbage-Torres | Please come to the Freedom Jambree in Kansas City, Ks. Sept.28-Oct.2 . We need you there, help us SAVE America! | |
34800 | Rafael Rodriguez | You have earned my trust | |
34801 | Name not displayed | PLEASE HELP US RON PAUL BEFORE THINGS GET WORSE | |
34802 | Mark Prentice | ||
34803 | Alex Newman | ||
34804 | Alex Newman | ||
34805 | Tony | Be the solution! Ron Paul revolution! |
34806 | Jesse bittle | ||
34807 | Cyndie Kalina | ||
34808 | David R Gevorkian | Please help us! We really need someone like you! | |
34809 | John S. Burke | ||
34810 | Andrew Peat | Ron Paul please run, we need you…we have been long due for a REAL president. you have my vote, my family, and i promise to spread the word. | |
34811 | Cric Catalyst | ||
34812 | Name not displayed | You are a true patriot and we need you to take our country back | |
34813 | Name not displayed | Might be wise of Ron to mentor a young protege with some charisma damnit - cause he’s gettin old and he just doesn’t have it - and thats the reason people seem to vote one way or another. & No… Rand Paul does not have much in the charisma dept so that is not a solution. Love Ron Paul…peace | |
34814 | Name not displayed | ||
34815 | john Francis Kramer V | ||
34816 | Cody Armstrong | Please run! The country needs your logic and stability! | |
34817 | luis Carreon | All these lies have blinded people from the only truth, people have been deceived into believing a lie, lets take a look behind the scenes and understand how hey are using fear to get obedience from the civilians. Now I comprehend why things are the way they are and why the people of America have not elected correctly, it is because of the bought out media that is polarizing each individual and this polar side is the side of self-destruction and self-imprisonment. The violation of The Constitution brings chills to my spine and is eating away on the image of humanity. Ron Paul with his wisdom and truth has shaken off the blindness and fear mentality. I see were i was blind and ignorant but it is a mistake to correct and avoid an error. lets educate and share the knowledge. Lets hear the words of wisdom and truth of Ron Paul for the next election in 2012 ! | |
34818 | Matthew Holeman | Run Paul dont ever quit | |
34819 | Name not displayed | ||
34820 | Michelle Matthews | Please RUN! | |
34821 | Donovan Smith | Bring honor back to our country’s leadership! Run! | |
34822 | Adam Sparano | PLEASE RUN I’M YOUR BIGGEST SUPPORTER!!! … we have no other chance at freedom!! | |
34823 | Name not displayed | PLEASE PLEASE RUN FOR PRESIDENT RON PAUL 2012 |
34824 | Joshua Levy | ||
34825 | Abe Sakalov | ||
34826 | Steve Thompson | power corrupts. Stay true Ron | |
34827 | Name not displayed | ||
34828 | Christopher Lee | ||
34829 | Bart Walters | Ron Paul, America needs your leadership | |
34830 | Brenda Kelly | My hubby & I voted for you last time & will do it again! | |
34831 | joe lafrance | ||
34832 | Rajpurohit Vinay | ||
34833 | Eric Lodge | ||
34834 | Susan Fish | ||
34835 | Mollie Kirwin | We need a REAL AMERICAN THAT LOVES AMERICA.. | |
34836 | Brett A. Tiedeken | We need you now more than ever before. God help us. |
34837 | bryan fay | I really hope you become president; I would be flabbergasted. | |
34838 | Michael Wray | Not much time left. | |
34839 | bryan fay | I really hope you become president; I would be flabbergasted. | |
34840 | kms | please, please, please, stay strong on course, and show your knowledge and strength, and you will win and turn our great country around. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being wise and strong | |
34841 | ursula curtiss | ||
34842 | Name not displayed | Obama, you need to leave. Noone wants you here. | |
34843 | Josh Ramirez | Please, beat the Bankers that are holding this country hostage! | |
34844 | Zachary Danielson | Do it for the People… | |
34845 | Robert Ehlinger | if i’m to suffer in the future for previous admin’s agenda’s then at least i can put a thorn in it’s side with you as president to hell with shady over spending gov’nt i support you 200% | |
34846 | Gerard | I’m a Canadian and I want Ron Paul for the U.S. President… If the U.S. pulls out of these wars Canada will follow. | |
34847 | Name not displayed | ||
34848 | Andrew Day | ||
34849 | Shane Holden | ||
34850 | Christian Hall | ||
34851 | Chase Holden | ||
34852 | Name not displayed | Ron Paul would save the people of the world. | |
34853 | Name not displayed | ||
34854 | Name not displayed | Give ‘em hell, Ron. | |
34855 | Buren | Please drop the republican party and run as an independent! | |
34856 | Dave Anderson | ||
34857 | Name not displayed | i think you should run because even if you don’t win you will do good by helping to frame the argument in an honest manner. as a lifelong liberal, even I would vote for you. it’s a funny thing about libertarians, when people are sick enough of all the lies, both social/environmentally focused liberals like myself and religiously retractive neoconservatives will both turn to libertarians for their honesty. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. | |
34858 | Tina Kelley | ||
34859 | Janet Mckee | Please bring some sanity to this country. We need you. | |
34860 | Vito Montana | ||
34861 | Joe Prewitt | Go for it!! | |
34862 | Thomas O’Brien | ||
34863 | Michael ostrander | ||
34864 | Name not displayed | ||
34865 | Brent Hollars | Ron Paul is our last hope . | |
34866 | Jim Kallenberger | Your tenacity, courage and integrity inspire me. | |
34867 | Name not displayed | Please Run Ron. | |
34868 | Parker Joyner | ||
34869 | mary legnetti | ||
34870 | Name not displayed | Please Run | |
34871 | Reane P | It’s time! NESARA NOW irreguardless if it was passed or not! | |
34872 | Name not displayed | ||
34873 | Linda Deaver | Please be my voice for our country! God Bless | |
34874 | Ron Seiter | I hate politics. | |
34875 | Brandon | ||
34876 | Name not displayed | ||
34877 | Cassie Carlon | ||
34878 | Name not displayed | Dr. Paul we need your voice and wisdom to bring the country back to the people. It would an honor to call you Mr. President. | |
34879 | Michael Paul Rodriguez | Out of anybody who even has a slight chance to help put this country back on the right track the founders originally intended for us, my opinion, Ron Paul is the best choice in waking up the American people to fight against this corporatist beast that resides within key elements of the infrastructure of our government. This military industrial complex, of which it’s heart resides within the Federal Reserve must be taken out before it’s too late. Dr. Paul… have my full support in taking this beast, that has ravaged our country for far too long, down. | |
34880 | Brian Shade | ||
34881 | Vickie Lynn Alfonso-Gutierrez | America & the World need You!! | |
34882 | Michael McQueen | If even you don’t win, you must run. | |
34883 | Ryan Donovan | Ron Paul, please take heed to knowing that I’d much rather have you to guide us through an economic depression / the upcoming crisis rather than Obama. We need you to restore liberties to American democracy. | |
34884 | Caleb Cochran | ||
34885 | Name not displayed | At the very least Americans need to hear your voice. Paul for 2012 | |
34886 | GARY GAGNON | ||
34887 | Name not displayed | Run Ron Run! | |
34888 | Armando Myers | Ron Paul 2012!!! | |
34889 | Thomas L Floyd | Your courage to stand up against poor judgment regardless of party affiliation is critical. | |
34890 | Nicholas Vaughan | It will not happen today or tomorrow but I worry for my grandchildren. I want them to see national parks and enjoy their back yard if they desire- run for 2012 and we will help you stop the NWO and the stripping of our constitution and country. | |
34891 | Anthony J Sclafani | ||
34892 | matt bardelli | ||
34893 | Stephan B | Greetings from Germany. | |
34894 | Name not displayed | ||
34895 | Jake Lucas | "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." — John Hay, 1872 People are blind and we need someone who can open their eyes. You are the only candidate who stands for true freedom any longer. We need you. |
34896 | Eugene R.Edwards | Bring Our troops Home,Clean up The Federal Reserve Mess.Fair trade Deals | |
34897 | Roger Hess | ||
34898 | Lucas Cuny | I think you may be the only one to understand the words of John Adams, "to be a nation of laws, not of men." | |
34899 | Name not displayed | ||
34900 | Justin Jesselli | ||
34901 | Richard Leston Jr | 2012 is the 1776 of our time. | |
34902 | Daniel Labunski | Please! | |
34903 | Name not displayed | ||
34904 | Diana Anderson | ||
34905 | Name not displayed | ||
34906 | Billy Nanez | We need Ron Paul in 2012! | |
34907 | Nathan BenAmoz | last chance is here, hopefully not too late in the game, but if we are to have any chance at all to fix this corruption i hope that you will find a way to help this nation | |
34908 | Parker Hayes | ||
34909 | Ameen | ||
34910 | Kellen Browning | ||
34911 | Leif MacDonald | Listen to Alex Mr. Paul you Have to run we need You. | |
34912 | Brian Elmore | Even though you don’t know who I am, I need you. This country needs you. | |
34913 | Joseph Dobbins | I supported Ron Paul in 2008 and attended (and video taped) rallies. I hope that he runs in the 2012 election and has Mr. Ventura as his running mate. | |
34914 | Markelle Harden | As soon as I hear you are running, I am interested in helping you earn the primary nomination, I will volunteer for your headquarters in the Charlotte, NC area. | |
34915 | Daryl | ||
34916 | Jeremy Mix | Truth Wins. | |
34917 | Ali Minaian | You have our backs! Lets end this fucking one world government once and for all!! | |
34918 | Stefan Papp | you must save america from itself. without you taking drastic measures USA will eventually fall | |
34919 | Name not displayed | We can tell you love THIS country. | |
34920 | James | ||
34921 | bruce williams | ||
34922 | Name not displayed | North America Needs You Now More Than Ever. | |
34923 | Christina Lopez | ||
34924 | Coby Robinson | ||
34925 | Andy Ferenchak | Run Dr. Paul. Us soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines need a real American to help us turn this country around. | |
34926 | Jennifer Holden | ||
34927 | Name not displayed | ||
34928 | Name not displayed | ||
34929 | Robert Nixon | Dr. Paul, I realize your chance of election is small, considering the media bias. But please at least declare your intent to run because any chance is better than none. Your running means something to the young men and women in this country who have two brain cells to rub together along with many other. You are the best chance I have to a life of prosperity and joy besides myself. |
34930 | Jack Redinger | We need a true "Statesman" to be elected as the President of the United States. Our country appears to be in a "death spiral" similar to that of the Roman Empire. Our government has become too corrupted by special interests and self serving politicians. | |
34931 | John Giordano | GO RON | |
34932 | Michael Biancardi | We need a voice for true freedom in the Whitehouse. Ron Paul 2012 | |
34933 | Christopher A. Parker | ||
34934 | Michael | Ron, I’m a simple Economics and Computer Engineering student from Georgia Tech. Let’s take back the government in support of business, innovation, fiscal responsibility, and above all, liberty. | |
34935 | Barry | Run! | |
34936 | Steven Strom | ||
34937 | Kelsey MacDougall | ||
34938 | Evan Massey | ||
34939 | Cameron Peterson | Let’s win America back and return to the Constitution! | |
34940 | Name not displayed | Dr. Paul, America needs wisdom and guidance. Who better than you to show the way. | |
34941 | Sam Koch | ||
34942 | Brian Lackey | ||
34943 | Jeff Glessner | BALANCE OUR BUDGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
34944 | John Hutchins | ||
34945 | Mixhael Comerford | RUNNNNN save america. | |
34946 | Name not displayed | ||
34947 | 06MZmalvina | amateur blow jobs videos your amateur porn | |
34948 | Bradley Davis | I only did this cause Steven Strom did | |
34949 | Name not displayed | Please run 2012!! What’s wrong with Americans why can’t they listen to Ron Paul and realize that almost every one in this government is a knucklehead. You are a Rock Star! | |
34950 | Elizabeth Kim | America needs you, Ron Paul! PLEASE run! You’ll win! | |
34951 | David Spain | You are the only candidate that can wake the sleeping giant (responsible, hard working Americans. Thanks! | |
34952 | TAYLOR PETERSON | He is our only hope. People constantly attack him and try to put "crazy" words in his mouth. Giuliani tried to get him to say America was asking for 911 to happen. He speaks so much truth, and it scares those that have something to hide… | |
34953 | Joshua Dalton | You are doing a really good job in congress. I also believe the fed. reserve needs to be abolished. It it at least needs to be audited. We need to keep our bill of rights, our declaration of indepenance, and we need to uphold the constitution of the United States of America. I believe there are those in the white house that have interest in there own personal gain and not the interest of the people, or the saverienty | |
34954 | John Powers | You are the beam of lucidity in the infinite pandemonium which is the state of our current political system. | |
34955 | Petey Trolley | Help us end the nonsense. rEVOLution!! | |
34956 | Robert Bass | Please run | |
34957 | Robert Bass | Please run | |
34958 | Name not displayed | USA needs help! | |
34959 | john clayton | We need ron not these yes men like romney! | |
34960 | Chris Trentham | I would love it if you ran and I will vote for you, but I would understand if you choose not to. | |
34961 | Lucas Ewing | RON PAUL 2012 | |
34962 | David Walsh | I believe in you, and I believe you’re going to make history | |
34963 | Jordan Miles | ||
34964 | robert buhl | ||
34965 | Ben Phillips | ||
34966 | Bilal Sherif | " im 24, and i cant remember when a dollar was a dollar" | |
34967 | Joe oliver | Please run I’m a father fighting the socialist children and youth regime who only let me see my children 1 hour a week without just cause. You are a step in the right direction | |
34968 | Mark Frabl | ||
34969 | jon keen | PLEASE RUN! | |
34970 | Joseph | Ron Paul is the most practical and intelligent possible candidate for president since Ronald Reagan. | |
34971 | daniel summers | ||
34972 | Kevin Farmer | ||
34973 | Name not displayed | Down with the money changers!!!! | |
34974 | joy graham | ||
34975 | Theora Cozart | PLEASE….. | |
34976 | Name not displayed | ||
34977 | Name not displayed | ||
34978 | Antonio Quinones | ||
34979 | Name not displayed | ||
34980 | Dr. Valentina Kiselev | Not only my whole family supports you, but we would like to explore what can be done in an immigrant communities to support you. Please, run. | |
34981 | Name not displayed | ||
34982 | John Butler | Paul 2012 | |
34983 | James Dolan | We have no right to ask you for anything more, but we hope you’ll say "Yes" in your typically humble and understated manner! | |
34984 | michael bergbauer | I am from vienna austria, you are one of the greates ‘sons’ auf the austrian school | |
34985 | Jen Kemling | ||
34986 | charles s. lang | ||
34987 | Name not displayed | ||
34988 | Chase | Ron Paul understands that printing the difference is a dangerous road, a simple concept most politicians refuse to accept. | |
34989 | Name not displayed | ||
34990 | Name not displayed | no parties…We The People NOT We The Corporations! | |
34991 | Rick Garvia | ||
34992 | Jason Yu | ||
34993 | Name not displayed | ||
34994 | Name not displayed | American needs Ron Paul as an option in 2012 more than it has needed anyone since the founding fathers. | |
34995 | Hayley | ||
34996 | Jacob Cox | PLEASE Dr. Paul RUN!!!!!!! I’ll turn 18 in 2012, and you have my vote. Maybe Rand could be your VP? |
34997 | Christopher Marriott | ||
34998 | Matt Jhones | I am ready to empy all my bank accounts. I am prepared to do whatever it takes. I want my country back! I just hope its not too late | |
34999 | Name not displayed | ||
35000 | Todd Crews | Ron Paul 2012! |
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Ron Paul has my vote in 2012..Champion for The Constitution! Real Help For America! Peace, Prosperity,Peace..Amen!